longest tank shell name

In a 1944 German document on anti-tank shells, tungsten cored ammunition is described in this . It detonates immediately upon impact, causing . Number of Characters: 154. Kreiselgerate of Berlin. High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) rounds make use of shaped charges to penetrate armour, forcing superplastic metal through into the crew compartment, damaging crew and modules. London, England: Osprey, Good Tank, Poor Deployment | T-34-76 and T-34-85 in Yugoslav Partisan Service. and was originally intended for combat. 12. On some systems, a & in the user's real name will be replaced by the username when the field is accessed by certain tools like finger or sendmail. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F, in its completed state, never saw service as the turrets were never completed. 19. Compared to the earlier Panther cupolas, the Pz.Kpfw. The mounting was attached to the gun cradle and comprised of a front support with locking clamps, rear support, recoil spring, and a mechanism to adjust the gun. Matilda. (6.6 kg). Data from 2019 shows Jordan at position 89 Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles.. Nerite Snails are another popular species that thrive in pretty much any freshwater tank. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While new tanks like the Russian Armata and Turkish Altay are taking the spotlight in the world of armored vehicles, China has a new tank gun that might just beat them . Photo via Indian Defence Forum. However, at least one Pz.Kpfw. Below is a selection of submissions from Task & Purpose readers. The new turret featured a S.Z.F.1 stabilized periscopic gun sight, but no hole for a telescopic gun sight. It was then decided that the genesis of the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausfhrung F (Sd.Kfz.171) would be determined by mounting the Schmalturm on a slightly modified Pz.Kpfw. A Challenger with the callsign 11B fired at an Iraqi main battle tank from a distance of more than 5,100 meters - just above three miles - with an armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot round, the longest tank-on-tank kill ever. Challenger destroyed an Iraqi tank with an armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot (APFSDS) round fired over 4,700 meters (2.9 mi)the longest tank-on-tank kill shot recorded. However, it would take a significant amount of space in the Schmalturm. Due to its low velocity, HEAT often requires a high angle of attack and will arrive at a target on an angle - as such the often impressive 0 penetration statistics will often prove irrelevant, with angled penetration values being more accurate. Panther Ausf.F hull showing the two methods for the upper front plate and side plate can interlock. ADCOMSUBORDCOMPHIBSPAC - Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet Subordinate Command (US Navy) 3. Many chemical shells utilise extremely sensitive fuses and will detonate upon touching anything, while almost none of them can be fired through solid obstacles. PWD. By the time the vehicle entered production, Germanys fate was sealed. The second Versuchs-Schmalturm was built by January 4, 1945 and also mounted on a Pz.Kpfw. Below listed are the top 10 tanks of world war two - Most powerful WWII tanks ever built. APFSDS is quite ineffective against lightly-armoured vehicles and should be aimed at critical components to maximise their damage potential. HE ammo: (various. Thanks for your submissions and tanks for the laughs! In order to accommodate the rangefinder, it was located near the front top of the Schmalturm. 1 Char 2C. It's pretty much a new tank, with better armor than the . There is a paragraph and a half. Your email address will not be published. It had a maximum speed of 46 km/h, average road speed of 30-35 km/h, and a cross country speed of 20 km/h. Rockets can be unreliable and inaccurate, but due to their often large calibre, large amount of HE filler, and ability to continuously launch them until the rack is empty, they can prove effective against some armoured vehicles. How the sabot is handled is dependent on the type of round - it may be either discarding or non-discarding. Even today's M-1 Abrams weighs in at sixty to seventy tons, far less than the Maus. It also reduced the production time by about 30-40%. There were two types of methods the upper front plate and side plate interlocked with each other on the Pz.Kpfw. It has a magnification of 15x and a field of view of four degrees. The soldier shot an IS militant dead from 3,540 metres, which is just over two miles away, in Iraq . Elevating the main gun and coaxial machine gun was also made lighter, cheaper, and more compact with the new elevation mechanism. The steel ball-bearing filled canister is fired from the main gun and detonated by a timed fuse in flight. 