regina leaves henry fanfiction

And now, she was here. Abused and mistreated children at ten do not disobey their parent(s). SHIP RESPONSIBLY! Regina was to be executed, but Snow stopped it and decided to banish her. The Fosters, Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor, . Because sometimes sex happens within the family. Criminal Mindes, Emma's wasted and accidentally calls Regina instead of her mom. This story dips heavily into the BDSM subculture. When Emma asked him to go out of town, he didnt say I think we should tell my mom that were going out of town. You know you are the product of these two people, and trying to figure out why one is loving while the other is not can be bewildering and, in my case, cause depression. [I hear a lot of talk about Regina, but not really a lot about Henry. (Horny Henry takes advantage). Henry goes to college and has Emma and Regina drive him and his stuff up. season one season six Ophelia Swan, the saviour, catches the eye of a one-handed pirate. Regina is a standing, living, breathing _threat_ to the people of the town. Regina has much to fear if the Saviour breaks her curse. Regina invites Emma to stay with her but what happens when the Charmings tag along. Bad deeds count for more than good. By calling her Regina, its like his feeling towards Regina became more far away from her. I think your broad generalization just to suit your own argument on a fictional show just made me want to vomit. So why is Henry so mean to his mother now? I am all for open adoptions and relationships. Unlike the time in Fairy Tale Land, Regina wanted to redeem herself because she is a mother. That wouldn't be such a problem if Emma hadn't found Regina's profile and begins communicating with the Mayor, Emma is a stranger, but because she is the product of true love and the breaker of the curse, she is deemed to be a fit mother. Denied a happy ending, Regina, with the help of Rumplestiltskin, tore almost everyone away from their happiness in Fairy Tale Land, stripped them of their memories (except Rumple), and forced them to live in a land with no magic. When my husband said that he thought the code word was going to be mom I said, surely not. A second after Henry said no, youre not, my cousin said wow, he was so mean to his mother. He used to call her mom, but now he was calling her mother by her name Regina??? The love curse was written in a scroll. Could she go on with her life without her own Yang? Weve seen what she did to bring that about, but one thing is critically important, she murdered her father, who she manifestly loved, to create the Dark Curse. What would have happened if Emma and Regina hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot? Belle is missing Rumple terribly and wishes she had fought harder to come with him in this rescue mission to save Henry. Narda is intersex Cora had help from Rumpelstiltskin, Jefferson and Dr. Whale. My father is adopted, and he has known of the identity of his birth parents since he was a child. Having just finished season 2, Ive been super conflicted about this issue. Regina Mills is an upper class New York photographer who wouldn't normally spare a second glance at people below her. Since Rose wants to make Regina proud she would do anything for her. Emma Swan leaves her red-hot career to become the police . Based on 2 manips that can be found on my tumblr (absedarian(.)tumblr(.)com/post/69713364861). Flight SQA016 - CurvyPragmatist (Complete, Rated M) Emma Swan has recently taken a job with Crown Airlines working in the first class cabin flying from New York to London. A once upon a time fanfiction with henry's twin sister. When the Evil Queen catches baby Emma along with Snow White, she decides on a new revenge. While it breaks my heart a little when Henry yells that she is not his mother. Regina is hurting and heartbroken. Warning: May experience extreme SwanQueen feels. A Once Upon a Time AU story Regina is Henrys real mom, not Emma. She takes matters into her own hands to try and prove she's right. Emma will travel to Hyperion Heights in hopes to bring him back to Storybrooke. And it _was_ a risk, as we see toward the end of the season, because Regina was ready to blow the town out of existence. My grandmother told me many times how she loved my father as though she gave birth to him and of her fear that he would be taken away or leave her for his birth parents. What if Regina left Storybrooke after the curse broke. What I love is that the show has legitimized everyones intentions, and at the same time forced them to deal with the consequences of their actions. you get placed under a curse by your mother and only your true love can set you free. Please consider turning it on! Henry keeps running out of the house, and Emma decides to put her foot down. part 12: Mount Cook, New Zealand trip, where to go? My adaptation of the tv show Gilmore Girls, starting when sixteen years-old Regina runs away from her parents home with her newborn son, and lands in a diner where shes welcomed by a young British teenage boy named Robin Locksley. #Darlentina #Darna #Regina. Unfortunately, the only one able to cure her from the ailment is Emmaif she agrees. . She is prepare for everything. This is pretty much why I stopped watching the show. A classic story with a twist. She might not be as bad as she once was (in fact we can be sure she wasnt, Regina even in Season One was less intensely nasty than the Evil Queen had once been, she had already changed some while raising Henry), but shes still dangerous. Regina was so happy that her son wanted to have lunch with her, so she went right away to the restaurant, but she couldnt find Henry at the restaurant because he went to Reginas office to find the keys. Pure Smut. Since then he can't stop thinking about her, jerking off to the thought of having her. She is coming home with a little girl for suprise everybody. He chose to eat it to prove a point. Deep down, even she knew it. showed signs of cutting her some slack in Season Two, such as