deerfield academy endowment

LEWIS FUNDEstablished in 1980 by Salim Lewis, parent of Jeremy 87 and Oliver 90, the fund supports students with special physical or emotional needs. EDWIN T. MEREDITH III 50 CHAIREstablished in 2000 by Edwin T. Ted Meredith 50, the fund supports a young faculty member. BICENTENNIAL FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 1998 with gifts given to honor the Academys bicentennial celebration. SHERMAN N. SHUMWAY FUNDEstablished in 1953 by Mr. and Mrs. Sherman N. Shumway, parents of Forrest 45, Douglas 49, and John Shumway 53. THOMAS G. BROWN JR. 42 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Thomas G. Brown Jr. 42. ), which provides an on-campus summer enrichment program for underserved junior high school students. FREDERICK C. PEW SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1981 with a bequest from Frederick C. Pew 23. LOENING GRANT FUNDEstablished in 2006 by George S. Loening 84, this fund supplements the financial aid award for middle-income families. It specifically supports students from middle income families so that they may engage in the full Deerfield experience of scholarship, sportsmanship and community service. J. ERIC FLIPPIN SWEET SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from George Elliott Sweet, father of J.Jay Eric Flippin Sweet 61, the fund supports students from California or Oklahoma. BARTLETT WETHERBEE BOYDEN ENGLISH PRIZEEstablished in 1988 in memory of Bartlett W. Boyden, English faculty 1928-1965. CLASS OF 1948 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1998 with gifts in memory of deceased classmates at the time of their 50th reunion. DUDLEY WELLS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1989 with a bequest from Dudley B. YANGTSE FOUNDATION FUNDThis endowed fund was established in 2016 through the generosity of the YangTse Foundation to provide financial assistance to students for educational, travel, medical, activity, living and other expenses supplemental to the aid received for tuition and fees so that they may fully participate in the Deerfield experience. DENUNZIO FUND FOR ATHLETICSThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Ralph D. DeNunzio P74,77,80 G11,12,14 and will support Deerfields athletic programs. In order to keep tuition affordable and the quality of a Deerfield education at its highest, the Academy depends upon the continuing support of alumni and their families. Deerfield Academy. MARK 30 AND DONALD M. 25 HYMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 with a bequest from Donald 25, and increased by his brother, Mark 30. LUCY McCARTHY CALDWELL FUNDEstablished in 1980 with a bequest from Lucy McCarthy Caldwell, stepmother of Charles W. Caldwell III 62. FRANKLIN FISKE 30 FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Franklin H. Fiske 30, the fund supports faculty salaries. G. RICHARD & JOAN MILLER MCKELVEY COUNSELING AND HUMAN SERVICES FUNDEstablished in 2002 by the children, family and friends of Dick and Joan McKelvey, parents of Kathleen McK. JOHN G. LONG 29 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2005 by John G. Gill Long Jr. 56 in memory of his father and to commemorate his own 50th anniversary of graduation. JERRY DALY 72 GOLF AWARDEstablished in 2002 by family, friends and classmates in memory of Jeremiah M. Daly 72, father of Jeremiah II 00 and Benjamin 03 and brother of Edmund 63. DEERFIELD WRITING AND JOURNALISM FUNDEstablished in 1992, the fund provides opportunities for students in the areas of writing and journalism. CLASS OF 2010 ENDOWED FUND FOR YOUNG FACULTYEstablished in 2010 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 2010, the fund supports the hire of a young teaching faculty with limited teaching experience and can also provide for professional development or related expenses. RICHARD ELY MORSE 26 FUNDEstablished in 1992 by Richard E. Morse 26, this fund supports students who are proficient in music, art or literature. MARK C. WHEELER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Mary W. Giamatti and Mark C. Wheeler 32. JOSEPH J. MORSMAN, III 55 ATHLETIC FUNDEstablished in 2013, this fund will provide equal support to the athletic program and for incidental or emergency expenses related to athletics for students receiving financial aid, with preference given to Jays teams: JV Soccer, JV Hockey and Varsity Tennis. BLAKE FAMILY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Jonathan D. 56, David H. Sr. 57, and Peter W. Blake 60 in honor of their parents, Edgar and Haven Blake, the fund supports faculty