saudi arabia allies and enemies

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[93], Turkey was one of the first states that recognised the country in 1926 and had a diplomatic mission in Hijaz. Both countries established diplomatic relations in August 2022. He expressed interest and a commitment to repair relations that have continued to deteriorate under the previous administration. [55], The People's Republic of China and Saudi Arabia established official diplomatic relations in July 1990. Relations between Saudi Arabia and Syria deteriorated further following the Syrian Civil War and Saudi Arabia's numerous calls for Bashar Assad to be removed from power. saw this as an attempt by the Saudi royal family to placate the kingdom's Islamist radicals. These encompassed 210 Islamic centres which were completely or partly funded by the Saudi kingdom, 1500 mosques, 202 colleges and almost 2000 schools. ", "The Saudi Connection: Wahhahbism and global terror", "Two years later: 9/11 Tactics; Official Says Qaeda Recruited Saudi Hijackers to Strain Ties", "Arab leaders issue resolutions, emphasize Gaza reconstruction efforts", "Egypt Protests could spread to other countries", "Saudi crown prince defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration camps", "Saudi Arabia's Mohammed bin Salman Defends China's Use of Concentration Camps for Muslims During Visit to Beijing", "Saudi crown prince defended China's imprisonment of a million Muslims in internment camps, giving Xi Jinping a reason to continue his 'precursors to genocide', "Saudi crown prince defends China's right to fight 'terrorism', "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Chairs Cabinet's Session", "Saudi Cabinet approves establishment of diplomatic relations between Kingdom and Belize", "1945 Meeting of FDR and Saudi King Was Pivotal for Relations", "Arms for the King and His Family: The U.S. Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia", "US-Saudi Security Cooperation, Impact of Arms Sales Cordesman", "Home Embassy of the United States Riyadh, Saudi Arabia", "Backgrounder: Basic facts about Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", "Chinese president arrives in Riyadh at start of 'trip of friendship, cooperation'", "Chinese president's visit to Saudi Arabia to show friendship", "Which Countries Are For or Against China's Xinjiang Policies? Allies. According to the Saudi government, trade between Saudi Arabia and the Philippines amounted to $3.6billion in 2011, a bigger figure from compared to the previous year's trade figure amounting to $2.7billion. But our attitudes have not shifted . Making the first move, Saudi Arabia, her Gulf Cooperation Council allies, and the United States backed Saddam Hussein's brutal invasion of Iran. From 1986 to 2006, the country donated 49billion in aid. TEHRAN According to persons familiar with the situation, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and former senior advisor, met with Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler and top Saudi Aramco officials in recent weeks as part of a regional tour that mingled personal travel and business. Journals and books. 0:57. Syria is also the main transit point for Iranian weapons shipments to the Shia group Hezbollah in Lebanon. [10][30], Following the wave of early-2011 protests and revolutions affecting the Arab world, Saudi Arabia offered asylum to deposed President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia, and King Abdullah telephoned President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt (prior to Mubarak's deposition) to offer his support.[31]. Malawi is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in. For Saudi Arabia, Yemen has long been a serious national security concern. The pro-Soviet, secular and socialist policies of the regime of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding leader of Bangladesh, also antagonized the anti-Communist Saudis. President Trump vowed to take a harder line on Iran - and he has, disavowing the landmark nuclear deal Iran signed under the Obama administration. The Saudis say the rebels are materially supported by Iran, a claim Tehran denies. During the 2003-2019 period, trade between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi also increased tenfold from $2.5 billion to $24.5 billion, with the UAE taking the lion's share with $18 billion of exports to Saudi. Sudan has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah. All Content. Bin Salman met Vice Media founder Shane Smith in early 2018 on his tour of the US, and Vice has had a team promoting the country with the Saudi Research and Marketing Group (SRMG), a Saudi regime-affiliated publishing group and 'organ of soft power'. Saudi Arabia and Iran - two powerful neighbours - are locked in a fierce struggle for regional dominance. Key events affecting them have included the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of Iran's prime minister in 1953,the Islamic revolution in Iran, and the taking of hostages at the US embassy in Tehran in the 1980s., Saudi Arabia, on the other hand,has always been a US ally, though relations were strained under Barack Obama's administration, particularly given its engagement policy with Iran.. Following the 1973 oil crisis, when Saudi Arabia and other Arab oil exporters embargoed the United States and its allies for their support of Israel, oil revenues increased dramatically, and the Kingdom worked to become the leading Islamic state, spending generously to advance Islam and particularly its conservative school (known as Wahhabism). Japan imported 1.3million barrels a day of Saudi crude in 2006, 31% of the nation's total supply.