what height to cut annual ryegrass

While it's hard to completely kill ryegrass using a mower, cutting it to his length sets the stage for the next steps. This handout was prepared for FAR's August 2021 cereal and ryegrass discussions. 4627 emil street, san antonio, tx, 78219, united states. - 25% perennial ryegrass 'R450' - 42.5 strong creeping red fescue - 25% hard fescue - 5% brown top bent - 2.5% micro-clover. Also, wet grass cakes up the lawn mower. This length applies for cool-season grass species like Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, annual ryegrass, and perennial ryegrass. Ask any superintendent in this area what their fairways are cut at and they will be at or very close to a half inch. Set the lawn mower's cutting height between 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 inches. design was a split plot (cutting height), split block (irrigation) with three replications. The annual ryegrass treatment resulted in about 24% more dry matter yield than the clover treatment in the June harvest (Figure 4), and a third of that forage yield was annual ryegrass tissue rather than rhizoma peanut tissue. This keeps it from getting too short. In general, a taller turf offers a better defense to pests and other stressors, while a closer cut turf is often considered more aesthetically pleasing. Cut ryegrass in the boot stage to maximize hay quality. As the plant starts to mature and develop a seed head the quality of the forage ( D-value) will decline. Italian Ryegrass | Species Information Perennial Ryegrass | Species Information TURF RYEGRASS - Seeds and Cereals Simply scalp back the annual ryegrass with the mower in May or early June (whenever the nighttime temperatures reach 60° F. on a regular basis) and deep irrigate the lawn. Forage First Year Clipping/Grazing Height Alfalfa 20 inches Smooth Bromegrass 10 inches Red Clover 8 inches Orchardgrass 10 inches Timothy 10 inches Birdsfoot Trefoil 12 inches Perennial Ryegrass 8 inches * Do not harvest or graze the crop until the vegetation reaches this minimum height. By Mike Rankin. Will annual ryegrass grow in the winter . Recommended Mowing Frequency: Every 3-7 days depending on height of cut using a rotary or reel mower. Do not allow bermudagrass to grow above 1 1 ⁄ 2 inches between mowings. Will annual ryegrass reseed itself? Northern Lawn Maintenance Keep your lawn free of sticks, stones and other winter debris. Recommended Mowing Heights - Pennington.com Grass Type Inches; Annual Ryegrass: 2 to 2-1/2: Bahiagrass: 2 to 3: Bermudagrass: 1 to 1-1/2: Centipedegrass: 1-1/2 to 2: Fine Fescue: 2 to 2-1/2: Kentucky Bluegrass: 2-1/2 to 3: Perennial Ryegrass: 2 to . 2009 - 2010 Overseeding Trials, Texas A&M, Overton, TX (Annual ryegrass cultivars) 2008 - 2009 Overseeding trials, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ (Annual ryegrass cultivars) 2009 - 2010 Overseeding trials, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ (Annual ryegrass cultivars) Annuity 6.3 5.7 6.0 7.0 Axcella 2 4.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 Thereafter, mow to 1- to 1½-inches tall whenever the grass reaches a height of 2 to 2½ inches. How To Overseed a Bermuda Grass Lawn With Winter Ryegrass ... Annual ryegrass makes high quality hay when cured properly, but due to its high moisture content curing can be problematic. In the Gulf Coast regions, reason productivity can be expected from November to May. Perennial ryegrass can take two to three times longer than annual ryegrass to germinate. Recommended Mowing Height: Because perennial ryegrass is only used as an annual crop to overseed warm-season turfgrasses, the mowing height should be determined by the warm-season species being overseeded. It focuses on nitrogen use efficiency along with weed, pest and disease control. Avoid grass seed mixtures that contain perennial ryegrass or annual ryegrass. Increase the seeding rate to 22-25 lbs/ac if aerially seeding or using a dormant seeding and 18-25lbs/ac if broadcasting or if seeding in October. Annual Ryegrass | NC State Extension Turf ryegrass is a quick establishing perennial turf ryegrasses that can produce a hardwearing, dense dark green turf when mown regularly. How long should I wait to cut ryegrass? Typical yields of annual ryegrass are 2 to 6 tons/ac. Fast growing and requires frequent mowing and management. Well-fertilized ryegrass foliage is a lustrous green color except for the bases of . Jumbo Annual Ryegrass Seed - hancockseed.com Jumbo Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass is a higher yielding, later-maturing, and winter-hardy modern tetraploid variety suitable for both grazing and mechanical harvesting. Generally, once the grass reaches a height of at least 3 ½ inches, it is ready for mowing. It is imperative that you cut your grass multiple times to achieve the necessary height -- do not cut more than one-third