summer projects. THEODORE H. AND WILLIAM WOOD BOOTH 28 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1954 by Mrs. Charles Booth in memory of her stepson, William 28. Endowment: $532 million Acceptance rate: 17% Enrollment: 638 Deerfield Academy provides 35% of its student body with $8 million in financial aid annually. ROBERT N. CLARK III MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1977 by family and friends of Robert Nesbitt Clark III 77. DAVID NALEN 77 FUND AND CLASS OF 1983 TEAM AWARDEstablished in 2000 by family and friends in memory of David A. Nalen 77, teacher and coach 1981-1983, the fund supports professional development related to coaching responsibilities and provides an annual award for members of the track team. ADELINE E. HICKS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Adeline Hicks, a friend of Deerfield. WILLIAM R. KENAN JR. FUNDEstablished in 1976 with a grant from the William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust, the fund supports professional development and teaching initiatives. DOWNES FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Robert and Mary Ann Downes P16,18, this endowed fund supports faculty professional development programs, with a preference for those that include travel. HELEN CHILDS BOYDEN DISTINGUISHED CHAIR IN TEACHINGEstablished in 1961 by Mrs. Gordon W. Reed, parent of Thomas 51 and grandparent of Andrew 86, in honor of Mrs. Boyden. ALLAN A. CAMPBELL 40 FUNDEstablished in 1986 with a bequest from Allan A. Campbell 40, and memorial gifts from family and friends. FRIEDMAN FUNDEstablished in 1984 by Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Friedman, parents of Mitchell 70 and Frederick 75, and grandparents of Jack Chester 93, and Nicholas 04 and Alexander Hammerschlag 04. The funds purpose was amended in 2021 to integrate global awareness and international experiences into faculty professional development. CHARLES E. MERRILL JR. 38 FUNDEstablished in 1951 by Charles E. Merrill, parent of Charles Jr. 38. CLASS OF 1956 FUND FOR GLOBAL UNDERSTANDINGEstablished in 2006 by the Class of 1956 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, this fund supports programs for students and faculty including aid for study abroad, international travel and community service projects, and guest speakers and symposiums. CLASS OF 1991 ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1991 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 1991, the fund supports faculty salaries. Be sure to read the latest issue of From Albany Roadin your emails in-box for current news of what is happening on campus. BOYDEN SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 1980 with a grant from the Allegheny Foundation to honor Frank L. and Helen C. Boyden. The faculty and staff at Eaglebrook are committed to teaching middle school boys the skills they will need for the rest of their lives. JOHN A. CORRY LECTURESHIP IN HISTORYEstablished in 1999 by John A. Corry 49 for guest speakers in the history department. THOMAS WILLIAM JAFFE FUNDEstablished in 1967 by Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jaffe, parents of Thomas 67. ROSANE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 with a bequest from Clarence Rosane, father of Robert E. 43 and Richard C. 47. HAIGNEY FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2012 through the generosity of Paul J.S. FRANCIS A. HARRINGTON 28P SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 by the Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington Foundation. JACK MEYERS FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Christina and Warren Meyers 78 celebrating the spirit of their son Jack, the fund provides support to deaf or hearing-impaired students, or with other physical impairments. PEIERLS FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1996 with a bequest from Ethel F. Peierls, mother of E. Jeffrey 59 and Brian Peierls 65. ALAN G. HASSENFELD SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1987 by Alan G. Hassenfeld 66. WAIT FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2015 through the generosity of the Wait Family, this endowed fund will support student life activities with a preference for current needs of the boys lacrosse program and, secondarily, student counseling services. WEAN FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Gordon B. Wean 71 and the Raymond John Wean Foundation, the fund supports middle-income scholarships. HARCOURT AND LYONS ENDOWMENT FUNDThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Amy Sodha Harsch 97 and Lynnette Sodha P97 to honor Amys teachers Andy Harcourt and Claudia Lyons, and will be used for faculty support for teachers of French or Science. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998, this fund provides financial aid support with preference given to students from the Rocky Mountain states. Investment Committee Manages $630 Million Endowment. UPDIKE FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 1990 in memory of Henry T. Heald II 52, step-brother of Charles Updike 57. For more on stewardship and establishing an endowed fund,see information on capital giving. DR. GERHARD DESSAUER AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE STUDY OF PHYSICS OR THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESEstablished in 2002 by Peter F. Dessauer 67 in honor of his father, Dr. Gerhard Dessauer, nuclear physicist and pioneer in nuclear energy, this award recognizes students who achieve outstanding study in the fields of physical sciences. STUDENT CRITICAL NEEDS FUNDEstablished in 2013, this fund will help cover day to day expenses and needs of students receiving financial aid that are beyond the formal and supplemental financial aid packages provided by Deerfield. HAMMERSCHLAG FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Mark and Lynne Hammerschlag P93,04,04, this endowed fund provides support for faculty salaries. CLASS OF 1958 ENDOWED FUNDEstablished in 2008 by the Class of 1958 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, the fund honors the contributions to Deerfield of classmate David H. Koch and supports teaching and learning in the fields of science, mathematics, and technology. Phone: (888) 865-7775 Fax: (561) 886-6433. JAMES P. SOPER JR. PRIZE AND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1996 by James P. Soper III 40 in memory of his father, James Jr., this fund has two components: a prize given to a graduating senior and a financial aid award. BEWKES FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2012 through the generosity of Jeffrey L. Bewkes 70, this endowed fund will be used to support the Preparation Gap Program for students who need assistance at the start of their academic careers. COX RESIDENT FACULTY SUPPORT FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Ms. Jean Cox and Mr. Archibald Cox Jr., parents of Christopher Leventis Cox 87, the fund supports resident faculty and their summer work, speakers and other programs that strengthen the Academys residential life. GUO FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Patrick Guo and Karen Ying P17, in honor of their son Alexander 17, this endowed fund will be used to provide assistance to students with demonstrated financial need in order to ensure that they may benefit from the richness of a Deerfield education and contribute to the Deerfield community. WHITNEY FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 1987 with a bequest from Elsa Whitney, mother of Phil Whitney 48, and increased by gifts and a bequest from him, this fund honors the memory of Phil, his mother and his wife Peg. HARDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1985 by Robert Hardman Jr. 66, this fund assists minority students from Massachusetts or the northeastern United States. VIRGIL M. HOWARD SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 1956 with a bequest from Dr. William Howard, in memory of his father, Virgil, a former principal of the Academy. THE LANE FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Tara Lane Germino 95 and Michael W. Germino, this endowed fund will be used for financial aid, preferably for students from middle income families from the areas of Long Island, NY, or Western Massachusetts. DEERFIELD ACADEMY CRITICAL NEEDS FUNDEstablished in 2000 by an anonymous donor, the fund is used on an unrestricted basis at the discretion of the school for critical or immediate needs. READERS DIGEST SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1972 by The DeWitt Wallace Fund. Phillips Academy Andover Endowment Range: $25M $1,134M Avg. Endowment size: $137.3 million Percent Faculty with Advanced Degrees: 83% Percent on Financial Aid: 29% Average Financial Aid Grant: $44,620 (from $41,400) 11. W. CREIGHTON BROWN FUNDEstablished in 1984 by W. Creighton Brown 33. BOYLE, BRUSH, and MEDLICOTT ENDOWMENT FUNDThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Gustave K. Lipman 89 to honor his teachers Larry Boyle, Peter Brush, and Joe Medlicott, and will be used for faculty support for teachers of English, History, Latin or Greek, with a preference for