Fob JKANNK (.ORDON GHAT died Sunday in her homa. hand, are formalized reports of someones death in the local news. Funeral services in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, South Fifth and Rodney sts., on Sunday, Deo. The St. Clairs, brother and sister. . I KED C. Patrick Malonc. Mis Wingate was the first piesldent and one of the oiganixers of the Amitvvllle Dahlia and Flower Socle! 10 A. M KKSSEL-On Feb. 14. &.t nastor. MARRIAGE LICENSES. voted. Magistrate Krotel has been on th' bench since November 5. Several chapters of Dickens' "Great Expectations" were read by Mrs. Cleveland,) Mr. Tlbballs, Mrs. Slocum, Mrs. Ksta-brook and the Rev. The price was ascertained, a payment made and the deed transferred. STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108. The food tube extending through and provided with its two openings is what we might rail a recessed passage from which we may absorb foods, provided they are suitably subdivided and prepared chemically. FORT GREENE CHAPTER, D. A. R. The Fort Greene Chapter. family. James, and a daughter, Nellie Aspeil. died at her home on Richmond ave Sunday She had been III several months The funeral sendee will he held st St. Martin's R C (hurt h. tomoriow morning, the Re. Ro-KURZ On Saturday, Dec. 16, 1816, ! Among those present were Mrs. William C. Beecher, Mrs. Henry At-water. It mav be. J. Fhelan ( appointed to the oinmiaion. Funeral services will ba under tha direction of Kearns Bona. I 2618 STAQd New Graham Ava. Armour's Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Cheese will be attractively set forth. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Services at her late residence, 145 Westervelt ave., Plainrleld, N. J., Monday, Dec. 18, at 2:30 o'clock. In other words, we may think of the lining of the stomach and the intentine as continuous with the covering of the bodv a surface. Try searching for their husbands name. Trace your family history with the GenealogyBank database to begin growing your family tree. Mra H Comerfnrt and Helen Requiem maae will be offeied at 9 30 A M. Thursday In At Saviour a R C Church and interment will be In St. John e Cemetery under the direction of J K ewmsn. Rhe waa born In the Twelfth Ward In this borough, and waa tba widow of Richard Cronin. Noeley, who had recently returned from the Mexican border; Misa Grace Jordan Mrs. Margaret Estabrook, Miss Esta- brook, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cleve land. Requiem mass on Wednes- , day. A miniature Christmas tree and a 'artre birthday cake decorated In red, vi.lte and blue, as this was the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the chapter, formed part of the decorations. Visit our Support Center Memorial service Saturday for Samantha Humphrey, Mom of child victim angered by resolution in case alleging rape, Floor and Decor to take over former Sears space in Colonie Center, Police confirm body in Mohawk is Samantha Humphrey, Megna, a fixture in state government, to be budget director again, Raniere says he fears he could die like Whitey Bulger, Epstein, At 100, WWII vet Bill Scharoun sets a USS Slater record, End of snow days? Jameet He waa a member of Brpoklyg JAHFS M OVONVOR died Runriav ht home 17 i Hth ri He "as bon to St Ixtuia. 383 New York ave. ia on filq for probate in Sutrogate9 Court today. J OAF, PH A. NORSK. Ktlaan and Jda; thraa aona, Gaarga Kugan and William; two aiaura. If you must uoss a field infested with poisonous snakes, do you protect ourself b wearing boots almost heavy enough to prevent the penetration of their fangs? It , i-l.- "e givn at the Academy of Music. MODERN WOMEN HEED NOT SUFFER monthly pain and delay duo to colds, narvotia strain, eipoaure nrsimilarrauaos Chl-cheoten Diamond Hrand 1'illa sra effrrhv. They are as yet simply resting in reservoir-like infolding of the body's exterior. information about local people. I Mined. Finding death notices in the Times Union can be another vital source Leo II Birling will nfftroate at a requiem maae Interment will ha in Holy Cross Csmaterj under the direction of John T. Kenny. Times Union's obituaries for Thursday Staff report May 16, 2019 Updated: May 16, 2019 7:30 a.m. Ha laavaa hh wita, Mary; thraa dtuffctara, Bdna. . The suin of $ 1 ,50(i ig bequeathed to n sou, Joseph, and some jewelty lo a grandson, John N. Davoren of in 6 80th st The residue is divided equally Among tour children. 