[67]. Due to these concerns, Saudi Arabia led an invasion of Yemen in 2015, resulting in an ongoing conflict. Relations, both diplomatic and economic, are quite close between the two Muslim-majority Organisation of Islamic Cooperation members. Serial Killers More Scary Than Any Snake. Consulum, a London-based PR firm primarily staffed by former Bell Pottinger employees, has worked on communications programmes with the Saudi Arabian government and PR firm Freud Communications, which has worked with the kingdom in propagating the Saudi Vision 2030 relaunch under Bin Salman, distanced itself from the regime following the disappearance of Khashoggi. It is centered in Benghazi, and recently allied with Ansar al-Sharia. After ascending the throne, King Abdullah (r.20052015) followed a more activist foreign policy and continued to push-back on US policies which were unpopular in Saudi Arabia (for example, refusing to provide material assistance to support the new Iraqi government). [91] On January 26, 2022, both countries announced they restored full diplomatic relations and have appointed ambassadors. Lebanon's stance on the Saudi-Iran standoff is mixed. Both countries had diplomatic contact since 7 July 1880, with the opening of an Austrian consulate in, Croatia is represented in Saudi Arabia through its embassy in, Saudi Arabia isn't represented in Croatia but citizens that need any assistance are advised to contact Saudi Arabia embassy in. There is more than 600,000 Indonesian workers in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has had an embassy in Oslo since 2012. Whether as a PR stunt or as a real change of heart Saudis have acknowledged they misled the West regarding funding terrorism. Drone attacks and other provocations by Iran and its allies against the Saudis, Emiratis and their neighbors will have to be met with the kind of American military response that leaves no doubt of our determination to prevail. Both countries are members of the United Nations. The UK has an embassy in Riyadh, consulate in Jeddah and trade office in Al Khobar. Indeed, few air forces are capable of intelligence-driven . Pakistan vs India allies and enemies: A map shows India is no match for . Saudi Arabia provided extensive financial and political support to Pakistan during the conflict. The state of Israel was declared in 1948 with a majority Jewish population but, in the Arab world, only has diplomatic relations with Egypt and Jordan. [51], The U.S. was keen to point out that the arms transfer would increase "interoperability" with U.S. forces. Indonesia sent the largest hajj pilgrims among Muslim countries. The decades-old feud between them is exacerbated by religious differences. More information about Saudi Arabia is available from the Department of State and other sources, some of which are listed here: Many Middle Eastern alliances have been announced since World War II. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia invested in Pakistan, in many Industries. Due to the Kingdom's continuing support, many places in Pakistan are named after Saudi Kings and Saudi Arabia in general. [12][13][14] . Japan is a major trading partner for Saudi Arabia. [2][3][4], Although a member of the Non-Aligned Movement, Saudi Arabia is described as leading the "Pro-Western Camp" of Arab countries, aligned with the U.S. and composed of Egypt, Jordan, and Arab states of the Persian Gulf. All parts of the world, except Antarctica and Africa, bordering parts of the Congo. Following the 1973 oil crisis, when Saudi Arabia and other Arab oil exporters embargoed the United States and its allies for their support of Israel, oil . [94] Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Ankara and a consulate general in Istanbul. It became obvious that the situation is serious when the United States took a tough stance on Saudi Arabia. Haiti has an embassy in Rome which also covers Saudi Arabia. [69] Saudi Arabia has opposed Hezbollah's influence in Lebanon as they are seen to be aligned with Iran. [120], Both countries established diplomatic relations in July 2014.