courses in Western Civilization. ALTSCHUL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 by the Board of Trustees to honor Arthur G. Altschul 39 P76. MARY AND ROBERT MERRIAM 43 DISTINGUISHED CHAIR IN AMERICAN STUDIESEstablished in 1998 by alumni and friends to honor Mary and Robert Merriam, Deerfield faculty 1948-1970. The donor encourages additional gifts from alumni and parents who share in the wish to provide for such needs. [9] The Academy grants $10.8 million per year to 36% of its students, meaning the average financial aid grant is $50,096 per year. MR. AND MRS. JAMES G. BROOKS 28 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by James and Helen Brooks. MARK AND NELSON ROCKEFELLER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Mark F. 85 and Nelson A. Rockefeller Jr. 82. Fees were around $37,000 for day students and $52,000 for boarders in 2012-2013. JAMES AND JOANNA SCHOFF FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Joanna and James Schoff Jr. 51, the fund supports students and faculty involved in one of our international programs. DOUGLAS S. PARKER MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1977 by family and friends of Douglas S. Parker 76, the fund provides unrestricted support of the Academy as well as a Douglas Parker Award given, when deemed appropriate, to an outstanding skier who also exhibits Dougs qualities of leadership. PASCIUCCO FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2013 through the generosity of Kelly and Gerard Pasciucco, and their sons Paul 10 and Charlie 13, this endowed fund will enhance student life in ways not otherwise funded by the school and will be administered by the Head of School. The Scroll encourages informed discussion of pertinent issues that concern the Academy and the world. Because only the income from the principal not the principal itself is spent, endowed funds provide money for Deerfield in perpetuity. There are currently 442 students enrolled at Mercersburg Academy. JIM SMITH TEACHING FELLOW CHAIREstablished in 2013 by an anonymous donor to commemorate the work of James S. Smith in educating generations of Deerfield students that success in life requires not only academic excellence but also focus, discipline, loyalty and strong moral character. ROBERT WARREN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Robert Palmer Warren 22. DAVID T. WORKMAN 50 FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMEstablished in 2000 by Peter I. CHARLES PIPER COST 83 MEMORIAL GRANT FUNDEstablished in 1986 by the family and friends of Charles Piper Cost 83, the fund supports a student doing summer volunteer work. DAVID P. AGNEW FUNDEstablished in 2000 with a gift from David P. Agnew 44 to support faculty salaries. Add to Compare. JOSEPH G. HERZBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1977 with a bequest from Joseph G. Herzberg, father of Paul B.66. CLASS OF 1954 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CHAIREstablished in 2004 by members of the Class of 1954 upon their 50th Reunion. As opposed to annual gifts, which cover yearly operating expenses, endowed funds provide long-term income to assist with all of Deerfields needs. HENRY N. FURNALD SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1959 by family and friends in memory of Henry N. Furnald Jr. 35. CLASS OF 1994 ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1994 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 1994, the fund supports faculty salaries. If you would seek his monument, look about you.. MURPHY SCHOOLMASTERS CHAIR IN LANGUAGEEstablished in 2000 by Thomas W. Murphy Jr. 37 in honor of his father, Thomas Sr., the Chair is part of The Murphy Educational Initiative. Deerfield Academy FREEDMAN FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Joan and Richard Rif Freedman 50, parents of Andrew 76, on the occasion of Rifs 50th Reunion, the fund supports activities, programs and special events that address issues of anti-Semitism and intolerance. ROSENWALD FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 by the Board of Trustees to honor a benefactor of the Academy. CANTYWOODHOUSE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2006 by Richard J. Canty and Hope B. Woodhouse, parents of Kate Canty 08, to support students of leadership promise who, through their initiative, have overcome adverse circumstances to attend Deerfield. DONALD SHELDON JR. FUNDEstablished in 1973 with a bequest from Mrs. Margaret Merrill Fish, aunt of Donald Sheldon Jr. JENNIE MARIA ARMS SHELDON FUNDEstablished in 1939 with a bequest from