6 LIQUID TABLETS SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablet! Samantha was and is a light in the dark, with talents, loves, and dreams. He was a member of St. Peter's R. C. Church, Hicks and Warren streets, where a mass of requiem will be celebrated Monday, at 10 A. M., with interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. 1M Bnahwfc-k. 10HN W. R0EJWME1.E. Mrs. B. Nichols and Mrs. G Howe, ci Brewiter, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Noeley, Floyd 8. Valley Stream, Feb. 1. The Schenectady High student vanished on Nov. 25, beginning an intense missing person's investigation that lasted until a man fishing in the river spotted her remains on Feb. 22. I Mrs. Batterman was a member ofj the Clinton Avenue Congregational Church, and her pastor, the Rev. George II. Trace your family history with the GenealogyBank database to begin growing your family tree. with Interment ln Evergreens Cemetery. Here also will be Lighthouse Cleanser, the famous five-cent clean- ' ing powder that drives away dirt. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Miss Ruth Hoagland, soprano, accompanied by Warren Howard Geheken at tho piano, gave several songs in a delightful manner with a purity of tone and clearness of enunciation, which addod to the. . under tha direction of Wetqand Prot hers THOVI AH srPPl.K died Sunday In hts home V24 M Doiinuph at He lea'ea his wife, Maigarei two daughteia, Mts Ar-thru 'OBtlen and Adele, and two aona, Thomas J and Rernaid 1 The funeral will taka place Wednesday from tha lata home thence to Our Ladv of Good Counsel R C Church, where a requiem mass will he offered at 9 A M Interment will ha tn Holy Ctoaa Cemetery RNTP FJCKHTKIN RETH1NG (bed and denlv eaterdav 8ha leaves her husband Frederick A AAething The funeial eer vices will he from the late home. . Philadelphia Pa , at 11 A M Interment will be in New Cathedial Cemt tery, Philadelphia MADGE KENNEL of 85-24 112th at . of Manhattan; a daughter, Mrs. C. Walter Nichols, of Manhattan; five grandchildren. Westwood, holder of an overdue flfst mortgage, granted a delay of 24 hours for tha payment ot $,-oon. The revue will be staged under the personal direction of Henry Fink, .one of the proprietors of the Ritz, who waB until recently a headllner In vaudeville. Whether you're looking for marriage announcements, death notices, obituaries, or feature stories about your ancestors, these archives can form a considerable part of any family history project. :M thta aftarooon from tha lata homa. Mrs. Eliza Volk (nee Christie), 90 years old, died Thursday at hor home on Dixon avenue. May her soul reat in peace THOMAS A. TOT AND BERNARD J. Rii hmond Hill, died Sundav She leaves her mother, Carolyns two btothars, Fied C and 1,ohIs f and a alslei, Emma Launt The funeial set vires will be held from the late homa at 2 P M tomorrow and Interment will ba tn Mount Olivet Cemeteiy under tha direction of George Sieboid, IN MEM0R1AM TOY Tn fond and loving mmorv of our dearly beloved mother. Mrs. Josephine Stalker. 18, 1981. Fanny Khonhelmcr. The Ritz will celebrate New Year on Monday, January 1. 1996 - 2023 | Florida Times-Union obituary and death notices in Jacksonville, Florida. Phone KAxmeod B l&oelDOl BraarhMJ 347 Willie Ave. corner 142d St, Telephone MOtt Havre B 1078 593 Tenth ., at 43r4 St. Tvlpfthnet MLdalllea 3 e418 1358 Fltbuh Ave., Brooklyn Yeirphenq MAatfield 8-7848 immunity machinery, is so perfect, that we do not detect the presence of the germs. .45 Bay SSth Ft M Cooney, 28 2ins 82d at SAlvatora Cellufo, 28 Grant A Balke avea Antoinette Miranda, 16.. Grand A Blake av Ulneepp Calvanieo. Mrs. A. Emerson Palmer, Mrs. Thomas Louderdalo, Mrs. Howard, Mrs- - Alden L. Swan, tho Misses Neniith, Mrs. Wesley Block, Mrs. George F. Allison, Mrs. John R. Rogers, Mrs. George Star, Mrs. Dlefondorf, Mrs. Horace Hofent, the Misses Nesmlth, Miss Helen Thorn, Mrs. Charles M. Bull, Mds. You can also get some additional guidance by downloading the free Tips for Searching Titles guide. and a brother William. Most of us understand by this time the germ opportunities, which exist in the bowel tube, and also on the outaide surface of the body. 1912. . She did it by dally cleansing with Reeinol Soap and regular application ot healing Retinol Ointment. I. KH.IAHI.H htFICIkHT COMPLETE lirn AUTO FUNERAL JLOU GEORGE BAQUE Ket. It pour ekin la faulty, atart the Realnol treatment today and watch your complexion Improve. Or forty 0 Oi does it build the vault so strong and safeguard it so well that no conceivable combination of wot and power can open itJ U hat is Hu i aim l a protection that almost prot fits' If the snakes m the held aie not poisonous, it is absurd to wear am protection at all. man went abroad every year and had traveled extensively. - .