of the grass blades' height at one time. In summer, consider adding a half inch in height so that the grass will be just tall enough to shield the soil and prevent it from being dried out or scorched. A Cut Above: When and How to Mow ... - Toro Yard Care Blog When mowing perennial ryegrass, you need to make sure the grass is about 2 to 2.5 inches in height. Two or three weekly mowings may be necessary. Italian ryegrass is normally ready to cut at 8 weeks after seeding with about 14 - 18 inches of growth in a thick dense stand. Posted on 10 September 2021. Avoid entering the winter months with the grass higher than 3 inches, because conditions such as lodging, winter and early spring diseases or excessive browning of the turf can result, notes the University of Kentucky. He says a good rule of thumb is to wait to spray until the annual ryegrass is approximately 8 to 10 inches in height or about 2 weeks before planting corn or soybeans. Recommended Mowing Height: Because annual ryegrass is only used as an annual crop to overseed warm-season turfgrasses, the mowing height should be determined by the warm-season species being overseeded. . Allow it to grow to a height of 2 1/2 to 3 inches during the hot summer months when the. With taller strands of grass to cover it, the lawn's soil is shaded, which helps prevent pesky weeds like crabgrass and protects the lawn's roots from the harsh heat. Can you grow ryegrass in the summer? Cutting crops relatively high at harvest has some advantages, such as allowing faster harvest, and this also means that there is less horizontal residue on the soil surface. Spread your perennial ryegrass at a rate of 7-8 lbs. Forage benefits include its excellent quality, higher sugar content . Tall fescue is the recommended all-purpose grass species for Maryland for sun and partial sun locations. Seeding rate - Annual ryegrass is normally seeded at 10-15 lbs/ac. If you happen to have Creeping bentgrass (which is also another type of cool-season grass), you have to mow your lawn shorter from 1 inch to 2 inches high. Weeds interfere with the beauty and function of turfgrass areas. The height of the new grass is a good determining factor when it is ready to mow for the first time or not. Another notable difference between the two types is their growth height, where annual ryegrass can grow up to a height of five feet, and perennial ryegrass between one to two feet tall with a bunchy form. In fact, just mowing the ryegrass won't kill it, although it can help manage the growth. Maintaining a dense, vigorous turf is the first step in effective weed control. Cutting for silage will depend on the heading date of the plant, each ryegrass species is different in terms of its maturity. Cutting Height. He also suggests growers pick a sunny day to spray and stop spraying by midafternoon as translocation stops with darkness. annual and perennial ryegrass in western Washington (average over a 6-year period). The best mowing height during the growing season is one inch for common bermudagrass and 3 ⁄ 4 to 1 inch for hybrid bermudagrass. In the summer, blades can grow a little longer to help shade the roots and ground, which helps retain moisture. Ryegrass is suited for overseeding warm season grasses throughout texas. An established winter lawn requires the same maintenance as a permanent lawn. Jumbo Annual Ryegrass Seed Description. It has come a long way since the early days with many new turf varieties on the market. Cutting for silage will depend on the heading date of the plant, each ryegrass species is different in terms of its maturity. Mowing Set mower to 1-inch cutting height and remove debris before the grass turns green in the spring. Prime Cut® annual ryegrass is a brand name program that allows our customers to select the most adapted, highest performance, and most economical varieties in a consistently named product. Determining the best height of cut (HOC) requires balancing the stress response to mowing with golfer expectations of playability, staffing levels for mowing frequency, and . But keep in mind, cutting too low, and especially to the bottom of the grass crowns, results in lawns . Cutting off more than a third of the blade at once will shock the plant. Apply an additional 50 lb/ac of N again after cutting for each additional cut. As the plant starts to mature and develop a seed head the quality of the forage ( D-value) will decline. Taller is usually better for the lawn, but if you can't stand tall grass, 1 1/2 inches is still acceptable. Depending on the grass type, it could take around 8 weeks to reach this height. Typical yields from non-irrigated annual ryegrass are 2-4 ton of dry matter/A. It prefers moist fertile soils and will stay active in cold conditions. Buffalo grass. Make sure the mower blade is sharp to prevent ripping the ryegrass blades. Mow your cool season grass to 3 or 3.5 inches in summer, or up to 4 inches for tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Ideally, ryegrass needs to be sprayed when plants are less than 6 inches in height in the fall, but second applications are recommended in February or March, Corriher-Olson said. Generally Italian ryegrass will head around the 3rd week of May. Aug. 25, 2020 08:00 AM. Cutting height should not be lower than two inches. Apply 5-10-30 starter fertilizer at a rate of 10 lbs. Both types are cool season grasses, but the perennial turf types are best suited for the cooler sections of the . 