jl collins daughter

I would think direct but did not know if I was missing an advantage to Betterment or a company like that. . She was in college and interested in anything but investing. I also want to thank you for the warm and humane way you do that, which makes reading your blog a recreational and uplifting experience. MSG Reggie Kalous I kind of wish Id gotten to it sooner. But I tried too hard. Are you serious? JL Collins is one of the best financial bloggers on the web. GBP or ZAR in 2008. Its in Swedish, but Google Translate is our dear friend . Can you please share details? I made it through 5 years at community college getting all my math, physics and chemistry out of the way before transferring for my upper level courses. I am from Indiana and run a travel company abroad where Ive lived in Africa (Morocco to which I invite you and will do the trip at cost) for over 15 years (and have traveled extensively around the world). The calculators have been daunting and I'm hoping I can really start making serious payments, $1K/month would get me free by March 2023, still seems too far way but is certainly saving $$$ on interest vs. the minimum payments. Kind of disturbing for those of us who invest at Vanguard. Back in the midwest now. I immediately started my position in Vtsax. Christine Benz: Hi, and welcome to The Long View. Was in touch with Anna previously but it didnt work out. Hi Can I also have a contact with your agent? A pal of mine once said I had won the family lottery. Ive been reading your site pretty intently but I have a few questions that do not seem to be addressed anywhere and I was hoping I can ask you by email. My agent is working with publishers around the world and the rights have already been sold in several countries. So Im wondering can you explain what hes talking about here and what his dooms-day scenario might look like, or how it would come about? But it is only 6% of your portfolio, so no harm in holding it if you like. Does this mean that I can only invest in them with a minimum of $10K ? So, that keeps people from raiding them, which is something that you can't say of liquid investment accounts. Therefore, 1,250,0000.04 = 50,000. Not pure enough. Id really like to write this review as I thoroughly enjoyed your book and Id be thrilled if youd agree to let me use the image of your book! You might post your specific questions here: I tried the retirement thing about 15 years ago,when I was in my late 30s. I suggest you subscribe now. StocksPart XIII: The 4% Rule, Withdrawal Rates and How Much Can I Spend Anyway?" We also sell both admissions and sponsorship packages for our investment conferences and advertising on our websites and newsletters. Thank you so much for not only sharing your strategies, but for making people like me actually understand it. JL Collins on Financial Independence and The Simple Path to Wealth July 28, 2020 By writing a series of blog posts about personal finance and stock market investing intended for his daughter, JL Collins (somewhat by accident) reached an international audience of millions. . And then, there's Quit Like A Millionaire, Kristy Shen's book, a great inspirational book. I will be returning to live with my father after loose ends are tidied up so no huge outgoings accommodation wise. Me and Mrs Why925 got inspired 7-8 years ago on MMM and ERE blogs and after reading Rich dad poor dad, Your money or your life and 4 hour workweek. Are there any charges for this. What better person to feature on my blog than you. Let me check out your site and Ill send you a PM. Since it doesnt work as mentioned, Vtsax and the S&P 500 a currently parallel. Therefore, I really hope you would consider featuring (whenever suits you). I need to circle back on the IRA but is that something we should do first before all else? I know I had to pay fees. One question if you have time. We also continue to see markets move upward, as TINA (there is no alternative) to the stock market (not viable, at least). I just ordered your book through Amazon (also a Bogle Book and the Coffee House investor) for some light Xmas reading and to tangibly support those sensibly helping others on their financial path. I contribute 1000 monthly. The second comment is related to the power of Qualified Charitable Distributions available now consistently for a Traditional IRA, which can go to fulfill the RMD annual requirement. That said, please feel free to ping me when you have something you think would be of particular interest. So, if you can read my book, and it makes sense, the principles and approaches make sense, then I think that's the better approach than target-date funds. However, it grows tax free and withdrawals once you begin taking them are tax free. That's my daughter, basically, who I'm writing for. So we can confirm if any of the FIRE students stick to the basic rules, they will get there. I cannot imagine doing the same to one of my patients. However, it took years for the research to confirm this, and for it to be accepted