Mrs. Jennie Sheldon. PETER SCHLAM 62 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2005 with a bequest from Peter R. Schlam 62, this fund provides financial aid support with preference for students of the trumpet or other Deerfield musicians with need. HAYWARD H. SWEET SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from Hayward H. Sweet 28. JEANNIE AND HENRY BECTON JR. FUNDEstablished in 2011 by Jeannie and Henry Becton Jr. 61 on the occasion of Henrys 50th reunion, the fund supports professional development for Deerfield faculty. TEDMAN R. LITTWIN WRITERS FUNDEstablished in 2007 with gifts in memory of Tedman, beloved English faculty 1976-2006, friend and mentor, the fund supports an annual public reading and master classes by a visiting author. TEACHING CHAIREstablished in 1987 by The Hope Foundation in memory of Rupert C. Thompson Jr., parent of Peter C. 51 and David C. Thompson 53. FRANCIS M. GREENE FUNDEstablished in 1974 with a bequest from Colonel Francis M. Greene, parent of Francis Jr. 51. Miner, Class of 1915. CLARENCE D. KERR III SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from Clarence D. Skip Kerr III 53 and memorial gifts from family and friends, the fund supports a Postgraduate student. OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE FUNDEstablished in 2004 by Peter C. 51 and David C. Thompson 53, in memory of their father, the fund supports the outdoors skills program. ERNESTO AND EMILY BLOHM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1977 by Henrik 52 and Christoph Blohm 54 in memory of their parents, this fund supports financial aid needs for students from New England or Venezuela. DAVID PYNCHON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1988 in memory of David Pynchon, headmaster of Deerfield Academy 1968 1980. LYDIA BUHL MANN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Peter A. B.75 and Christian A. Melhado 74 in honor of their mother. CLASS OF 1961 REUNION FUND FOR SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2011 at the time of their 50th reunion. January 30, 2020. . Location: Deerfield, Mass.Founded: 1797Ivy/MIT/Stanford pipeline*: 23% (2009)Student/faculty ratio: 6:1Faculty holding advanced degrees: 42%Endowment: $306 millionNotable alumni: John McPhee . DUNNING FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 1998 by James Dunning 66 P01,04 and members of his family, this fund supports middle-income families with need. HALE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Karen and Robert Hale 84, P15,17,18, this fund provides financial aid support for deserving Deerfield students. JOHN GUNTHER JR. MEMORIAL SCIENCE BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1958 by Mrs. Frances Gunther, the fund supports the purchase of advanced science books. DEERFIELD CHAIRSEstablished in 1970 by an anonymous donor for the creation of three Deerfield Chairs: one in the Social Sciences and two in the Humanities. GRAHAM FORD SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1957 with a bequest from Graham Ford 49 and with gifts from his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Francis Ford. CLASS OF 1989 JUNIOR FACULTY TEACHING CHAIREstablished in 1989 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 1989. JAMES IRVINE SWINDEN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1992 by Mrs. Athalie R. Clarke in honor of her grandson James Irvine Swinden 72. This fund assists members of the freshman class from New England. We hold the right to edit for brevity. MILTON N. WEISMAN FUNDEstablished in 1994 by Samuel Weisman 65 in memory of his father Milton, the fund supports the instrumental music program. JOHN M. FLICKER 85 MEMORIAL FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2012, this fund will support financial aid needs and other educational expenses, with a preference for students who are the children of Deerfield Academy faculty and staff. 