professor michael clarke biography

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Coexpression of bcl-2 and c-myc can totally overcome p53-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest by altering the subcellular trafficking of p53 during the cell cycle: the p53 remains in the cytoplasm of the cotransfected cells during a critical period in G1. Until 2001 he was Deputy Vice-Principal and Director for Research Development at King's College London, where he remains a Visiting Professor of Defence Studies. In 2007, he became the Director of the Royal United Services Institute. James Mallet (* 1955), Evolutionsbiologe und Entomologe. The Bcl-XL protein is a recently discovered member of the bcl-2 family which has been shown to protect cells from some forms of programmed cell death, but has not yet been implicated in the genesis of human carcinomas. These findings demonstrate that p53 overexpression renders Shep-1 cells IR-sensitive and suggest that large quantities of exogenous p53 can overcome the factors inhibiting p53-mediated, IR-induced apoptosis. Recent studies have uncovered a number of Bcl-2-related gene products that regulate apoptosis either negatively or positively, and Bcl-2 forms heterodimers with at least one of these proteins, Bax. The development of CSC-targeted treatments will face a number of potential hurdles, including normal stem cell toxicity and the acquisition of treatment resistance, which must be considered in order to maximize the chance that such therapies will be successful. Dr Ofer Fridman spoke on CNN about the nature of Russian hybrid warfare, discussed Israel's position in Russia and Ukraine border tensions in The Jerusalem Post and was in The i on whether Russia would attack the UK over the imposed sanctions. Patients who do poorly despite ABMT have a mediastinal primary site, true cisplatin-refractory disease, disease progression prior to ABMT, and/or markedly elevated betaHCG at ABMT. Cancer stem cells are a minor population of tumor cells that possess the stem cell property of self-renewal. However, no indomethacin or ETYA inhibition of oxygen utilization was detected in the presence of 1 mM KCN, suggesting that the inhibitable portion of the respiratory burst observed with indomethacin or ETYA was dependent on mitochondrial respiration. Michael Clarke, defence analyst: Yes, the Black Sea is international and a UK warship went in there to Ukraine when the QE carrier was on its world tour last year. Gene profiling experiments have revealed similarities between cancer and embryonic stem (ES) cells. Hoey, T., Yen, W., Axelrod, F., Basi, J., Donigian, L., Dylla, S., Fitch-Bruhns, M., Lazetic, S., Park, I., Sato, A., Satyal, S., Wang, X., Clarke, M. F., Lewicki, J., Gurney, A. [2] We show that human colon cancer tissues contain distinct cell populations whose transcriptional identities mirror those of the different cellular lineages of normal colon. A., Jones, R. C., Nicolis di Robilant, B. n., Nong, R. Y., Norton, J. Conversely, genetic augmentation of Hedgehog response and systemic small-molecule Hedgehog pathway activation potently ameliorate colitis and restrain initiation and progression of colitis-induced adenocarcinoma. Taken together, these results show that c-myb acts very late in the process of differentiation. This demands a complex crosstalk between extrinsic signals from the microenvironment and the cell-intrinsic regulators of self-renewal. Zabala, M., Lobo, N. A., Antony, J., Heitink, L. S., Gulati, G. S., Lam, J., Parashurama, N., Sanchez, K., Adorno, M., Sikandar, S. S., Kuo, A. H., Qian, D., Kalisky, T., Sim, S., Li, L., Dirbas, F. M., Somlo, G., Newman, A., Quake, S. R., Clarke, M. F. Clinical and Therapeutic Implications of Cancer Stem Cells. Kohrt, H. E., Houot, R., Weiskopf, K., Goldstein, M. J., Scheeren, F., Czerwinski, D., Colevas, A. D., Weng, W., Clarke, M. F., Carlson, R. W., Stockdale, F. E., Mollick, J. Investigating mechanisms of cancer stern cell radioresistance. Epigenetic regulation of normal and cancer stem cells, Neurobiology: At the root of brain cancer, Chronic myelogenous leukemia - Identifying the hydra's heads, Therapeutic implications of cancer stem cells. This problem can be addressed by allowing limited viral replication. The tumors that arose from purified CD44(+) cells reproduced the original tumor heterogeneity and could be serially passaged, thus demonstrating the two defining properties of stem cells: ability to self-renew and to differentiate. View details for Web of Science ID A1990DY35100036. In this report, we analyzed the possible existence of cis-acting sequences involved in intracellular trafficking of the p53 protein. We demonstrate that radiation-induced cell death occurs by both p53-dependent and -independent pathways and overexpression of bcl-2 modulates both pathways. In order for treatment to be effective long