and believed. I view them as an expensive indulgence if you will. Jeff Ptak: And I'm Jeff Ptak, chief ratings officer for Morningstar Research Services. This advisor put us into American Funds. In Israel we have 2 types of funds that track the S&P 500. Is it really still as simple today to say, the market will always go up? Tend to disagree about not owning your own home as in Australia we generally have a different mindset but in the end it is just bananas which way you go as the paths are in the same direction. Your thoughts on home ownership were particularly well put IMO. Its not just your daughter who is benefitting from all this! Language: English dont know if you can relate or know people who have had these sorts of experiences. Collins: Christine, first of all--and you've alluded to this already--but let's be clear that when I was talking about my daughter and that she's putting money in on a regular basis, and that . So, you will wind up with a less-good result at the end of the day. But that's taking it a little bit out of context, because houses in California are in a different location than houses in Tennessee, and stocks in the U.S. are in a different neighborhood than stocks in the rest of the world. "In the dark, bewildering, trap-infested jungle of misinformation and opaque riddles that is the world of investment, JL Collins is the fatherly wizard on the side of the path, offering a simple map, warm words of encouragement and the tools to forge your way through with confidence. Health insurance is the biggest question she has to the early retirement scheme Ive got her on board with everything else. Or if not, what sort of intervention do you think is needed to set them on the right path? It has always felt dishonest to me, especially when the brokers and my screens are not the same when I call him for advice. 2: what are your thoughts on whole life insurance and disability insurance? I was surprised that in your book (chapter 30) you advocate for using (withdrawals in retirement) taxable investments as compared to using your Roth IRA investments. Benz: You do counsel people to de-risk their portfolios as they get closer to retirement or whatever kind of goal that they're working toward. Im one lucky guy. With all this said, I seek to grow all three buckets of resources and find your writing super helpful toward that end. Hi, Jim. I see your email is unlisted but you sometimes respond to comments here. This means that Vanguard's interests are directly aligned with the interests of its investors. Now, for my second question, which has to do more with the psychology of investing. Or more accurately, when people say, JL, that sounds like deprivation, having to set aside money that I can't spend in order to invest. And in my view, I've never seen it as deprivation. I read it in one sitting. What kind of stocks are you attracted to and how have you done with them? I respect that. Thank you for opening the eyes of many of us who still adhere to humility! If you do end up reading this and see anywhere I'm off or need to shift my gameplan please advice, or just a little simple bullet list of what to do ; ) Best line in the book: Spend less than you earn, invest the surplus (VTSAX) and avoid debt. I finished my purchase of Your Money Ratios and being my skeptical self, went to your books page and read the 1 star reviews. There are several posts on other FI blogs dealing with this issue that may help. Uploaded by: Ana Skywalker. Youre book was exactly what I needed to hear to re-spark my motivation towards FI. I would lose the F-You money. Glad you found your way over here. I am only 7 years into marriage with 3 kids and have only been to a few countries. Interesting question. I have already maxed out my 2022 IRA contributions and have been investing my additional income with my brokerage account. Peter G. Actually, 1 in 20 is generous. So, those are just some. If you havent already and if you are so inclined, please take a moment to leave a 5-Star review on Amazon. It is an actively managed vanguard mutual fund but much lower fees comparing to other actively managed funds. Thank you so much. But target-date funds are not a bad approach. However, equally interesting is that the fact that the USD is a safe haven currency magnifies the size of stock market drops in the US. You seem like a regular guy, and I could really relate to your perspective on investing. Collins: I imagine, my father, for instance, I remember when I was a child, hearing that he had invested in some stock based on a tip that he'd gotten, not surprisingly, he lost money and, and he said, I'm never going to do that again. It is wonderful to enjoy your work and hopfully you will for a long, long time. One of my few regrets is that Ive never had the occasion for an international posting. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2018/06/28/stocks-part-xxxiv-how-to-unload-your-unwanted-stocks-and-funds/#comment-4220324. You didnt account for inflation(and fees, which are harder). Funny how you can blow through a years wages in about 6 months when youre hanging out in poolrooms and bars every night. Collins recommends you prioritize your debt repayment strategy like this: Debt at less than 3%: Pay it off slowly and invest. I am far from AA, dont know how you got that impression?! I call myself Mr Why925 based on my blog whyninetofive.com . Republic Wireless and my $19 per month phone plan. So, you're adding a little bit of extra cost, and you're adding something that, at this point in our history, I don't see a need for. "The Trinity Study and Portfolio Success Rates," by Wade Pfau, Forbes, Jan. 16, 2018. . https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-hedge-fund-manager-from-the-big-short-who-predicted-mortgage-crisis-now-says-index-funds-are-next-market-bubble-it-will-be-ugly.html, http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2019/09/12/michael-burry-index-funds/#comment-2701784, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2019/08/17/a-guided-meditation-for-when-the-stock-market-is-dropping/. for your very kind words. Loved the book btw. So, youre right, were it me, Id just put it in VTSAX and call it a day. Rama. I got an internship my senior year in a cubicle at a power consulting firm. I have been excitedly recommending it to friends and family. Looks like you are in Europe, so this post should help. If the next decade is another slow or no growth decade, many gen x rers will be reaching their late 50s to early 60s with dismal 30 year returns. Trying to contact you about launching an online course but cant find your email anywhere. He just kinda dropped away and I assume is too busy lacking ambition to write any more on Lacking Ambition. When you inherit a some of money like $100,000, how should one invest it? I can look forward to life filled with writing music, travel, and fostering our important relationships. How I learned to stop worrying about the Fiscal Cliff and you can too. Investments I want to email you if possible. Exciting! Can you just talk about how it is you concluded that the right path to try to lead people toward is this more minimalist indexing-centric approach that you ultimately embraced? Thanks in advance for any insights. I find the new S&P 500 catholic values index an appealing alternative. Im a content writer and specialize in finance, money managing, debt related topics. So, there was a lot of pushback against index funds from the very beginning. And particularly seeing as we're probably most likely to build a house, and that's a 12-month process, so am I about to commit to a very expensive indulgence and not even have access to it for the next 12 months only to find when it's time to move in its value has been cut in half, like in '07, '08? My name is Dustin and I work with a faith foundation, helping families give generously, maximize their impact, and leave a lasting legacy. It seems to be similar to IUL or Index Universal Life. I work for a 401k company and teach doctors/nurses/housekeepers at some big hospital systems about how money works. Thanks for your interest, but we do not publish sponsored articles. My fianc and I were recently told about your book from family friends of ours Scott and Taylor from Playing with FIRE Documentary! Our daughter was born in 1992. Therefore: Folks who adjust their spending to inflation see there relative (not absolute) standard of living fall with time. And one of the obstacles, by the way, is I actually achieved financial independence picking stocks, and by extension picking mutual funds that were actively managed by stock-pickers. If you total living expenses is 13,000 per year then you multiply 2513,000 = 325,000. the second way, With the same samples, If you have $1,250,000 then you just multiply by 0.04. An easy read. The 4% rule, even before the current environment you were describing, did fail 4% of the time--no connection to the two numbers. I have a question on the actual return. hello from India. Calculating based on 10000 initial investment and 1000 monthly investment from 1999 to present. Thanks for your reply, and happy to know you read my site. I think youd be a great fit for our affiliate program. I am thinking of investing the 100k in VTSMX and VGTSX at the 70% and 30% ratio. If I own a treasury issued by the United States government that is good for 10 years and pays a 3% yield, I can be assured that I will earn my 3% coupon every year for 10 years and then receive my initial investment back at the end of the term (unless the government goes away or defaults and we have a much larger problem). Note that today is 2021 and things have changed since the publishing of your book. Jim has preached constantly about the inevitable drops in the market and how you shouldnt overreact and panic sell. That is really the only way active management can outperform the index over time. , Translation Rights Inquiry: THE SIMPLE PATH TO WEALTH by J L Collins. There was the pretty sharp drop during COVID. Like we have at 43 only 2 years ago. It's just that my freedom was more important to me than a fancy house or a fancy car or anything else actually. Were really interested in your book The Simple Path to Wealth and wanna publish it. The Stocks Series has really helped me think through my investing decisions. I agree, theres lots to do in life besides work. Ive always enjoyed reading your blog and and I appreciate what you do. Who besides Jack Bogle? The views and opinions of guests on this program are not necessarily those of Morningstar, Inc. and its affiliates. for the comprehensive review and insights. LOL, [I had intended to just email you this, but I couldnt find your email address.]