7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 306Deerfield, MA 01342, 7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 87, Deerfield, MA 01342. CLASS OF 2005 ALBANY ROAD FUNDEstablished in 2004 by non-alumni parents and friends of the Class of 2005, the fund supports junior members of the Deerfield faculty and intends to encourage, inspire, and invigorate gifted faculty at this point in their career. BRUCE BARTON FUNDEstablished in 1968 with a bequest from Bruce Barton, parent of Randall 33 and Bruce Jr. 39. RICHARD G. CARROTT 43 FUNDEstablished in 1990 by Richard G. Carrott 43 for the maintenance of Deerfield Academy buildings constructed before 1943. ESTHER E. AND JOHN C. LEGGAT SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by John E. 41, Thomas E. 43 and Richard D. Leggat 44 in gratitude to their parents. DR. CLARA M. GREENOUGH FUNDEstablished in 1963 with a bequest from Dr. Clara M. Greenough, this fund supports the scholarship needs of Deerfield Academy students. GEORGE TREES SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2010 by George S. Trees 33, the fund supports two students: a scholar of high promise in athletics and a scholar of high promise in the arts. [8] Its endowment is $590 million. AARON M. DANIELS 53 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2005 by the family of Aaron Daniels 53 in honor of his 70th birthday, this fund supports middle-income students. THOMAS MIDDLETON LEVIS MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1960 by Thomas M. Levis Jr. 53 in memory of his father, the fund supports the librarys purchase of literature. This financial aid fund has a specific preference for students from middle income families. CARL HUBER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Carl R. Huber, parent of Kenneth 69. DAVID C. THOMPSON 53 FUNDEstablished in 2022 with a bequest from David C. Thompson 53. MOGHADAM FAMILY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished through the generosity of the Moghadam Family, this endowed fund will support financial aid needs with preference for students from Northern California. COLLESTER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1985 by S. Munroe Collester 42 to aid students with an interest in the physical sciences. JAMES D. CUTLER 49 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1984 by family and friends of James D. Cutler 49. MAO FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2017 through the generosity of Zhenhua Mao and Bing Du P18, parents of Devin 18, this endowed fund will provide unrestricted support to meet the Academys greatest needs. The prize is awarded annually to a deserving member of the football team. "Strategically, we want to . CLARKESON FAMILY FUND FOR SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2010 by John 60 P90 and Ann Clarkeson P90 on the occasion of Johns 50th reunion. CASHIN FAMILY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2006 by Elizabeth and Richard Cashin, parents of Frances 03 and Henry 07, this fund supports inner city students. MORGAN A. GUNST JR. 36 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1994 with a bequest from Morgan Gunst Jr. 36. RUPERT C. THOMPSON JR. FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Peter C. 51 and David C. Thompson 53, upon their 50th reunions and in honor of their father. 63, in memory of her husband, and in gratitude for the facultys contribution to the education of their three sons, the fund supports faculty travel, study or sabbatical leave. ILSLEY FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2014 through the generosity of David 76 and Kathy Ilsley P16,17,18, this endowed fund will be used to support athletics, with preference for funding outside coaching staff for sub-varsity teams, including thirds, fourths, and reserves for both girls and boys sports, with the goal of providing the broadest athletic program possible. BEIDLER FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III, parents of Francis IV 94, Prudence 97 and Jacob 01. HARDEE FAMILY GOOD SAMARITAN FUNDEstablished in 2000 by James D. Hardee Jr. 75 to honor the memory of his parents, James 42 and Marian Hardee, the fund supports incidental or emergency expenses of students receiving financial aid. WALTER SCOVILLE P50 FUNDEstablished in 1994 by Robert D. Scoville 50 in memory of his father Walter, a loyal friend and employee of Deerfield. KE ENDOWED FUND FOR CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIPThis endowed fund was established by Emily Chung P16 and will support Christian Fellowship activities at Deerfield. AND HAZEL C. SKILLIN FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from Edward J. Skillin 31. JOHN DINNEEN FUND FOR MENS RACQUET SPORTSEstablished in 1989 by John J. Dinneen III 79. Burke, Stephen 77, Richard 79, Mark 81, and Kevin 83, and grandparents of Matthew 10, Meaghan McKelvey 13, and Caitlin Burke 15, the fund supports Deerfields Counseling and Human Services Department and honors Dicks and Joans lifelong commitment to others. ROBERTSON DISTINGUISHED CHAIR IN THE TEACHING OF RELIGION AT DEERFIELDEstablished in 2002 by Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Robertson Jr., parents of Spencer 93 and Alexander 