when they worked together while Henry was communicating with Aurora. It takes place after the season 3 finale. Regina began to stir, her hand going immediately to her . Orphan Black Their love wasn't normal, their love didn't make sense Nevaeh and her family are transported to another world. The queen met her dark eyes with the shining eyes of the prince. Of course she lashed out. Her older sister, Gracie. When Henry finds Mr Golds true love in the hospital in a coma, he concocts a plan with Emma to reunite Rumplestiltskin and Belle. Only she doesn't expect it to come in the form of her newest instructor, Professor Regina Mills. After she burned that scroll, Henry rushed to hug Emma, and once again he left Regina alone standing behind, heartbroken. No one except for", "Your son. She decides to leave but is that really what they want? Emma Swan is an orphan who finally gets to rid herself of her past to chase her dream of going to college to become a cop. Leo Tolstoy. The people seemed to be fine, having regular lives with the daily grind of work. But you also have the childs desire to know where he comes from, the birth mothers desire (over time) to know him, and Reginas underhanded methods to get Emma to leave town. Their love certainly wasn't the kind you read about in fairytales. She is coming back because she has a big reason. If OUAT characters chatted Grimm However, Coras instance on running Reginas life set in motion a series of events that gives birth to the Evil Queen. Story progresses from there, if you can dig what I'm getting at. When Regina gets a new job that requires all of her attention, her marriage starts to take the hits. you probably know how she has come to be. Rated M for future chapters. Emma is the Sheriff and Regina is the Mayor. The actions that Henry has taken are not those of an abused or mistreated child. Emma give birth to two babies when she was in prison a beautiful boy named Henry and a Gorgeous girl who she named Nova. Despite the distance, they engage in a relationship, but as the two come closer together, Emma fears her biggest secret could tear them apart Emma might just enjoy that. I can relate to growing up in an environment when one parent loves you unconditionally and the other parent is, well, less than stellar. In the midst of all of her sorrow, Serena Watson finds love in the most unlikely of places. A pivotal moment in Storybrooke's history and the turning point in Regina Mills' life., AU. We know her origin story, the details of the machinations behind her wretched acts. A beautiful little princess with brown eyes and hair like her mother. Regina Mills is in the midst of a midlife crisis where she finds herself doing the same things every day. I found myself wanting to write a fanfic where Henry has a medical emergency in NYC and Emma is forced to just stand there and watch him suffer because she cant approve any procedures he needs (or knows anything about his previous medical history, for that matter, which might get them suspicious, and maybe Social Services get involved, and so on and so forth). The one deal Rumple broke ruined his son's life. As someone who is the daughter of an adopted child, when Henry tells Regina that she is not his mother and no one reprimands him, I get angry. she was broken. Or are they? (Im speechless). Who held his hand whenever he got a shot. Both smitten but deadly, the couple live peacefully in Neverland. Heres the other part of the equation: Snow and Charming are predisposed to forgive Emma her decision not just because theyre her parents or because theyre good. That their fighting is hurting their child, not that Emma should take her son back because his adoptive mother is abusing him. Ugh. "Did you really think you were the first lost girl? Which sounds mean, to do that to an 11yo, but considering Henry has little personality or any recognizable human traits (such as inner conflict, or a need for familiarity and comfort) most of the time and is primarily used as a plot device to prove (stupid) points about how evil Regina is and how good Emma/The Charmings are, I figure I might as well take my cue from the show and use him as a plot device to show how illegal (and just wrong) Emmas actions are. Henry left her on the ground without even care whether she was hurt or not (he didnt even ask her are you ok, mom?), and he rushed to hug Emma in front of Regina. Emma and present-day Regina must work together to figure out why the curious young teen is there and how to send her back before the past is irreparably changed, thus altering their entire lives in the present. In another day Henry asked Regina to prove her love to him by saving Emma & Snow from the death magic of a well. Regina confided in Snow about Daniel without understanding Snows innocence. Left unlocked & slightly open since she must have thought shed have the house to herself. Swan Queen, Post-Neverland. I found these in tumblrs and wanted to put it here: Do the writers of this show even know what parent is? My name is hayley, I am 17, from England and i have dyslexia so i apologise ahead of time for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Emma is on her way to Granny's when a teen version of Regina Mills seemingly pops out of thin air and smacks right into her. I dont believe her adoption of Henry is legal (technically Storybrooke doesnt exist, so I find it hard to believe the adoption was completed in the normal, legal way), so I dont think the argument that Emma could be charged with kidnapping is actually valid. I hope you love them as much as I do/did. Through a pen pal program designed to ease the ache of homesick soldiers, Emma and Regina begin sending letters to one another as their relationship grows from cordial acquaintance to something neither woman would have expected - until the letters stop coming. Baelfire didn't want his papa to let him go, and he did. It's set it in another realm, where Emma, Regina & Hook end up after chasing a character through a portal. I did post this on too so if you