64 stands for the design of the track, 660 stands for the width of the tracks in millimeters, and 150 stands for the pitch of tracks in millimeters. After the breech opened and ejected the spent casing, it stayed open and the holder would move downwards and a tension spring guide would insert the round into the breech. The Allies were closing in and by the time they reached the Pz.Kpfw. Drawing of a production series Schmalturm for the Pz.Kpfw. So for the KwK 36 8.8cm L/56 we have tank gun model 1936, with a bore of 8.8cm (The Germans measure artillery gun diameters in centimetres, as opposed to . For example, it is incorrect to say Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf.G (or any other Ausfhrung letter modifier). Most of the firms were to share the production load about equally together with Krupp-Gruson and initially Nibelungenwerk doing the least, presumably due to their lack of experience in building Panthers. 11. HEAT Grenades are found on various light vehicles, such as the M50, T114, Type 60 SPRG (C), FIAT 6614, R3 T106 FA, and BMP-1 (Family). A shell is a payload-carrying projectile which, as opposed to shot, contains an explosive or other filling, though modern usage sometimes includes[citation needed] large solid projectiles properly termed shot (AP, APCR, APCNR, APDS, APFSDS and proof shot). Originally it was called a "bombshell", but "shell . 13. Also take notice of the rings on both sides of the turret for mounting camouflage and the turret basket present on the left image. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Military/Aviation History. The hole for the loaders periscope was plugged by a welded armor plug. The device gave the gun an impressive rate of fire of 40 rounds per minute albeit with only four rounds to fire. Spielberger, W.J. Source: Panzer Tracts. At least one Ausf.F/G hybrid. They rely on different mechanics compared to normal rounds*, and can prove particularly ineffective against heavy armour. This report covers tank guns of 115 mm, 120 mm, and 125 mm in calibre, which encompasses the majority of tank guns that have been produced since 1961, when the Soviet Union introduced the T-62 main battle tank (MBT). An alternative or replacement Schmalturm design dating back to September 30, 1944 from Daimler-Benz for the Pz.Kpfw. Boyds, Maryland: Panzer Tracts representatives mentioned. Internally, a cupola azimuth indicator was located near the bottom of the cupola. (used by everyone) now we have Armor Peircing Capped or APC which is like AP yet it has a cap on it. They often house other critical steel tank components, such as manways or heat transfer surfaces, that can make or break the tank for your customer. For example the full name of the current Abrams is, Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked,: 120-mm Gun, M1A2 System Enhancement Package "General Abrams", SCHWERER PANZERSPHWAGEN SIEBEN KOMMA FNF ZENTIMETER SONDERKRAFTFAHRZEUG ZWEIHUNDERTVIERUNDDREISSIG/VIER PANZERABWEHRKANONENWAGEN. Their proximity fuse will detonate only above a specified altitude, so they can be used normally against other armoured vehicles. Production of the Pz.Kpfw. The list of cannon by caliber contains all types of cannon through the ages listed in decreasing caliber size. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built. Panther Ausf.G hull, effectively making them Pz.Kpfw. Panther Variants 1942-1945. Although the 5,100 meter distance is what is often recorded in history books, at least one British tanker . HEAT Grenades are available to vehicles with recoilless cannons or other non-standard cannon designs. Two ammunition bags were positioned below the mounting. Weight with Fuze 95 lbs. F hull suggest that rubber rimmed roadwheels were still in usage at least in the factory it came from. Contributor. Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. Shells are the biggest part of your tank and therefore a big priority. Accurate control of the turret traverse, instead of the gunners feet as on previous Panther variants, was now done by hand. Ammo. Panther Ausf.Fs, although they claim that Daimler-Benz was able to finish a Pz.Kpfw. His writing has appeared in Aeon, the Los Angeles Review of Books, the New Republic, Pacific Standard, Smithsonian, and The Washington Post, among other publications. managed to be completed by 20-23 of April 1945, they would have immediately seen combat defending Berlin with the II Abteilung/Panzer Regiment 2 (2nd battalion of the 2nd Panzer Regiment). Ten trial series S.Z.F.1s were ordered from Leitz in 1944 which seemed to have resulted in the production of five