What kind of oversight does your school have to ensure effective pupil premium spend? How is this being evidenced? We provide non-prescriptive schemes to support target areas such as. The new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) refers to learning being sequenced and adapted to suit the school I think. How do you ensure coverage across all year groups? Explain how the tasks taught link to your subject overview and what would come next. 2023 Third Space Learning. Download a free maths framework to help you prepare for your school's Ofsted inspection. We follow the principles of good regulation: proportionality, accountability, consistency, transparency and targeting. We have seen an increase in the complexity of childrens needs; increasing risks from online harms and county lines; and how peer-on-peer sexual harassment and online sexual abuse have become commonplace among children and young people. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Find the official link to Learnspace Login. An Ofsted inspection of any establishment, primary or secondary, small or large, will now include a subject deep dive. Your time is better spent using these questions as guidance for discussion in CPD sessions and as a check for whether you have got appropriate provision across your schools curriculum. How are end of term assessments fed back into teaching and learning? Find out more about how Third Space Learning could help your school maximise the impact of your pupil premium funding. As usual at Third Space Learning weve focused on the maths documents as thats our area of expertise but the link provided includes Ofsted training materials for PE, English, History and several other subjects. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3, accelerate the inspection cycle so that all schools are inspected by July 2025, allow more time for professional dialogue and evidence-gathering by increasing the proportion of longer inspections in education, assess all colleges on how well they are meeting the skills needs of the economy within the next 4 years, clearly identify how local authorities support care leavers, inspect all parts of teacher education from initial teacher education, to early career teacher development, to professional qualifications, enhance our inspections of independent schools, so swift intervention can happen where standards are poor, evaluate the performance of our inspection frameworks, including the education inspection framework (EIF), over 90% of providers will agree that their inspection will help them improve standards, 9 to 12 months after an inspection, most providers will agree that they made changes to improve standards, increasing numbers of colleges will agree that our inspections and guidance help them better match their offer to skills needs in the economy, improve the quality of providers entering the sectors, reducing the need for future monitoring and enforcement, review our social care inspections in light of the recommendations of the independent care review and the governments response, simplify the regulatory regime for childminders, from 2023, register and regulate settings where children in care and care leavers are supported to live independently, develop and implement a new casework system that will improve our oversight and regulatory decision-making, more providers demonstrate good or outstanding leadership and management from the start, with fewer judged less than good at their first inspection and a reduction in repeated enforcement action, our enforcement decisions will be consistent and proportionate, evidenced by reviews of regulatory and inspection reports and activity, more childminders will agree that the benefits of their inspection outweigh any negative aspects, analyse the full range of data that we hold to inform our insights, share insights to inform decision-makers and practitioners, including insights on the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and learners, fill gaps in knowledge by carrying out rigorous research and analysis in the areas that we are well placed to generate new insights in, such as multi-academy trusts (MATs), sufficiency in childrens social care and alternative provision, build understanding of the quality of subject teaching by creating state of the nation subject reports based on evidence from inspections and wider literature, collaborate with other organisations to broaden the data we can analyse, learn from other experts and make our own data as accessible as possible, practice will improve because stakeholders and inspectors use our insights, with an increase in the percentage of stakeholders who have read and used our research, our insights will be accessed widely, evidenced by more downloads and views of our research, evaluation and statistics, develop the evidence base around the early years learning and development curriculum through our research and insights programme, develop specialist training on early years education for our workforce to enhance their understanding of what high-quality early education looks like, raise awareness and promote a better understanding of education and care in childrens early years, early years practice will improve because practitioners use our research, evidenced by feedback from focus groups with the sector, the percentage of early years leaders who agree that communication from Ofsted has informed their practice will increase, highlight systemic safeguarding issues using insight from our inspections and internal and external reviews so that learning is embedded in our practice, implement a new joint targeted area inspection (JTAI) programme that reports on the strengths and weaknesses of local safeguarding partnerships, work with the DfE to increase our powers to act when children are educated or cared for in unregistered settings, on inspection, look at how leaders ensure that schools and colleges culture addresses harmful sexual behaviour, work with the DfE and other agencies such as the National Police Chiefs Council to improve sharing of safeguarding information and data-sharing between agencies, our inspections will inform safeguarding practice, and the majority of those inspected as part of a JTAI will agree that the experience of inspection and its findings will help them improve the services they offer, when we identify unregistered provision, it then registers, complies, or closes, schools and post-16 providers will effectively address the problem of sexual abuse between peers, as documented through a review of inspection evidence bases and feedback from children and learners, work with the DfE on their regulatory review looking at accountability and