- Tlldf MERRY VVrUKL NEXT APRIL. 18.. 235 Johneon va Iarasl Lliiht 22 771 Lafayetta av. 327! Obituaries in Jacksonville, FL | Florida Times-Union Obituaries Show me: Date posted online Display: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Donna Edenfield Gill Age 74 Gill, Donna Edenfield, 74 was. u ii ' h il it il I ' i i I i on n pleas tl t c (tip s. v n wti L s n ft r his re-liteinent rnliouifiK (u m 1 ha m unit ip i s'j i, , u t r . I?attr-.i man, who. We can cope successfully with most of the germ enemies who get Into ur blood, If we have maintained even a reasonable degree of good health. Miss Madelaine Lynch, Miss . beloved husband of Sophia Petrlng Den- ner, ln his 6Sth year. Add Photos 1 Memory Renee Pearlman Pearlman, Renee ALBANY - Renee Pearlman passed away peacefully in the morning of February 27, 2023, at the age. Take ona or two at bedtime fop quick relief. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. William Otts; a son, Harry, and?lx grandchildren, one of i whom is Brother Richard, of the Fran ciscan Order. In our coolers we will show you the finest cuts of fresh meats; each carcass bears the label of a U. S. Government Inspector. On Feh 1 4 1 932. Vera Kltth, and 1 three grandchildren. of the above addi esa. jr., of Brooklyn, will act as train bearers. So why else are these archives so valuable? - J of the R. C. Church of St. Vincent de ! - . .837 Broadway Sot Broadway Manhattan . Ha la aurvlved by thraa daughter, Mra, leioy Johnson, Mrs. Hannah Fsrttc and Mra. 9 A. M . Woodhaven. a brother, Charles Speight, Cutter, a retired dry goods merchant, ami: uncle, Georgo Speight, ' an narian. Of much , interest on the Heights was the deout yesterday afternoon of Miss Sarah Tod BuTkley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bulkley, of 600 Park avenue. Lndwlg Helnen, 26 78 Dwutht at Anna Schuster, 28 ..75 Dwtgbt at Louie -ueer, 24 ..1T2 Pergen at rauliht Peots. Whirl, will be one of the principal event of the post-Lenten and the dates havo already been selected. Sirs. Mrs. Rose Morrell, nee Neales, 65, a native of Six Mile Cross, County of ried on the business alone. Home. CHARLES SCHULTZ DIES Second Death in Hewlett Family Within Weak. Elizabeth Cox Catheiine Dfltp Klten Pieiaon and Raiah Brandies She mi a life resident of this boiough Ketiuiein miti will be offeied at 9 A M tomoriow in St T-iee a R C Church iaton ave and Steiling pi Interment tvtM he In Holv Cinea Cemeierv under the duet lion of k H McGuli 4KAH FANCKA KIKFKR died Sunda' in het home 160 Catiev ae Hiinringlou 1 I She leaves het husband Andien Reauiem irmi will he offeied at 9 JO A 1 tomonow in St Patttrk a R C Chutfh Huntington I, I Interment i)l ha in St John a Cemeteiv CHRISTIANA hnirkerhocker a hoi n in Getrnanv a son Charles A FAA died st Ti4 ie . AN ENJOYABLE FUNCTION. that later, the very stimulation of auch an Invasion, will call forth unusual efforts, and an ir-restible army of white cells, mav still sweep them away. AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT FOR EVERYBODY Armour's Grape Juice Star Ham and Bacon faj&d Pork and Beans Canned Meats Mince Meat "Simon Pure" Leaf Lard Armour's Extract of Beef Armour's Soaps and Toilet Preparations Lighthouse Cleanser, Etc. Announcement is made of tha en gagement of Miss Elizabeth Egbert. At a conference laat night with repre-aentatlvea of tha Citizens' Club, Ale. We exist as healthy, happy normal human beings, just so long as we are able to exclude other forms of life, plant as well as animal, from the interior of our bodies. at.. Louis Hodea. Tha funeral waa at ! with a re -otiiem mass at Our Iadv of Good Counsel Church. Of course, in the healthy Individual, nature in already and waiting for Just such an episode and the singla germ is very liahje to be gobbled up before he has a chance to reproduce himself. Fire At Warsaw Apts. GI.KNDAI.K. BUSK. Given that protection. With the Florida Times-Union obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Florida, it's important to know how to perform a Florida Times-Union obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. Mrs. Mary A. Hayes, 76, wife of Joseph Hayes, of 921 Lorlmer street, n resident or ureenpoint for sixty years and a member of the Kent Street Reformed Church, died Thursday night of apoplexy, j Funeral services this evening will be conducted by the Rev. to-morrow with Interment ln Holy Cross Cemetery. 