[121]. Free shipping for many products! This new deal would increase these capabilities, as an advanced American military infrastructure is about to be built. Saudi Arabia issued a statement on the day of the terrorist attacks on America's World Trade Center and Pentagon, calling them "regrettable and inhuman." Relations with Jordan became strained in the years following the Persian Gulf war. . Various attempts have been made to improve the relationship, though none have had lasting success. Pakistan has been called the closest non-Arab ally of Saudi Arabia, or "Saudi Arabia's closest Muslim ally"[71] Saudi Arabia has been rocking the cradle of Pakistani politics, brokering truce among warring leaders, providing asylum to those being exiled and generously lavishing funds on a state strapped for cash.[72]. A landmark agreement on Filipino household service workers were signed between Saudi Arabia and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia does not have diplomatic relations with Israel. Tehran appears to have stepped up these operations: in March 2018, the Houthis - widely seen as the main Yemeni ally of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) - launched ballistic missiles at Riyadh. Several long-standing border disputes were resolved, including significantly reshaping the Saudi border with Yemen. In August, Qatar and Iran restored full diplomatic relations which had previously been dropped over attacks on two Saudi diplomatic facilities in Iran. [43][44] The meeting laid down the basis of the future relations between two countries. For two weeks, the UAE delayed a production agreement Saudi Arabia crafted with Russia, a top oil exporter and leader of a group of 10 non-OPEC producers. Bolivia is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in, Saudi Arabia is represented in Bolivia by its embassy in, Saudi Arabia is represented in Costa Rica by its embassy in, Saudi Arabia is represented in Colombia by its embassy in, Ecuador is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in, Saudi Arabia is represented in Ecuador by its embassy in, El Salvador is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in, Saudi Arabia is represented in El Salvador by its embassy in, Guatemala is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in, Saudi Arabia is represented in Guatemala by its embassy in. In July 1954 the British and Saudi governments agreed to submit the . United States relations with Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia: 14-Year-Old Boy Faces Execution, Saudi Arabia to host Israel boycott event. Bahrain and Kuwait lean toward Saudi Arabia though. Saudi Arabia and the U.S. are strategic allies, and since President Obama took office in 2009, the U.S. has sold $110 . The international abduction of American children to Saudi Arabia provoked sustained criticism and resulted in a Congressional hearing in 2002 where parents of children held in Saudi Arabia gave impassioned testimony related to the abduction of their children. Guinea-Bissau is represented in Saudi Arabia by its embassy in. [20][21][22][23] The Wahhabi form of Islam is also perceived in the West as a source of Islamist extremism. In 1943, FDR declared the security of Saudi Arabia a "vital interest" of the United States despite the Saudis' official neutrality in the Axis-Allies conflict. Washington based Insight magazine ran a series of articles on international abduction during the same period highlighting Saudi Arabia a number of times[46][47][48][49], Relations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia were strained after the September 11 attacks in 2001,[according to whom?] Saudi Arabia saw the Bengali nationalists as opposing a Muslim state and thus opposing Islam. However, published media reports have indicated U.S. frustration with Saudi inaction. [68] Following the assassination of Rafik Hariri, Saudi Arabia called for the immediate withdrawal of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon. Answer (1 of 26): There is only one real answer. Saudi Arabia's ties to Afghanistan exploded into view on September 11, 2001. Despite cordial relations, beginning sometime in the mid to late 2000s, Saudi Arabia has continued to support Palestine, albeit in a limited fashion and has adopted the position of a peaceful settlement between the Arab/Islamic world and Israel, and has been criticized at times of 'betraying' Palestine. Relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia, already strained, plunged to a new low in 2014 following a Criminal Court decision that acquitted five ex-police officers in relation to the murder of a Saudi businessman in 1990. The countries have since met and discussed international development and the Arab situation. These six nations are having excellent connections with India at present. A number of media companies that have worked with the Saudi state to promote its overseas image. In 1989, Saudi Arabia along with the United States helped mediate the end of the fifteen-year Lebanese Civil War through the Taif Agreement. China is fully exploiting the cooling of US-Saudi relations . Saudi Arabia has long named Iran as the biggest threat to stability in the wider Middle