1 1/2 to 3. "Annual ryegrass is generally susceptible to postemergence herbicides in early winter prior to freezing temperatures and before seed-head emergence,"she said. Annual ryegrass is a fast-growing bunchgrass that produces several upright tillers from each plant. Set the lawn mower's cutting height between 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 inches. Aubade 2 1/4 - 3. period produced more DM than cutting to 6 cm. Description. There are both perennial and annual types. Winter forage production is important to most types of livestock in Mississippi. Similarly, can you mow annual ryegrass? Using a hay conditioner will cut down on curing time and will help alleviate the high moisture problem. "higher"] height of cut and fertilized at a ["lower", "higher"] rate per year than an irrigated Kentucky bluegrass fairway. Mow your cool season grass to 3 or 3.5 inches in summer, or up to 4 inches for tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Ryegrass. However, a small number of weeds in a lawn is tolerable. Morphological parameters of annual ryegrass seedlings grown under different nitrogen and salt conditions. Mowing height recommendations for turf species. This field study tested the impact of standing wheat residue height and amount of horizontal residue on the interception, leaching and weed‐control efficacy of the pre . Ryegrass is a close relative of tall fescue, and like fescue, was originally used as a forage grass. Consumers will relate to this program and will ask for it by name, knowing that what is in the bag will be a superior performer in the field. Beef cattle producers depend heavily on winter annual forages, particularly in stocker grazing programs and where fall and winter calving is practiced. The best height to cut grass in the fall. Taller is usually better for the lawn, but if you can't stand tall grass, 1 1/2 inches is still acceptable. When mowing perennial ryegrass when it is actively growing, cut it to a height of 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches. Production for height-based and time-based treatments for this period also followed annual production values. Crude protein (%) Cutting Annual ryegrass Perennial ryegrass Growth stagea 1 9.75 10.56 Boot 2 15.56 16.94 Early boot 3 20.56 20.75 Vegetative 4 22.94 24.00 Vegetative 5 23.19 30.25 Vegetative aThe last three cuttings (vegetative growth) were taken during the . Perennial ryegrass, like other ryegrass types, can also be frost seeded in early spring to help maintain it as a component of a permanent pasture. We pleasantly, but firmly, say. Soon the Bermudagrass will start growing again. Fresh weights were obtained in the field for yield data, and about 1000-to 1500-gram . 1). In the northern part of the state, productivity is seen from mid-February to May. It's flexible in use, because it can be grazed or cut and made into silage, haylage or hay later in the season. We divided each species plot (5.49 m by 6.10 m) into three cutting height subplots (1.83 m by 6.10 m) for cutting heights of 38, 51, and 64 mm. Annual ryegrass contamination may concern producers who are trying to market high-grade rhizoma peanut hay. per 1,000 square feet. A broadcast seeding of 20-30 pounds of seed per acre over a wheat/rye/oats pasture or a shortly grazed bermudagrass pasture is all that is needed to produce a stand of annual ryegrass. When soil thaws, flush areas damaged by pet urine or de-icing. Ungrazed plants can reach a height of 40 to 50 inches. Allow it to grow to a height of 2 1/2 to 3 inches during the hot summer months when the grass is dormant. Don't cut it wet, because that can introduce disease and fungus into the grass. Recommended Mowing Heights by Grass Type. It is a fair average height for a wide range of players. Annual ryegrass is considered to be one of the highest quality winter forages utilized in the southeastern US. Rhizomatous. Any time you cut a lawn below its recommended height, you risk scalping it, cutting so deeply that you damage the part of the grass plant that produces blades — the crown. The most common type of cool-season grass seed used in the overseeding process is ryegrass, both annual and perennial. New grass is flimsy and needs to be treated rightly. Annual ryegrass is a common weed problem in turfgrasses on roadsides in the