. You are young, debt free and love to save: A great base from which to build. our entire lives. https://curryfinance.com/2017/11/19/why-i-like-vanguard-balanced-fund-vwiax/. My name is Pavlin Yakimov and I am the manager of AMG Publishing, Sofia, Bulgaria. It is very hard for me to provide much help on your question. Thanks Jim. I'll answer the second part first. Im interested to see what your thoughts on this are. Id love to include yours, tooevery article narrated is credited 3+ times per episode (name & site), and our podcasts are all ranked in Apple Podcasts in the Top Charts. Chautauqua 2014: Lightning strikes again! "Harry M. * Collins; three stepsons, Sergt William C. * Collins, Glover and Amos Coninsf one step t daughter. Today in honor of love we opened a brokerage account at Vanguard. Who knew that a four-year-old would want to go through The Wall Street Journal with you, but there you go. Collins: Well, Jeff, I refer to that as having the disease. . Thanks. Active 401k is (and has been) in an S&P index fund. Stocks Part XXIX: How to save money for college. And kudos to him for being open to it. Please advise. Invest in Index for accumulated growth Thanks, TFR, Please send it along if you like, but please understand it may be quite sometime before I am able to take a look.. Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to be with us. Ive passed your contact info on to my agent. Our digital financial feed includes bite-sized learning packs across five categories: budget, save, invest, earn, and mental health & money. Here, we have a category of investors that are clearly making mistakes and speculating in these junky stocks. I hope you and your family are safe and healthy in these wild times. Please email me so I can send you a document I have written for your kind review. I do the same with books on occasion. After reading your book, I am very eager to simplify and restructure with Vanguard. Well, you are here now, and I have 220 notes of advice to process and implement. Hello Jim, Im sending you a big hug from Brasil. And I still have that addiction. If this grows like Im hoping, Id love to give one of your books to each teacher who learns to teach my seminar. This year it was effortless to decide what to buy for Christmas gift. I would greatly appreciate your view on my article: http://tenfactorialrocks.com/how-to-invest-efficiently/. My employer account does not offer VTSAX, although I was able to invest in VBTLX (10%), I split the rest between small cap and medium cap equity index funds. Sharing your content in an educational manner could provide a lot of value. But this is clearly not what happened for you and others recently. Please let me know if it is available in Korea. I am working on my emergency fund, I have about $10k in cash now in an HYSA. The index tracks the stock market not how much money is put into vtsax. VT is the ETF version of VTWSX. Thank you. And there are a few things in life that are more intoxicating than choosing a company, buying the stock, and being proven right and watching it go up. Kate. Your blog helps people see in simple terms that they can have more choices and control over their lives. Im 30 and didnt get my first real-money job until 2013. Read this book if you want to get your personal finances in order. Look forward to your reply to my mail. The only reason it wasnt zero is because I saved more later in the decade as my income increased. For this reason, my thinking is we should always be investing for the long-term. Dear Mr. Collins, Therefore, we believe personal experience can be very beneficial in helping individuals from the Finllect Community whether it is through a podcast, video, blog, and so on! Ive got 88% of that 401ks $ in that fund, the remainder in a BlackRock international fund that seeks investment to match the performance of the MSCI ACWI ex US Index. And one of the highest compliments I get from people is that, Wow, I've tried to read a lot of finance books and finally, reading yours, this stuff makes sense. So, that's who I'm writing for. My observation is that with other index fun providers, even Vanguard, there is a premium charged for the added convenience of the L-funds. Have you spent any time on our sub? Luckily, I am mechanically inclined and like hobbies, so I have a ready-made excuse when I am experiencing any Spitfire downtime. Itsabout what has worked for me and what has kicked me in the ass. Very similar to the build-up to the 2008 disaster, in which every square inch of open land has been turned into mud, with cranes and construction vehicles proliferating like ants. While I dont really follow his reasoning, and remain suspicious that like most hedge fund managers hes likely looking to flog his own financial product as a solution, I think hes worth considering given his track record. 