East, citing its nuclear program and support for militant proxy groups from Lebanon and Iraq to Yemen, and . [95] Turkey has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate general in Jeddah. Iran also carries out attacks on Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies. Iran's influence has grown considerably in the past decade, especially after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. As one of the most populous Muslim countries, Bangladesh is a major source of Hajj pilgrims. The four countries are key regional actors with a link to Yemen's current war and its players: Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. While Chinese exports to Saudi Arabia stood at $30.3 billion, 18% of Beijing's total crude oil purchases from the Kingdom totalled $55.5 billion in 2022. The . It has an estimated 227,000 troops. SMRG also donates to the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change to facilitate Tony Blair's work on the Saudi modernisation programme. "Thai-Saudi relations likely to worse after murder acquittals Bangkok Post: learning", "Saudi Arabia and Thailand restore relations after three decades of tensions", "Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Riyad Bykelilii", "Austrian Foreign Ministry -> Embassy -> Riyadh", "Sweden 'caved to banker' in Saudi arms deal", "Lfven hesitates calling Saudi Arabia a dictatorship - Radio Sweden", "At last, a Western country stands up to Saudi Arabia on human rights", "Utrikesminister Margot Wallstrms planerade tal vid Arabfrbundets utrikesministermte", Saudis block Swedish minister's speech at Arab League, "Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands Sign Protocol to Establish Diplomatic Relations - kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Saudi Arabia, Tonga establish diplomatic relations", "Saudi Arabia, Vanuatu sign protocol to establish diplomatic relations", "Saudi Arabia pays UK firms millions to boost image", "Report: U.K. Media, PR Firms Worked for Saudi Arabia to Boost Image", "Jamal Khashoggi: US calls on Saudi Arabia to be 'transparent' about missing journalist", "Jamal Khashoggi: Turkey hunts black van it believes carried body", "MEPs back call for EU members to halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia", "Saudis pick up former Heritage Foundation lobbyist for pre-inauguration push", "FARA Document of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Hiring Off Hill Strategies LLC", Our enemies, the Saudis. While relations with former President Saleh were often stormy, Saudi Arabia considers the Iranian backed Houthis to be a terrorist group and a threat to the stability of not only their kingdom but the entire region. Russia's air offensive in the Syrian war helped turn the tide in Bashar al-Assad's favour, and the Iran-backed fighters supporting him. Since the inception of Pakistan, Pakistan has been playing a major and important role in the development of Saudi Arabia. Iran rejects Israel's right to exist and calls for it to be eradicated. United Arab Emirates has an embassy in Riyadh and a consulate-general in Jeddah. [124][125] Following these allegations, US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said, "We call on the government of Saudi Arabia to support a thorough investigation of Mr Khashoggi's disappearance and to be transparent about the results of that investigation"[126] and a UK Foreign Office spokesman said, "These are extremely serious allegations. Russia is an ally of both Saudi Arabia and Iran, having close economic ties with each. Earlier in 2016, the Kingdom reopened its embassy in Baghdad after it was closed in 1990.[63]. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (L) and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Saudi Arabia leads a coalition that has attacked the Houthis in Yemen and blockaded the country, The IRGC is a major military, political and economic force in Iran, The US has long been a key backer of Saudi Arabia, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Syrian and Russian forces have liberated over 90 per cent of the country's territory, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has also backed Qatar in its row with Saudi Arabia. Although the two nations have never directly confronted one another, th. In his first formal television interview as U.S. President, Barack Obama addressed the Muslim world through an Arabic-language satellite TV network Al-Arabiya. The country participates in an active economic boycott of Israel. Saudi Arabia and the United States appear to have little in common. [64] Both nations have denied this. Syria historically has been the Islamic Republic's closest Arab friend, backing Iran against Iraq (a fellow Arab state) during the 1980-1988 war. [73] Time reported that "despite the tensions with Zardari's government, military and intelligence links between Riyadh and Islamabad remain strong and close." Lina Khatib, head of the Middle East and north Africa programme at Chatham