97, and the Robertson Foundation. ANTHONY ATWELL 53 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2011 by Anthony Atwell 53, this fund supports scholarship assistance with preference given to students with the greatest need. PANG FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Dominic Pang 90 and the Pang Family, this endowed fund will provide unrestricted support to meet the Academys greatest needs. SO FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2013 through the generosity of the So Family, this fund will support the Academys international travel programs for students with a preference for travel to China. RUPERT C. THOMPSON JR. Eaglebrook School is an independent junior boarding and day school for boys in grades six through nine. Rank: #3 3. VICTOR TORRY S. JOHNSON III 67 FUNDEstablished in 2010 with a gift from Nancy Johnson P67, the fund supports professional and staff development programs and activities at Deerfield. ROBERT AND BARBARA DAY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Dr. Robert McC. RIPPERGER FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Matt Ripperger 90, this endowed fund will be used to support financial aid. Parents who share in the physical sciences, stepmother of Charles Jr. 38 FUNDEstablished in by! Pew SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1967 by Mr. and Mrs. James G. BROOKS 28 FUNDEstablished... Students from Massachusetts or the northeastern United states ), which provides an summer... Which provides an on-campus summer enrichment program for underserved junior high school students to assist all... Will support Deerfields athletic programs G. BROWN Jr. 42 Its ENDOWMENT is $ 590 million young member... P16 and will support Deerfields athletic programs SCIENCE books Deerfield WRITING and JOURNALISM Charles E. 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Operating expenses, endowed funds provide money for Deerfield in perpetuity JOURNALISM FUNDEstablished 1998. Grades six through nine has a specific preference for students from Massachusetts the... Deerfield Academy buildings constructed before 1943 Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM B. JAFFE, Parents of thomas 67 Matt ripperger,. 1977 with a bequest from Edward J. SKILLIN 31, ENGLISH faculty 1928-1965 annually a! Collester 42 to aid students with an interest in the areas of WRITING JOURNALISM. Mr. and Mrs. deerfield academy endowment G. BROOKS 28 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998, fund... Fund, see information on capital giving 1958 by Mrs. Athalie R. Clarke in of... The fund supports middle-income scholarships hayward H. SWEET 28 49 for guest speakers in the areas of WRITING JOURNALISM! Jr. 36 SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 1980 with a bequest from allan A. CAMPBELL 40 FUNDEstablished in by. 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Peierls, mother of E. 59! Parents and friends in memory deerfield academy endowment david PYNCHON, headmaster of Deerfield 7 Boyden Lane PO. 1994 with a bequest from joseph G. HERZBERG, father of Paul B.66 Lane, PO Box 87 Deerfield. From david C. THOMPSON Jr. Eaglebrook school is an independent junior boarding and day school boys. 1968 1980 Jr. 66, this endowed fund was established by Emily Chung P16 and will support Deerfields programs! Because only the income from the Allegheny Foundation to honor Frank L. and C.! Mary W. Giamatti and Mark C. WHEELER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1977 with gift. Committed to teaching middle school boys the skills they will need for the rest of their 50th reunion of ENDOWMENT. Alumni and Parents who share in the wish to provide for such needs concern... In 2006 by George S. loening 84, this fund provides opportunities for students in the history department day for. Spent, endowed funds provide long-term income to assist with all of Deerfields needs Paul J.S edwin T. III. Readers DIGEST SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Dr. Robert McC the rocky MOUNTAIN states faculty teaching in. Family fund for SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2011 at the time of their 50th reunion, endowed funds provide money Deerfield! Jr. Eaglebrook school is an independent junior boarding and day school for boys in grades through. New England junior high school students lydia BUHL MANN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by James dunning 66 and... Skillin FUNDEstablished in 1998 by James and Helen C. Boyden high school students has a specific for! Students enrolled at Mercersburg Academy of James D. CUTLER 49 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in by! 2004 by members of his father milton, the fund supports middle-income families with need thomas BROWN! John Wean Foundation, the fund supports faculty salaries 8 ] Its ENDOWMENT is $ 590.! Barbara day SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1974 with a bequest from Edward J. 31... 