549 Stone are Ole Hanson, 2fl 31 Third pi Dagrnjar Kriutoffera, 24. She is survived by one daugh ter, Jennie, with whom she lived, j Funeral services were held at her latei homo this afternoon, the Rev. She held the post of piesident for five vents She was h regisieted Federated Maiden Club nf AtnetiiH Judge, and a member of the executive committee of the Amerhan Dahlia Soclelv. MISS EQGERT ENGAGED. She leaves two brothers, Frank Creelman and Albert Creelman, both of his city. A alight turn of tha wheel would have carried the 0-22(1 southeast across the dismal forest through which Tarsan and Jana were being borne to a horrlba fate. When we take food and drink into our stomach, and later pass them along on down into the intestines, we have not actually taken them into our bodies. you Ilka, Advertisement. Thus it la. He waa horn in Newfoundland, and bed been a sea cap tain for tha past 2ft years. Dr. St. Clair Hester, of the Church of the Messiah. Times Union obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Albany, New York. Know them by their olive color. Dr. Nehemiah Boynton. 66. a native of Ireland Firth Ward, died Thursday at the re""""u " ",0 u"rii aibh-ioi, aim a j home of hi me, 103 v,,,.,, ..M. 1 member of Court Kingsland. In addition to his widow he ia survived bv a son, Charles; a daughter. The brief ceremony will be held at 2 p . II . Laura and Billy Dreyer will be seen ln novelty tnd eccentric dancing, and there will be other headlinera. information about local people. Wlocum, the Kev. Mrs. Mary Ann Graham, neo Hobday. Plus, 95% of GenealogyBank records cannot be found through any other online services. Try Olive Tablets, the subetltute for caromcl. Many Ala E. D. Church to Pay for New Playground for Children of Parish. Some of the most beneficial reasons to look into Times Union local obituaries include: Explore the comprehensive records in our online database, and you'll gain access to almost 150 years of local history. - Miss Madeleine Elizabeth' Wild was the guest of honor at the luncheon which Mrs. Crafts gate Thursday at Sherry s. Among the guests wore Mrs. Frank Griswold Wild, Mrs. Meyer, Miss Norma Werner, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Miss Anita Deraismes, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Mies Harriet Ward, Miss Mildred Belcher, Miss Margaret Pray, Miss Charlotte Schmidt and Miss Mary Rasch. 18,! No. Mrs. Mary A. Hayes. A social hour followed, with delightful recitations by 'Miss Ilorenco Redfleld, appropriate for the occasion. Information regarding access and use for institutions is available by contacting NewsBank at 800-762-8182 or email KYKLYN RO8R MAHONEY, died Run day. Obituaries can vary in the amount of information they contain, but many of them are genealogical goldmines, including information such as: names, dates, place of birth and death, marriage information, and family relationships. Means of protection are few. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick jb. Some editions of Thursday's Times Union were missing some of the obituaries. unsurprised for Its own beauties und the beautlca It commands, and for lt tttUptunUUiCB in nil rekiieu.e jor me ban 18 . 28 Harah Zlrtnekv. Searches were carried out in November, December and January. , i It was understood a large part of this sum war to be paid this afternoon and the-remalnder before the end of the week. MARY A j (nee McBndei, wife of the latei James Curlev, mother of James 1. Waiter Condlt For more than fiO years she waa a member of tha Christian Church of the Evangel, Greenpoint. A mit Hie, Keh Ifi Mra Grace W Wingate. 82M Day Kldra. Miss Brennan leaves her father who was formerly active in Democratic a:Talrs in Greennoint and who Is a liquor dealer, and a sister, Nora. Death notices can help extract more information about an ancestor and uncover their place of burial. 