House said that Saudi Arabia had embarked upon a "wide-ranging PR campaign focused on the UK and the US" since 2016, which involved English-language content targeting a British audience. In 2006, Japan exported $5.103million worth of goods to the Kingdom, primarily automobiles, machinery and equipment, and metals. The House of Saud has inaugurated 1359 mosques in Europe. However, Saudi Arabia's relationship with the United States has been put under pressure since late 2013 following the United States backing down from its intervention in the Syrian Civil War and the United States thawing relations with Iran. Proxy wars are OK, as in Yemen, but they are a small thing. [57], Following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, Saudi Arabia was the largest aid donor to China, providing close to 40,000,000 in financial assistance, and an additional 8,000,000 worth of relief materials. A marked change in U.S.-Saudi relations occurred, as Abdullah sought to put distance between his policies and the unpopular pro-Western policies of King Fahd. Iran has expanded its influence in the Middle East by extending its soft power and filling in the vacuum left by declining U.S. influence in the region, particularly in Iraq. First of all, the idea is not new. View complete answer on The 2017 crisis saw Saudi Arabia and Egypt joined by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain to cut diplomatic ties and enforce a blockade on Qatar, accusing the country of supporting terrorism . He has said there is a level of co-operation with some Arab countries in the region to counter Iran's growing influence. [77], In 2012, about 150,000 Filipino female nurses are working in Saudi Arabia. Russia's former president Dmitry Medvedev said the West's continued supply of arms to Kyiv risked a global nuclear catastrophe. Relations among the Arab nations soured in 2017, when Saudi Arabia and its allies the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt imposed a diplomatic, trade and travel blockade on Qatar. His visit was reciprocated by Chinese President Hu Jintao in April of the same year. The United Arab Emirates, as part of the Arab League, is for the most part allied with countries such as Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Morocco, Mauritania, Qatar, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, and Algeria. Saudi Arabia rejected the Camp David accords, claiming that they would be unable to achieve a comprehensive political solution that would ensure Palestinian Arabs could all move to Israel and the division of Jerusalem. [70], Bilateral relations between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are largely friendly. Relations with the US and other Western countries became further strained by the fact that Saudi Arabia has been a source of Islamist terrorist activity world-wide. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Qatar and Iran restored full diplomatic relations, Covid origin likely China lab incident - FBI chief, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, Trump lashes out at Murdoch over vote fraud case, Beer and wine sales in Canada fall to all-time low, Ancient mummy found in delivery man's bag, Daily walk prevents one in 10 early deaths - study, LA agrees to pay Kobe Bryant widow almost $29m, Finland starts construction of Russia border fence, Drone crash near Moscow was failed attack - governor. On the other hand, in 1986 Saudi Arabia proposed that Turkey should have ended commercial relations with Iran and that it could compensate Turkey's losses resulting from this.[98]. Video, Rescuers search wreckage of deadly Greece train crash, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. One is a democracy, the other an autocratic monarchy. Supporters see this as having purified and unified the Islamic faith; other commentators claim it has eroded regional Islamic cultures. The new approach resulted in increasingly strained relations with the US. Following recognition in 1931, the United States and Saudi Arabia established full diplomatic relations, with exchange of credentials and the first U.S. ambassadorial posting to Jeddah, in 1940. The relations between the two countries have greatly deteriorated in recent years, following the Syrian civil war. World War 3 chances. [92] Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Bangkok and Thailand has an embassy in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia's Prince Mohammed bin Salman, first in line to inherit the throne from his 81-year-old father, is not a patient man. Saudi Arabia signs $400 mln agreement for Ukraine aid as Kingdom's FM visits Kyiv Saudi Arabia signed an agreement and a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Ukraine, providing the war-torn . Enemies and Allies: Iran and Saudi Arabia. Since the frontier between Saudi Arabia and Oman had never been demarcated and there was the possibility of discovering oil in the area, in 1952 Saudi Arabian forces occupied the oasis of Al-Buraym, which Britain felt belonged to Oman and the emirate of Abu Dhabi (Ab ab)both of which enjoyed British protection. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran have aspirations for Islamic leadership and both the countries possess a different vision of regional order. US-Iran relations have been strained to say the least. [24] Some[who?] Saudi Arabia felt a real threat from the civil war in Yemen, but it escalated the air war far beyond its own military capabilities. Its influence in Syria and in the region in general subsided after the fall of the Soviet Union but Moscow has striven to increase it of late. 2003. Although 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals, publicly the Saudis were not cooperating with Americans who wanted to look at background files of the hijackers or to interview the hijackers' families. Interestingly enough, there is . The country plays a prominent role in the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and in 2005 joined the World Trade Organization. Bahrain has accused Iran of training "terrorist cells" to operate inside the country to overthrow its government. The military regimes of Ziaur Rahman and Hussain Muhammad Ershad took steps to forge strong commercial and cultural ties with Saudi Arabia. [57] In 2008, Sino-Saudi bilateral trade was worth 32,500,000,000,[56] making Saudi Arabia China's largest trading partner in Western Asia. Yet despite this historical reality, the 1945 meeting became the foundation of a myth that the United States and Saudi Arabia were close allies thanks to Aramco, the American-owned and operated . Tweet. Allies of Iran and Saudi Arabia Wikimedia Commons / Noah Saudi Arabia says Iran would use such an attack to divert attention from the anti-hijab protests that have been raging in the country for . [119] Saudi Arabia has an embassy and consulate in London. Michael Collins, USA TODAY 11 hrs ago. SMRG has signed a deal with The Independent to launch foreign-language websites (including Arabic) across the Middle East, which has led to concern over potential editorial influence by the Saudi publisher. In 1969 the personnel of the Pakistani Air Force flew the Saudi fighter planes to ward off an invasion from South Yemen. Saudi Arabia played an active role in attempting to bring the Palestinians towards a self-governing condition which would permit negotiations with Israel. Iran sees Mr Assad, a member of the heterodox Shia Alawite sect, as its closest Arab ally. Saudi Arabia also backs rebels in Syria and wants to remove its president, Bashar al-Assad, who is a key ally of Iran.. An expanded project could include Qatar or perhaps even Turkey, especially if their interest and influence continue to grow. Saudi military forces and their allies became involved in conflict in Yemen (on Saudi Arabia's southern borders) from March 2015 onwards. Dalati Nohra/AP As the Iran nuclear deal nears, Saudi Arabia is . Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 September 2022 at the level of an ambassador (non-resident). Desperate for allies, Russia cultivates ties with Iran and Saudi Arabia By Robyn Dixon Updated October 31, 2022 at 3:55 a.m. EDT | Published October 29, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. EDT ", "Saudi Arabia and Russia among 37 states backing China's Xinjiang policy", "Saudi-Iranian Relations Since the Fall of Saddam: Rivalry, Cooperation and Implication for US Policy", "Saudi Arabia opens new Baghdad consulate and pledges $1bn in loans for Iraq", "Israel denies Saudis gave IDF airspace clearance for Iran strike", Saudi denies Israel airspace deal against Iran, "Saudi ruler demands rapid Syrian withdrawal", "WikiLeaks: The Saudis' Close but Strained Ties with Pakistan", "Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the US on Pakistani President Musharraf's visit to Saudi Arabia", "Pakistani relations with Saudis "strained", "Special advisor Holbrooke's meeting with Saudi Assistant Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef", "Manila, Riyadh bilateral ties at their best | Arab News Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more", "Saudi role in restoring Philippine peace hailed", "3 Gulf Countries Pull Ambassadors From Qatar Over Its Support of Islamists", " "UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain recall their ambassadors from Qatar" 5 Mar 2014", "Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain withdraw envoys from Qatar", "A GCC House Divided: Country Risk Implications of the Saudi-Qatari Rift", "Four countries cut links with Qatar over 'terrorism' support", "Gulf plunged into diplomatic crisis as countries cut ties with Qatar", " ", "Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Jeddah", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea-Middle East and Africa", "Acting president calls for expanded economic cooperation with Saudi Arabia", Saudi Arabia arming Syrian rebels croatian weapons. 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