17:47-23:40 J.L.'s advice on investing: the simple things are the most worth it. This is a great discipline, but investing needs to happen to secure your financial future. Jim, Thank you for sharing the knowledge and information meant for your daughter with the rest of us. So, even more of a connection! But, I cannot find any student loans without compound interest. Keep writing your blog and educate people like us. As it happens, I am recording the audio book version this week. It takes virtually none of your time. http://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2014/12/07/whistleblower-alleges-vanguard-cheated-on-taxes-costing-taxpayers-more-than-1-billion/, Heres my take: https://jlcollinsnh.com/ask-jlcollinsnh/#comment-4213814. And fortunately for me, during those years, the wind was at my back. . Be sure to read the important Disclaimersregarding the content and advertising here. Should I make contributions to my IRA at all? But what I do blame myself for is a college buddy of mine in the mid-80s, who was an analyst with Duff & Phelps, introduced me to the concept of index funds. Jcollins, Please email me on my email below. Am I being too aggressive? I can share with you I have several friends who have retired from a military career and it is a great path. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2013/12/16/betterment-wants-to-give-you-25/. COLLINS. There are two options for owning fixed assets: you can buy the asset yourself and own directly or you can own through a bond fund that is similar to an index fund that purchases a basket of bonds/ treasuries. Ill send you a PM. Now I am left wondering what have we done?!? To me this looks like both asset classes lost large, and I fail to see the protection that fixed assets are meant to provide. Hi! Sounds like your daughter knows a lot for a a HS Junior. And Im thankful you put it in blog form because for me, as unethical as it may sound, I can read it at my desk job during slow periods. Thank you. Do you have any suggestions in our case. I just wanted to send a quick email to follow up with you about my message from last week. Lo. I didnt believe my friend at first so I looked it up, Ticker symbol: FZROX. Hello, Mr Collins. Or any books you recommend. Loved your book! I feel like I dont have time to be conservative. His stock series is THE place to start for anyone wanting to learn about personal finance, and is one of the most highly rated series in the blogosphere. . He strongly recommends Vanguard for several reasons. I started selling flyswatters door-to-door and picking up empty pop bottles from the side of the road for the 2-cent deposit. We have new alternatives that could help you do just that. The email goes on to explain that the new ETFs are Vanguard ESG U.S. Stock ETF (ESGV) and Vanguard ESG International Stock ETF (VSGX). Im aware NH derives the vast majority of its revenue from property taxes, and theyre some of the highest in the nation at 2.2%. So, as Jack Bogle once said, performance comes and goes, but fees are forever. We now live on beautiful Sunshine Coast, Australia after living and working for 17 years in Sydney. Chautauqua 2015 Reviews, 2016 registration open, Case Study #15: The Scavenger Life -- Freedom first, then Financial Independence, 3rd Annual (2015) Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2016, Personal Capital; and how to unload your unwanted stocks and funds, Stockchoker: A look back at what your investment might have been, Case Study #14: To Dream the Impossible Dream (and then realize it), Gone for Summer, an important note on comments and random cool stuff that caught my eye, Stocks Part VIII: The 401(k), 403(b), TSP, IRA & Roth Buckets, Stocks -- Part XXVIII: Debt - The Unacceptable Burden, Case Study #12: Escaping a soul-crushing job before you're 70, Case Study #11: John, a small business owner in transition, Trish and Stan take an Intrepid Sailing Voyage, 2014 Annual Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2015, Chautauqua February 7-14, 2015: Escape from Winter, Stocks -- Part XXVII: Why I Dont Like Dollar Cost Averaging, Jack Bogle and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Thanks for it all! Will contact her again and hope we can come into agreement this time round. Consider it done. People will read it and then go buy your book(s). The books arrived a bit over a week ago. I do not know. But maybe that answered it. But there's no reason for people to do that. He will most likely retire in 6ish years. . Learn more about how to invest the HSA account Im afraid I know nothing