term, the mechanisms enabling treatment adaptation need to be understood. Northstar is a useful tool to assign known and novel cell type and states in the age of cell atlases. The isolation and characterization of these stem cells should help elucidate the molecular pathways that govern normal mammary development and carcinogenesis. Cytoplasmic sequestration of the mt p53 was dependent upon the C-terminal region (residues 326-355) of the protein. A., Chen, L., Levy, R. Removal of lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus from human-in-mouse breast tumor xenografts by cell-sorting. Olivieri, J., Dehghannasiri, R., Wang, P. L., Jang, S., de Morree, A., Tan, S. Y., Ming, J., Wu, A., Consortium, T., Quake, S. R., Krasnow, M. A., Salzman, J. TACH101, a first-in-class pan inhibitor of KDM4 histone lysine demethylases. An in vivo reconstitution assay revealed that the frequency of HSCs was 1/16 in Bmi-1high c-kit+ lin -Sca-1+ bone marrow (BM) cells and 1/49 in Bmi-1 high lin- BM cells, suggesting that Bmi-1 may serve as a marker for normal HSCs. Clinical and Therapeutic Implications of Cancer Stem Cells. The rapid medium exchange combined with the addition of human hematopoietic CSFs significantly enhances the proliferation and differentiation of LTBMCs. Park, I. K., He, Y. Q., Lin, F. M., Laerum, O. D., Tian, Q., Bumgarner, R., Klug, C. A., Li, K. J., Kuhr, C., Doyle, M. J., Xie, T., Schummer, M., Sun, Y., GOLDSMITH, A., Clarke, M. F., Weissman, I. L., Hood, L., Li, L. H. A genetic determinant that specifically regulates the frequency of hematopoietic stem cells. Department of Biology. Chen, E. C., Karl, T. A., Kalisky, T., Gupta, S. K., O'Brien, C. A., Longacre, T. A., De Rijn, M. V., Quake, S. R., Clarke, M. F., Rothenberg, M. E. KIT Signaling Promotes Growth of Colon Xenograft Tumors in Mice and Is Up-Regulated in a Subset of Human Colon Cancers. and Ph.D. in economics from the University of Kentucky. Patients were eligible for a second cycle if disease progression was absent and performance status allowed. These results suggest that radiation-induced cell death occurs by both p53-dependent and p53-independent pathways. In addition to clinical duties in oncology, Dr. Clarke maintains a laboratory . Liu, H., Qian, D., Lin, J., Lobo, N., Zhang, H., Dalerba, P., Shimono, Y., Diehn, M., Jeffrey, S., Clarke, M. Isolation and molecular characterization of cancer stem cells in MMTV-Wnt-1 murine breast tumors. Pagination. However, inferring both the state and direction of differentiation is challenging. Stimulation of trastuzumab-activated human NK cells with an agonistic mAb specific for CD137 killed breast cancer cells (including an intrinsically trastuzumab-resistant cell line) more efficiently both in vitro and in vivo in xenotransplant models of human breast cancer, including one using a human primary breast tumor. Using this system, we have generated AdEHT2 and AdEHE2F, two conditionally replicative adenoviruses for the treatment of breast cancer. A., Issa, J., Clarke, M. F., Look, A. T. Lobo, N. A., Shimono, Y., Qian, D., Clarke, M. F. Cancer stem cells and radiotherapy: New insights into tumor radioresistance. View details for Web of Science ID 000075125200067. Many cancers overexpress a member of the bcl-2 family of inhibitors of apoptosis. In human breast cancers, a phenotypically distinct minority population of tumorigenic (TG) cancer cells (sometimes referred to as cancer stem cells) drives tumor growth when transplanted into immunodeficient mice. Indomethacin (4 x 10(-4) M) and ETYA (2 x 10(-5) M) did inhibit oxygen utilization and superoxide production. Betancur, P. A., Abraham, B. J., Yiu, Y. Y., Willingham, S. B., Khameneh, F., Zarnegar, M., Kuo, A. H., McKenna, K., Kojima, Y., Leeper, N. J., Ho, P., Gip, P., Swigut, T., Sherwood, R. I., Clarke, M. F., Somlo, G., Young, R. A., Weissman, I. L. Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis: Evolving Paradigms and Future Directions. Solid tumors arise in organs that contain stem cell populations. However, the consequences of the underlying gene-dosage imbalance on adult tissues remain poorly understood. in Pounds- 159 lbs. Following high-dose IR, cell fractionation demonstrated that p53 is induced and targeted to the nucleus. (2010) dissect the gene expression signature of ES cells into three functional modules and find that the Myc module, including genes targeted by Myc-interacting proteins, accounts for most of the similarity between ES and cancer cells. This development may play an important role in realizing human gene therapy. In contrast, no proviral methylation was detected in any of the cell lines examined, suggesting a functional correlation between methylation and viral RNA expression. The Leopard 2 tanks are what the Ukrainians really need, more than the Challenger 2 and Abrams tanks, Clarke argued. [2] [3] Biography [ edit] To assess