regulation of MATs including how trusts will be held to account through inspection in the future, carry out more MAT summary evaluations (MATSEs) to build knowledge of an increasingly diverse MAT sector, share our insights and data to monitor group-owned early years and social care providers and build our evidence base around regulatory oversight at the group level, while retaining the EIF, review whether we have the right model of inspection in further education and skills, given the complexity and diversity of provision and the size of some individual providers, develop and implement a new area SEND inspection framework that holds the right agencies to account for their role in the system and responds to the governments SEND review; this will include an enhanced focus on local strategic oversight and commissioning of alternative provision, MATs are held to account through inspection, most MAT leaders who have had a MATSE will agree that they will use the findings to improve, there is strengthened regulatory oversight of early years multiple providers and social care groups, build a greater understanding among parents and carers of Ofsteds role and work, continually seek out new platforms and channels to reach an ever-wider and more diverse audience, improve the efficiency of our services for the public, providers and partners in a way that meets their needs, make sure our management information and official statistics are accessible and timely, more parents and carers, from all groups in society, will agree that Ofsted works in the best interests of children; we will also maintain the high proportion of those who know the Ofsted judgement of the provider to which they send their children, our services will be more efficient, with an increase in the percentage of providers and the public satisfied with the service they have used, develop a new workforce strategy to reflect the changed landscape across all sectors, recruiting and retaining highly professional, credible people, many with specialist knowledge, continue to build an efficient and effective regulatory workforce with high-quality training and development to help them make good decisions and provide system-level assurance, aim to improve the diversity of our staff, across grades and roles, design services for staff that help them do their job efficiently, the average length of service for inspectors will be at least between 3 and 4 years, with a high proportion of those who leave becoming externally contracted inspectors, there will be an increase in the number of staff who report having the right skills and tools to do their job, we will improve representation of under-represented groups across the organisation, when staff move on, they will report that working at Ofsted has helped them develop their career, Objective 1: Ofsted will give due regard to equality, diversity and inclusion during inspection and in its research and evaluation work, Objective 2: Ofsted will promote equal opportunities for its entire workforce, including both staff and directly contracted Ofsted inspectors, tackling bullying and discrimination whenever it occurs. How do class teachers know what went before in previous years? You prepare for a deep dive in much the same way youve prepared for Ofsted school inspections in the past; keep your books up to scratch for work scrutinies, make sure youre following your School Improvement Plan (SIP), and have an idea of your departments wider strategy and curriculum intent. Ofsted aims to improve lives by raising standards in education and childrens social care. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What do you do to support children who are struggling? Our insights inform practitioners, policymakers and decision-makers and lead to improvements across the system. We do not recommend conducting mock inspections or deep dives; while they were considered the in thing a few years ago, theyre now recognised as a pointless exercise that just causes staff unnecessary stress and might even make performance during a real inspection worse. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Ofsted has published its latest curriculum research review, this time looking at art education in schools. We are required by law to advise the Secretary of State on the state of education and childrens social care and to report annually to Parliament. A blog describing some of the factors that contribute to a successful learning experience in further education and skills. You can change your cookie settings at any time. What aspirations do you have for these children? With the new framework, a focus on Intent (design and sequencing of curriculum), Implementation (through classroom teaching) and Impact (achievement of pupils) will be the priority, ensuring a more comprehensive view of the curriculum's design and delivery. At the start of an inspection, an inspector will invite a senior member of staff to complete a learning walk. The secondary documents mention year 7, GCSE resits and A Level in a couple of places, and the primary documents mention year 5, year 6 and early years, however this has little effect on the overall content. Ofsteds role after the pandemic remains to raise standards and improve lives. Children develop and learn at different rates. More general questions asked to Subject Leaders: When the inspection team were looking at books with the small steps for the year group: While its difficult for any school to entirely welcome an Ofsted deep dive as part of their inspection, the general feedback about the experience of an inspection and deep dive under the new framework has been largely positive. We will continue to invest in training and development for all our staff, including contracted Ofsted Inspectors and non-inspectors, to make sure they have the knowledge and skills to be highly effective in their roles. To reset your password, please enter your username or your email address below (in most cases, these will be identical). These cookies do not store any personal information. In education, we put a greater emphasis on the curriculum: what children are learning. Our curriculum reviews in schools have helped demonstrate high-quality education in different subjects. Inadequate To Outstanding In One Inspection. Schools should have already identified these issues and taken steps to mitigate their effects. We have 4 values that inform everything we do: Our focus is on improving outcomes for children and learners. Login here. Download a free sample of 6 weeks of Rapid Reasoning questions! Much like everything else, Ofsted inspections and deep dives have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. We also have over 150+ Maths in Minutes videos: bitesize CPD with top teaching tips which can be easily watched before teaching a topic, and which are brilliant for improving subject knowledge amongst NQTs and TAs. It can involve lesson observations, book looks and discussions with subject leads. Our one-to-one tuition helps pupils make an average of. We will keep pace as the education and social care sectors evolve. Registration for this is completely free to review all the resources. Read our policy on Social media use. Most teachers were asked what interventions they had in place, with a particular focus on interventions for pupil premium children. What are the strengths/areas of development in your subject? Far from being seen as an add on, Ofsted views learning outside the classroom as an essential element of a broad and balanced curriculum and are urging schools to make explicit reference to it in their self evaluation and other evidence presented during the inspection visit. Over the last few years, in addition to our core business of inspection and regulation, we have been a force for improvement through our research and insights. We inspect and regulate thousands of organisations and individuals providing education, training and care from childminders to training providers, schools to local authorities and we share what we find. This can help identify which pupils will benefit most from thespecialist one-to-one maths interventions from Third Space Learnings maths tutors. How do you know that it is year group relevant? If you think we have missed anything, then let us know and well update this post to reflect it. Pupils also had to explain what they had learnt in that lesson. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. You have accepted additional cookies. This is based on the conception of quality set out in the PE research How and why the Ofsted crib sheets were leaked About the Ofsted Crib Sheets Differences between primary and secondary crib sheets Inspectors are clearly interested in progression against the national curriculum as well as any bespoke or bought into schemes. Here, we share what an Ofsted deep dive entails, the questions you are likely to be asked by the inspection team, what it looks like in practice, and how to prepare for it. Ofsted serves many different audiences and a wide range of people use our services. What is the aim for all children to know when they leave Y6? Our helpline is open from 8am to 5pm (Monday to Friday). How has the curriculum been affected by lockdown? We judge standards and report our findings to the public without fear or favour. Where have you identified weaknesses and what have you done about it? Do you feel supported (by curriculum leaders and senior leaders)? Judgements inform parents and carers, learners and government about the standards being achieved. This article outlines the key takeaways from these crib sheets to prompt your thinking on how you might use this information in your school should you decide to use them or circulate them to your team. How are gaps bridged between each key stage? General discussions in a maths deep dive have included the impact of lockdown, core content missed, remote teaching and access to concrete resources. Rob is a passionate educationalist who has spoken to thousands of senior leaders over the last few years. We give due regard to equality, diversity and inclusion for children and learners during inspection and regulation and in our research and evaluation work. Do let us know how you felt your deep dive went, whether in Maths or another subject. How do you improve pupils cultural capital (and how do you ensure it)? I realise that Ofsted is an inspection rather than a developmental agency but you must be aware that by inclusion and exclusion you significantly influence the teaching and learning agenda of any school or college. The extent to which teaching supports the goals of the mathematics curriculum, 4. (Eg. Dont forget to get your free copy of the downloadable list of Ofsted deep dive questions, together with a planning framework to help you prepare. Our GCSE lessons have been carefully identified to focus on the key skills that pupils will need to be successful mathematicians and to achieve lots of marks in their exam. This is a new feature of the Education Inspection Framework (EIF). Maintenance: Sat 25th March 08:00 - 18:00 The portal will be unavailable Ofsted | The Bridge Integrated Learning Space Home The Bridge Integrated Learning Space The Bridge Integrated Learning Space URN: 141605 Address: 1 Dowrey Street, London, N1 0HY. How do you ensure that the children are secondary school ready? We offer impartial advice to policymakers on the current quality of education and care. Over the coming years, we have an ambitious work programme that will require more staff, so we need a proactive and flexible approach to how we recruit and retain our workforce. Ofsted gives schools breathing space on curriculum. Inspectors have been particularly interested in how teachers are able to ensure maths progress for their pupils, and how schools are managing to bridge the gap in maths between key stages. We also aim for there to be minimal additional school staff involved in a Third Space Learning intervention, so you can get on with business as usual while we support the pupils who need the help most. SEND is a common theme for questioning during Ofsted deep dives and links often to the questions around progression for the whole class. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Progress has been mentioned a lot during these Ofsted deep dives. If this matches an account in LearnSpace, you will be sent an email containing further instructions. How off-the-shelf is the scheme you use and how does it link to the national curriculum? Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We also inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people. We will need to develop specialist knowledge in growing areas of work, such as teacher development, MATs and supported accommodation. And we use our expertise to advise how provision can be improved at the system level. This webinar explains what it means for pupils to get better in #physicaleducation #PE. Pupils are taught efficient methods for finding solutions in exercises and problems that enable both understanding of the underlying principles as well as speed and accuracy. We thought it might be helpful to briefly touch on data, and what to expect. Learn more or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your schools needs and how we can help. Childminders must be registered with Ofsted in order to look after children under the age of 8 years old. What do you do to ensure that your teachers and TAs have up to date subject knowledge? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Deep dives are no longer new! This is to allow inspectors to . Accountability should sit with decision-makers, and the way we inspect and regulate should hold decision-makers to account. Here the primary and secondary versions give key stage specific examples of declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge. Childminders caring for "young children" (until the child has reached the end of the reception year in school) must register on the Early Years Register. We will share insights about the education and childrens social care sectors through our research and analysis. We will also make our systems work more smoothly for our staff, helping them to access and analyse the data we produce to increase the impact we can have. It is part of the Ofsted inspectors remit to monitor the 3 Is Intent, Implementation and Impact of the curriculum. Much of our work is directed at those with the hardest start in life, including those experiencing significant harm, those needing the care of the state, and children and learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). 9 Things You Should Know About The NCETM Mathematics Guidance As You Plan Your Curriculum Prioritisation, Teachers' Guide To The Ofsted Maths Research Review 2021, How to prepare for an Ofsted deep dive in maths, Ofsted deep dive checklist: the questions inspectors are asking, free downloadable framework of the most frequently asked Ofsted deep dive maths questions, 6. maths or EYFS) which Ofsted will decide . What is in place for these children? Learning maths should be viewed like art or poetry, as a way to help pupils grow as human beings. Prior to lesson visits Lead Inspector took 6 children from each of the 2 lessons observed and asked them to talk through individual pieces of work in their books. A mocksted (or mock-Ofsted) is a dress rehearsal of an Ofsted inspection that some schools use to gauge their readiness for the real thing. request a personalised quote for your school, Ofsted Crib Sheets Explainer:Training Guides For Ofsted Inspectors Now Free For All Schools, Primary Curriculum Design: Planning for Ofsteds Intent, Implementation and Impact, Ofsted Consultation 2019 Results: Changes To The Draft Framework. 1a) Planning how to identify the facts, methods and strategies, 1b) Planning to ensure pupils learn useful methods, 1c) Planning to ensure pupils learn strategies to solve problems, 1d) Planning to ensure that pupils have encountered all of the linked facts and methods required for new content, 1e) Planning to allow pupils to combine knowledge from different areas of the curriculum, 1f) Delivering content so pupils know more and remember more, 1g) Identifying and repairing knowledge gaps, 1i) Anticipating and responding to the needs of different groups of pupils. Includes: The Ofsted slide which provoked debate this week quotes cognitive science research, seemingly from a field known as "cognitive load theory," (see here and here) conducted by a team led by the Australian educational psychologist John Sweller. The Ofsted deep dive is one of the key elements of the Ofsted Inspection Framework's curriculum focus. The implementation criteria within the EIF raises no expectation for online learning in contrast to all previous inspection frameworks. The best way to prepare for an Ofsted deep dive is to have thought about the questions inspectors are likely to ask. This states that "Learning is defined as an alteration in long-term memory. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. We have reflected the importance of this work in our guiding principle. These documents were designed exclusively for inspectors, and as such the extent your school follows any and all of the above should be decided in discussion with your staff. Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information. Unsurprisingly the leaking and sharing of this content online has promoted some strong opinions on twitter. Ofsted's 3 I's: Intent, Implementation and Impact. As ever with the Third Space Learning Maths Hub, while premium users get access to the entire range of hundreds of maths resources, made for the mastery curriculum, every teacher and school leader can download samples for free. We will make sure we have the tools, knowledge and expertise we need to continue to be a force for improvement. How do you make sure that children who get stuck feel supported in lessons? Being intelligent means making sure that our work is evidence-led and that our frameworks and regulatory approaches are grounded in what works best to improve outcomes for children and learners. The list of deep dive questions below are all actual questions from primary schools that have already been through the process. Enter the password that accompanies your username. Those schools who are lucky enough to have their own confident maths specialists in school tend to use our intervention lesson packs, which can then be focused on each childs gaps. Two cookies are used by this site. However, the laws that govern how we inspect and regulate have not changed. The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on nearly all children and learners; and it posed great challenges for everyone working in education and childrens social care. We use a scheme as a basis but heavily adapt and move objectives etc around. The learning walk. As maths is our specialist subject (we support thousands of schools every year with specialist maths tuition and curriculum sequencing resources), our examples are drawn from maths, but almost all questions will apply to other subjects as well. We are in a unique position to see what is happening on the ground and we use that intelligence to identify trends, highlight issues that need addressing and share good practice that others can learn from. Why? Some of the questions inspectors asked were: Interventions are a clear and accountable way of spending pupil premium funding, and Third Space Learnings one-to-one maths interventions have been designed to provide exceptional progress in a short space of time and hence exceptional value for money. ), we know what it takes to run a high-quality intervention. Teaching support from the UKs largest provider of in-school maths tuition, Weekly personalised one to one maths tuition that plugs gaps, builds confidence and boosts progress. Identified weaknesses and what would come next if you think we have 4 that! About your visit today mitigate their effects sent an email containing further instructions objectives etc around features... 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