about the Indian markets. However, we can tell you the site does not accept sponsored posts. Your book gave me hope and a new outlook on our financial future. Im new to the world of FI and have been binging on podcasts and blogs for the last few months. We want to help our fellow students be prepared for the future. Privacy Policy and So your $500 will immediately buy $500 worth of shares each time you invest it. How should they embark on that de-risking process to protect themselves against the kind of downdraft that you were just discussing? but remind me never to play pool with you for $$. Ptak: And @Syouth1, which is, S-Y-O-U-T-H and the number 1. The stock series kind of grew out of that. At least Ill then have my 1200. But it was still working. All the best to you and your family. Low cost broad based index funds is the best solution compared to picking any select sector of stocks. Am I too late in the game to do this? Case Study #4: Using the 4% rule and asset allocations. I too have a blog where I help urban millennials make wiser money choices and for the month of November I want to focus on investing and the simple path to wealth. Man, oh man. As Ive said before, I owned them for 28 years myself. Regards, JL, Lots of time left for disaster to strike. I recently listed to your newest podcast on ChooseFi and I had some thoughts about the bond section. That makes sense for people with long time horizons. You can email me at 27Goodthings at gmail dot com when youre done or if you have other questions. However, if you read thru this: https://jlcollinsnh.com/stock-series/ Would also like to explore how we can license some of your contents on this blog. As I say, I've owned them for most of my adult life, but don't buy them as an investment; buy them when you can easily afford them, and they provide a lifestyle that you're looking for. And I suppose if I were going to add some spice to my index funds, I would want to look at that kind of thing. The financial institutions encourage it. Maybe there will exist goods of that kind in 10 years, in 20 years and so forth, which will be only affordable for those, who took part in the general growth of the economy respectively the wage growth, and not for those who adjusted their income to inflation? When you have children they need stability through the growing years; probably buy. *we are paying off our new van as well but we put money down on a private loan, and have been making steep payments which are still a fraction of what rent would cost where we want to live. I have to look at that book again one of these days. The Simple Path to Wealth. My thinking about it is this. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/05/09/stocks-part-v-keeping-it-simple-considerations-and-tools/#comment-4220505. Im from The PaiSha Agency, based in Taiwan. But I say, if you read my book, or you try to read my book, and your eyes are still glazing over, and this is just not something you want to deal with, then I think a target-date fund is probably a pretty good solution. Collins: Christine, first of all--and you've alluded to this already--but let's be clear that when I was talking about my daughter and that she's putting money in on a regular basis, and that smooths the ride, that's a form of dollar-cost averaging. But what about for people who are closer to drawdown or financial independence--whatever you want to call it--who do come into a large sum of money? Im working for a big French publisher who is extremely interested in acquiring French translation rights to your book. Even more fortuitously, I stumbled onto your blog last year and in no small terms, it changed the course of our lives. I love this book very much!!! Do I have to need a CFA or get qualified? There are not many people who take pleasure reading finance journal articles, but from your stock series writing I imagine you are part of the minority who do. Provide specific products and services to you, such as portfolio management or data aggregation. Ive subscribed. I am an almost fifty year old professional woman who while working part-time has managed individually to save well for retirement, to establish 529s for my two children, and to purchase a significant amount of mutual funds. And as such you have a bond fund that is down 15%, when if you had still owned a treasury from last year directly, you would have a 2% gain. Three months ago I bought my 2nd Triumph Spitfire, its a 1980, 1500. We also respect individual opinionsthey represent the unvarnished thinking of our people and exacting analysis of our research processes. Believe my friend at first so I looked it up, Ticker symbol:.! Hope and a new outlook on our websites and newsletters I need to circle back the... Is it really still as simple today to say, the market will always go up the... Inherit a some of money like $ 100,000, how should one invest it x27 S. To ping me when you have something you think would be of particular interest them which! 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