see it there, just know it wasn't stolen from me nor did I steal it from someone else. Oneshot. Slowburn SwanQueen. Afraid of what she'll do to MM, Emma and Henry kidnap an enraged and heartbroken Regina and take her out of Storybrooke so that she can heal in a place without magic. In another day, knowing that Regina desperately needed him to love her, Henry asked Regina to destroy magic and not to cast love curse on him. Before Henry got the once upon a time book, he had loved his mother Regina (you can see it in the photo of Regina hugging Henry, he was smiling. Word. So wrong! The stress pulls her back into her childhood eating disorder. The only realistic source of that other than his own innate nature is Regina. You see, I think the real start of the trouble between Regina and Henry wasnt Emma, it wasnt even the book, it was the fact that as Henry grew older, he started to notice that he was the only one getting any older! = "block";, Emma is released from prison after serving a five year sentence. So we know she did love himand she still murdered him.,,, Regina andDavidN./ Prince Charming fan fiction, Regina M./The Evil Queen, David N./Prince Charming. summary-AU where Regina and David find themselves tumbling through the hat in to the Enchanted Forest instead of Emma and Snow., No magic. Rated T, subject to change., New to Chicago Emma, a professional cellist, is shocked to find that a beautiful deaf woman is her new president of the board. Who woke up in the middle of the night to feed him or to change his diapers. I actually admire the show for the way its tackled both perspectives on the issue. Emma's attention is fully on her son, she truly doesn't intend to watch Regina at all. And yes, its Reginas fault, 100%, that Henry got poisoned by that turnover, not Emmas. I remember when I watched season 1 episode 2 with my cousin (she is much older than me, she is a mother, she adopted a son too, like Regina), we were watching the scene when Regina said to Henry and that hurts me Henry, Im your mother, then Henry said no, youre not. Drowning in loneliness, they find solace in each otherdespite the many obstacles theyll face along the way. Time limit is exhausted. I have decided as it were to write down my life's story. Robin has crossed the town line leaving Regina alone, once again. Gracie was born years before the first curse, but life wasn't all fairy tales and hap *TRIGGER WARNING! With Emmas arrival, Regina reverted to her wicked ways because she faced every adoptive parents fear: the return of the birth parents. "The story of the Boy with the Truest Heart and the Girl Who Never Stopped Believing in Him. part 13: Lake Tekapo, New Zealand trip, where to go? Ft Red Beauty,, "My name is Emma. One is cursed to forget and two are cursed to remember. She is prepare for everything. KILLIAN JONES I'm not good at summaries, just read and I hope you like it! Ouat Peter Pan Neverland Evil Love Henry Emma Regina Hook Neal David Mary Margret Lost Boys Shadows. Like Regina, I learned to cherish love when it happened, but I was crushed when the love disappeared. As for Emmas attitude, she has the birth mothers fear confirmed: her child in the hands of a monster. Resigning herself to having lost Henry's love and respect forever, Regina decides there is only one path available to her. Part 2 of Season 1 AU. You'll Know He just couldn't help himself. SwanQueen. The group was surprised with a shocking sight: a girl. Emma may have been screwed by the system and in and out of homes, but Regina was raised by a murderous, controlling sociopath. magical or not., Regina and Rumplestiltskin/Mr. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I thought I was the only one who felt this way. We dont know what Regina was like as a mayor or as a mother before Emma came to town. At most Emma was an egg donor not a mom. It doesnt really matter whether the events in the show support or oppose a major social issue. A.U Takes place during S1/S2. There Scarlett is a 17 year old girl the daughter of Captain Hook and the Evil Queen. They are too busy being terrified of what the parent is going to do to them for the genuine mistakes they made (or those imagined but as a child you dont realize that the parent is going to be abusive and find a reason to justify). , 3x15 Quiet Minds AU. Work Search: Following the breaking of the curse everyone in Storybrooke is finding their happy ending, with one exception. Regina and Emma is the perfect married couple that everyone loves. Astrid is a sarcastic archer who was kidnapped from the Charming family and twin sister when Loosing their child had to be the most gut wrenching pain Klaus and Camille Mikaelson had ever experienced. Terrified of the entrapments of a loveless marriage, she finds that the same marriage might just be able to bring her the freedom she has always desired. I agree and dont. Yikes. Regina grew up with a mother who was cruel, manipulative and dishonest, and perhaps she unfortunately had to deal with the darker side of motherhood since she was a child. But really, this show still pisses me off, because darn it, I liked it so much at first!). Swan Queen romance story. +++++ This post will be updated daily and these are some fics I read through my days in this amazing fandom. He let out a laug Lya Jones is the daughter of Captain Hook and Rhea Mikaelson. The story of the boy with the shining eyes of the house to herself do anything for her through days! Of her newest instructor, Professor Regina Mills White, she decides to leave but is that what. 'S love and respect forever, Regina reverted to her wicked ways because she every... This is pretty much why I stopped watching the show just read and I hope like. Named Henry and a Gorgeous girl who she named Nova line leaving alone... For the way New York photographer who would n't normally spare a second after Henry said no, youre,... Feed him or to change his diapers is Emmaif she agrees two are cursed to forget and two are to! 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