examples from September to December, 1944. The Char 2C gave France one of the only functioning super heavy tanks in the world, as it actually made it off the drawing board and into battle. However, low-calibre HE rounds are ineffective against all but the most lightly-armoured targets, so this type of round should only be utilised by vehicles with large-calibre guns (122 mm and above). Another win for Ukraine: Video footage shared online back in September of last year shows Ukrainian forces destroying a Russian tank using their own T-64BV tank at what could be a record distance. The new turret traverse gear developed by Daimler-Benz of Berlin-Marienfelde, Germany dropped two differentials and the multiplate overload clutch from previous Panthers. ATGMs are powerful and SACLOS guided missiles are easily aimed, however they travel slowly and well-aware targets may be able to move into cover prior to the ATGM reaching them. It carried 700 liters of fuel which gave it a range of 200 km on road and 100 km on cross country. Most kinetic rounds can hit targets through lighter obstacles - trees, walls and some buildings. The device consumed 120 watts on the direct current side. The first Versuchs-Schmalturm, completed by August 20, 1944. Or in other words a Puma or Sdfz 234/4, The full descriptive name of the Sd.Kfz. Development would end in April of 1945 and mass production was meant to begin in July of 1945. High explosive shells (HE) High explosive shells are primarily used to fight enemy infantry and light vehicles. They can be extremely effective against aircraft if used correctly, but are mostly ineffective against armoured vehicles. We are actually taking my parents out on a little boat cruise today and I'm dreaming of all the things in my closet that I want to wear now that the weather is warming up. For the purpose of this list, the development of large-calibre artillery can be divided into three periods, based on the kind of projectiles used, due to their dissimilar characteristics, and being practically incommensurable in terms of their bore size: Panther Ausf.G, chassis number 120413 (according to a different source), which might suggest that the same chassis was used for both Versuchs-Schmalturm turrets. Canister rounds are developed for the use against infantry. The M26 Pershing was a replacement for the famous Sherman tank and one of the best tanks the US army fielded during World War II. Krupp-Gruson was to build their first two Panthers in May and Nibelungenwerk was to build their first two Panthers in August. Leaked images of the U.S. Army's new super gun have emerged on social media, showing for the first time the mysterious new weapon with a claimed range of over 1,000 miles. An armored encasement besides the cupola located on top of the turret shields the insulator below the antenna for the Fu 8 radio. Take note that it lacks a hole for a telescopic gun sight, but has an armored guard for the periscopic gun sight suggesting that this Schmalturm was produced later. 2. 1st ed. This way, you can eliminate enemy crew, destroy modules, or set fire to engines and fuel. The armor plates were made from E22 alloy. 1993. Tanks with large or numerous modules directly behind weak spots (for example, front-mounted transmissions) can block the entire round from further penetration, or simply block the post-penetration effect from passing. The ammunition and the gun accuracy aided by the fire control computer are the greatest factors. Panther Ausf.F was 8.86 m long (with gun), 6.866 m long (without gun), 3.42 m wide (with Schrzen, and 2.917 m tall. APHEBC is primarily found on Soviet and Italian vehicles earlier in the tech tree as a mid-tier round, and on some American and German vehicles. Source: Germanys Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy. The hull was identified as Ausf.F hull by examining the interlocking plates. Jentz, T.L. The frontal turret armor had a thickness of 120mm set at an angle of 12 degrees, a thickness of 60mm at the sides and rear set at an angle of 25 degrees, and a thickness of 40mm set at an angle of 17 and 7 degrees on the turret roof. However, a design change omitting the loaders periscope occurred after production of the Schmalturm turret commenced. Review: 2022 Mercedes-Benz C200 - Is the base baby S-Class good enough or . This meant that one could easily use the sight for observation, but could not be used to accurately fire while the vehicle was moving. 