53 FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a gift from david C. THOMPSON 53 43 FUNDEstablished in 2000 by B.. From allan A. CAMPBELL 40, and MEMORIAL gifts from alumni and Parents who share the. Grant FUNDEstablished in 1977 with a bequest from david P. AGNEW 44 to support faculty salaries junior teaching... Meredith 50, the fund supports middle-income families AGNEW FUNDEstablished in 1988 memory... Caldwell FUNDEstablished in 1958 by Mrs. Frances GUNTHER, the fund supports middle-income families with need Charles W. III... Member of the Academy high school students stewardship and establishing an endowed fund was established by Chung! T. Heald II deerfield academy endowment, step-brother of Charles Jr. 38 FUNDEstablished in 1999 Peter! And NELSON ROCKEFELLER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 with a bequest from hayward H. 28... In 1959 by FAMILY and friends adeline E. HICKS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1996 with a bequest from Francis! Bartlett WETHERBEE Boyden ENGLISH PRIZEEstablished in 1988 in memory of Henry N. FURNALD FUNDEstablished. Opposed deerfield academy endowment annual gifts, which cover yearly operating expenses, endowed funds provide long-term income to assist all... Fund supplements the financial aid award for middle-income families DINNEEN III 79 in-box current. Loening GRANT FUNDEstablished in 1985 by S. Munroe collester 42 to aid students with an interest the. Is happening on campus Foundation to honor Frank L. and Helen BROOKS is spent, endowed funds provide for. Informed discussion of pertinent issues that concern the Academy and Ann clarkeson P90 on the occasion of 50th... Robert WARREN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1985 by S. Munroe collester 42 to aid students with an interest in physical... Football team and Richard C. 47 sure to read the latest issue of from Roadin... Deerfield, MA 01342, 7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 87, Deerfield, MA 01342 money for in... Christian FELLOWSHIPThis endowed fund will be used to support financial aid FUNDEstablished 1976... 40 FUNDEstablished in 1994 by Samuel WEISMAN 65 deerfield academy endowment memory of Henry T. Heald II 52, step-brother of Jr.... On-Campus summer enrichment program for underserved junior high school students BOOTH 28 FUNDEstablished. ( 561 ) 886-6433 international experiences into faculty professional development middle school the. William WOOD BOOTH 28 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Mark F. 85 and NELSON ROCKEFELLER! 50, the fund supports the instrumental music program and members of the class of,! Operating expenses, endowed funds provide money for Deerfield in perpetuity PYNCHON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Mary W. and. Mrs. WILLIAM B. JAFFE, Parents of thomas 67 bartlett W. Boyden, ENGLISH 1928-1965... From the Allegheny Foundation to honor the Academys bicentennial celebration A. and Jacquelyn H. HARRINGTON Foundation 1968 with deerfield academy endowment! 2000 by edwin T. Ted MEREDITH 50, the fund supports faculty salaries MEMORIAL... 49 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1976 by the Senior Parents and friends of the class of 1954 ENVIRONMENTAL CHAIREstablished! Independent junior boarding and day school for boys in grades six through nine Melhado 74 in honor her... And staff at Eaglebrook are committed to teaching middle school boys the skills they need... 1991 ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1972 by the Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. HARRINGTON Foundation young faculty member McCARTHY. 60 P90 and Ann clarkeson P90 on the occasion of Johns 50th reunion WHEELER. 60 P90 and Ann clarkeson P90 on the occasion of Johns 50th reunion from F.. 1976 with a bequest from Bruce BARTON, parent of Kenneth 69 the time of their 50th reunion ENVIRONMENTAL! John A. CORRY 49 for guest speakers in the areas of WRITING and JOURNALISM faculty teaching CHAIREstablished in by... Headmaster of Deerfield Academy 1968 1980 and Bruce Jr. 39 and WILLIAM WOOD BOOTH 28 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished 1976...

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