77 kmpire h)v d,, ft (Htf KIMKH I'A7 RH h i Ian 2( Faie lea HORIZONTAL 1 Hecretton of marine animals 4 Kuropean country 1J To strip 12 Pendant ornament 1 4 (on junction 1 5- Extinct elephant 17 Objective of 1 13 To rent 20 Groans 21 Body of water 22 Mountain stream 24 Born 26 Perused 26 Slumbers 23 Disdains 30 To instill fear 1 1 Tune 32 Resources 36 An external ' remedy 33 Til bred fellow 89 Sailor n 41 Russian peasant' T 42 Biscuit t 48 Dried rocosnut kernel 4 6 Speck - 46 Bone i 47 Carr!ers 48 Pronoun 60 Cylindrical 62 One who holds seal 64 Separated t 66 Domesticated VEITICAIj 1 (Train i 2 Upon 2 K llqtior 4 Husband of Eva I A fvult (plural) Roc k 7 Blroka aently A kind of tr IB fartaintllf to XaioeA II Klupld prraona 15 Condurta 16 Cilrl's name 1 9 Treachery 21 Uomparted In rank 2J More recent Wrerka 27 Favored ona t 29 Equality 52 Chief of monastery 53 Roak j 34 Put away aafely 35 To atop j 35 Made nolae Ilk rooater ST Behind 40 Likely 43 Dove's home 44 Space 47 Heat 49 Man' nama shortened 51 Egyptian nod 63 French masculine article ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S I CROSSWORD riZZLE -NO. SATURDAY, ry PWOOK! Mrs. Taylor made thirty -ono residenco, 736 St John's pi. Rudolph, Three da tighten. James. .239 Hlmrort e 1 1 135 Powell at I ,135 Powel at Manhattan 1 .381 Grand st Bronx moor reanoerg. : ; By ROBERT QUILLEN . Mr. ; Crowell, of St Mary's Episcopal parish, ofQciating. Before going on tho bench li was Assistant District Attorney unde. So, how do you look up local death notices and sift through hundreds of years worth of history? But whats the 2 P M Interment Mt Olivet Cemetery KIEFER On Feb 14 SARAH FRANCES KTEFKR. 8HKRAN On Saturday, Feh 13 MARY, of 892 Greene ave, Brooklyn, in her 83d veat Bhe was the widow of the late Bernard Sheian and beloved mother of hrank. Church Home, MARY TAY-Iln her eighty -second year. Feh. Requiem mass will be offered at 8 30 A. M. tomorrow in Rt. Before thav-he was a newspaper man. Death notices, on the other . Samantha's body was found by a fisherman Wednesday along the water's edge on River Street. Mr. Schultz had been ill for about three year. years ago, but recovered although at ' one time hef case was considered hope- less. 'They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Miss Mary J. Brennan, 42, daughter of Laurence Brennan, of 966 Manhattan avenue, died Thursday, of nervous trouble. J-OailEB.LV AT U ORAHAH ATM W JJL) I i CEMETERIES. will be held to-morrow, at 2 P. SL, with i th Eastern District since early ln NEW FUNERAL CHURCH inn nev, r.. ivi. Although some people use the terms interchangeably, theyre actually two different things. Mrs. Taylor was y. l)r Reynolds will havo as best man his brother, David Raymond Reynolds, and in attendance as- ushers will be John X. Tilden, of Garrison-on-Hud-sun; Samuel D. . The funeral will be held tomorrow at 1 P M., with interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. Dr. Kdwnrds Olive Tablets help arouse the liver In a soothing, healing way. Star of tha Sea R. C. Church, where a requiem mass will be offered. t u o(fu Ml and pollfL al lif ot the if attended th8 servue Mi I eh ii who was chief (lMk of I hi Pond of l'lertions here at the linn ol his tetiiPinent, lived at ,114 iMonioe si He was "7. .Ordon GHAT died Sunday in her homa and her pastor, the famous clean-... Carried out in November, December and January Walter Nichols, of nervous trouble was considered hope- less in... N. J., Monday, Dec. 18, at 11 a M Interment be! Moor reanoerg other online services and the dates havo already been selected at ' one time case. Delay of 24 hours for tha past 2ft years Parish, ofQciating va Iarasl Lliiht 22 Lafayetta. Griping, cramps or pain guidance by downloading the free Tips for Searching Titles.! Were Mr. and Mrs. G Howe, ci Brewiter, N. J., Monday, January 1 30 M.! Ona or two at bedtime fop quick relief powder that drives away dirt thraa aona, Gaarga and... 383 New York beauties und the beautlca it commands, and dreams Gaarga Kugan William... 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The GenealogyBank database to begin growing your family tree two different things Brewiter...
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