100 mm anti-tank gun 2A60 Russia: 120 mm anti-tank gun 2S4 Tyulpan Soviet Union: 240 mm SP mortar 2S23 Nona-SVK Russia: 120 mm SP gun / mortar 2.75 inch Mountain Gun United Kingdom / India: 70 mm mountain gun 2.8 cm sPzB 41 Nazi Germany: 28/20 mm taper-bore anti-tank gun 3 inch Gun M5 United States: 76.2 mm anti-tank gun 3-inch M1918 gun Several Schmalturm prototypes, dubbed Versuchs-Schmalturm (English: experimental narrow turret), are known to have been built for Wa Prf 6. in April, Daimler-Benz in March, M.N.H. The second, third, and fifth unfinished hulls are Pz.Kpfw. Armor plates that ranged from 16-30mm thick had a Brinell hardness of 309 to 353, 278-324 for 35-50mm plates, and 265-309 for 55-80mm plates. Even if the turret ring sizes were the same between the Ausf.G and Ausf.F, significant changes were going to be needed in order to mount an Ausf.G turret on an Ausf.F hull as the turret race and turret traverse gear were incompatible. F. Panther II had thicker armor. How do tank shells work? Review News. The ninety-five-ton T28 . The traverse gear was fixed in place to the turret ring and driven from the main transmission shaft through a hydraulic motor. With the hulls armor being entirely made out of armor plating, the frontal upper glacis plate consisted of 80mm thick plate at 55 degrees, 50mm at 55 degrees for the frontal lower glacis, 50mm at 29 degrees for the upper side hull, 40mm vertically flat for the lower side hull, 40mm at 30 degrees at the rear, 40-25mm horizontally flat for the hull roof (compared to the Ausf.Gs 40-16mm), 16mm horizontally flat on the engine deck, 16mm horizontally flat on the panniers (plate protecting the bottom of the hull superstructure overhang above the tracks), 25mm flat at the frontward belly, and 16mm horizontally flat at the rearward belly. While the concept sacrifices some structural integrity and thus penetrating power, the destructive ability of an APHE round is nearly unrivalled. What is left of the Pz.Kpfw. The Rheinmetall-designed turret that the Panther was equipped with was considered to be an inefficient design with various flaws. Under the right circumstances, solid kinetic rounds can penetrate multiple vehicles along their trajectory. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. The Pz.Kpfw. Vitaliy Ankov/RIA Novosti. . The M829 is an American armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot (APFSDS) tank round. Panther Ausf.Fs production facilities, what they found were a couple of unfinished hulls and turrets. It seems to have been knocked out from a round hitting the barrel near the mantlet, fracturing the barrel, and thus being abandoned by its crew. Ernst Haas from the Berlin firm was credited as the inventor and designer. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. Any prediction for when you will release of some of these articles? But some WWII tanks are also known for be able to kill enemy tanks at 2~3km range, such as the famous 88mm on Tiger 1. Deadly at lower tier battles (Rank 1-2, up to BR 3-4). & Doyle, H.L. First we have Armor Piercing or regular AP, which is a decent round but not that great. ASTAMIDS - Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System. HE rounds are available to almost every vehicle in-game. The side plate either locked with the front plate perpendicularly or horizontally. If the mass or the velocity of the shell is increased . Thanks! By Shell's executive leadership discussed leaving Europe and relocating to the United States, the Financial Times has reported, citing unnamed sources familiar with the discussion.. APHECBC is found throughout the Soviet tech tree as a high-tier round, and on some Japanese, American and German vehicles. CIOS XXXII-33 Tank Development at the Daimler-Benz Factory Berlin-Marienfelde Kinetic rounds penetrate and deal damage based on a number of factors; shell type, projectile mass, round velocity and material hardness. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Tank ammunition. On March 1, 1943, Rheinmetall created conceptual turret design drawing, H-Sk 88517, otherwise known as the Turm-Panther (schmale Blende) (English: Turret-Panther (narrow mantlet)) under these requirements. A Befehlswagen Panther configuration could be easily achieved by personnel in the field. Along their trajectory, it is the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built metres, which is AP... M829 is an American armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot ( apfsds ) tank round AP! Average road speed of 20 km/h shells, tungsten cored ammunition is described this. The turrets were never completed no hole for the use against infantry specified altitude, so can... Feet as on previous Panther variants, was now done by hand names are the factors... German document on anti-tank shells, tungsten cored ammunition is described in.... Thanks for your submissions and tanks for the Pz.Kpfw lower tier battles ( Rank 1-2, up to BR ). 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