CSC-specific remodeling events, we isolated CSC from MMTV-Wnt1 (mouse mammary tumor virus long-term repeat enhancer driving Wnt1 oncogene) breast tumors, a well studied model in which tissue remodeling affects tumorigenesis. Recent studies have begun to elucidate the mechanisms controlling hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal. Adjunct Associate Professor Dianne Watters. A basic domain, Lys(305)-Arg(306), is required for p53 nuclear import, and a carboxyl-terminal domain, namely the cytoplasmic sequestration domain (CSD) from residues 326-355, could block the nuclear import of Lys(305) or Arg(306) mutated p53. These advances in BCSC imaging revealed that CD44(+) cells from both primary tumors and lung metastases are highly enriched for tumor-initiating cells. View details for DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-71805-1. LDV infects specifically mouse macrophages and alters immune system and tumor phenotype. Cancers originally develop from normal cells that gain the ability to proliferate aberrantly and eventually turn malignant. This tumorigenic cell population could be identified prospectively and consistently had definable and identical phenotype. Acad. These data represent a new resource for cell biology, reveal gene expression in poorly characterized cell populations and enable the direct and controlled comparison of gene expression in cell types that are shared between tissues, such as T lymphocytes and endothelial cells from different anatomical locations. View details for Web of Science ID A1991GR93700016. In the accompanying paper it was shown that all T cells producing HTLV, whether cultured from infected persons or infected in vitro, bind a monoclonal antibody (4D12) which recognizes an epitope shared by certain cross-reactive class I major histocompatibility antigens. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have self-renewal capacity and multilineage developmental potentials. HSCs have the ability to self-renew, while MPP cells have lost the capacity for self-renewal. Adorno, M., di Robilant, B. N., Sikandar, S. S., Acosta, V. H., Antony, J., Heller, C. H., Clarke, M. F. Usp16 modulates Wnt signaling in primary tissues through Cdkn2a regulation. Adjunct Professor Michael Whitehouse. The conditional expression of lethal genes in tumor cells is a promising gene therapy approach for the treatment of cancer. These findings have implications for the development of effective therapeutic agents targeting tumor-initiating cells. Anti-CD47 antibody therapy initiated on larger tumors inhibited tumor growth and prevented or treated metastasis, but initiation of the therapy on smaller tumors was potentially curative. Emerging evidence has suggested that the capability of a tumor to grow and propagate is dependent on a small subset of cells within a tumor, termed cancer stem cells. Replication-deficient viral vectors are currently being used in gene transfer strategies to treat cancer cells. Similar to TWF1, VIM also regulates F-actin formation, a key component of cellular transition to a more invasive mesenchymal phenotype. Interstitial loss of all or part of the long arm of chromosome 5, or del(5q), is a frequent clonal chromosomal abnormality in human myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS, a preleukemic disorder) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of these diseases by deleting one or more tumor-suppressor genes. Such a block presents a problem because radiation and chemotherapy, standard cancer treatments, ultimately exert their effect by induction of apoptosis and would also be made less effective. Taken together, these results suggest that Bcl11b acts as acentral intrinsic regulator of mammary epithelial stem cell quiescence and exhaustion and is necessary for long-term maintenance of the mammary gland. The Shep-1 neuroblastoma cell line is highly resistant to IR. The AKR/J chromosome 17 locus was not sufficient to increase HSC frequencies when bred onto a C57BL background. One way to approach this problem is to target the cause--the molecular machinery that allows a cancer cell to survive. Park, I. K., Morrison, S. J., Clarke, M. F. Applying the principles of stem-cell biology to cancer. In vivo, this colonic cKit(+) population was regulated by Notch signaling; administration of a -secretase inhibitor to mice increased the number of cKit(+) cells. We find that normal, regenerating, and developing gland maintain a specific branching pattern. View details for DOI 10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.12.012. Advances in our understanding of apoptosis has identified the Bcl-2 family as a mediator of most apoptosis pathways, including those initiated by oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, growth factor withdrawal, and external damaging signals. 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