sermon lord help me to hold out

In these early Sundays, our prayer is, "Lord, teach us to pray like Paul prayed.". 1 Samuel 11 If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." Even though I'm worn out and on the last strand of my rope, God help me to be like you. The psalm was written because the long and lonely road to Jerusalem . Sermon from July 13,2014. The tragedy of the war was brought home through the news stories and she knew the incredible suffering of the Phone: 703.957.9684, "For You Shall Go Out With Joy" ~Isaiah 55:12,, It has been an awful experience. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Hold on a little while longer. They cried out with hope into the uncertainty, drowning their fears with verse and chorus.