southeastern United States. Grass species have a range of recommended mowing heights, and the chart above is only meant to be a guideline. Dairymen also depend on winter annuals for forage during the early fall and late spring, as well as the winter season. Mix it Up Figure 1 The effect of leaf stage and pasture residue height on the utilisation per cut and utilisation per season of the top leafy stratum (TLS) and the bottom stemmy stratum (BSS) of annual ryegrass pastures. . Annual ryegrass will germinate in 3-5 days, if conditions are right; it has a lime green color, which is lighter green than most other grasses. higher; lower. Mow when the grass is tall enough to cut, about 1 to 2 inches. Rise Up If you miss a mowing and the grass gets too shaggy, raise the height on your mower to stick to the 1/3 rule. Weed Control. Kentucky bluegrass: 1 to 3.5 inches. Annual Ryegrass 2"-3" Bermudagrass ½"-1" Centipede 3" Zoysia ¾"-1½" Bahiagrass 2"-3" Please check packaging for the recommended mowing height for your grass. It has clasping auricles and shiny leaves that generally reach around 8 to 12 inches in length. Make sure the mower blade is sharp to prevent ripping the ryegrass blades. Begin mowing perennial ryegrass at a 2.5-inch cutting height when it reaches that height. A hard wearing fine leaved grass often used for oversowing of green couch in sports fields, Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescues and bentgrass. Ryegrass seedings have been successful in both clean, tilled seedbeds and in existing grass sods. 3. Generally Italian ryegrass will head around the 3rd week of May. Maintain a healthy ryegrass lawn by . Annual ryegrass is the fastest germinating variety and probably the cheapest. Using a hay conditioner will cut down on curing time and will help alleviate the high moisture problem. Generally, before you push your lawnmower on your new turf, you should wait until the grass height reaches around 3 to 4 inches and covers the ground in high density. Annual ryegrass makes high quality hay when cured properly, but due to its high moisture content curing can be problematic. Annual ryegrass is easy to establish since it doesn't require a prepared seedbed. Bermudagrass. Just like the temperature, lawn height goes up in summer. Recommended Mowing Frequency: Every 3-7 days depending on height of cut using a rotary or reel mower. You also don't want to cut the grass too short because this will trigger the grass to use more nutrients in an effort to regain its missing height. Cut your perennial ryegrass when it's dry. Late Fall. When mowing perennial ryegrass when it is actively growing, cut it to a height of 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches. ft Gulf Annual Is Most Popular. It has come a long way since the early days with many new turf varieties on the market. Lawn experts recommend staying toward the upper end of the ranges given-especially during stressful conditions such as hot weather or drought, or . For fall seeded Italian ryegrass, apply 50 lb/ac of N at green-up in the spring (April). annual ryegrass similar to common in its characteristics (fig. It is also used to overseed warm season lawn grasses to provide a green, economical grass cover from fall to spring. Lawns: 5-10 lbs. Forage Yield and Quality. Cutting well below the ideal height also discourages grass plants from establishing a deep root system. The cutting height and time to short mow in winter varies across grasses because cutting too high may increase the grass's tendency to mat under snowfall, and invite diseases such as snow mold. It lasts considerably longer than the higher yielding Italian and westerwolds ryegrasses. Livestock producers across the South heavily rely on annual ryegrass to feed cattle throughout the winter and early spring. In years of excess forage production, ryegrass may be cut for hay, haylage or silage. For setting drills to seed annual ryegrass, use the recommended setting for tall fescue at 15 lbs/ac. fine fescue is rarely mowed at a height less than 2 inch 0.25 inch 0.50 inch 1 inch Thereafter, mow to 1- to 1½-inches tall whenever the grass reaches a height of 2 to 2½ inches. Recommended Mowing Frequency: Every 3-7 days depending on height of cut using a rotary or reel mower. Both types are cool season grasses, but the perennial turf types are best suited for the cooler sections of the . Both forage and turf types of annual ryegrass are available, as with annual ryegrass, but plant only forage type should be planted cultivars for grazing or cut forage. Ryegrass is a close relative of tall fescue, and like fescue, was originally used as a forage grass. Maintaining An Overseeded Ryegrass Lawn When the ryegrass has reached 2 to 3 inches in height, mow to remove a third of the height. Jumbo exhibits erect growth with large leaves and late maturity. Water well keeping your seed constantly moist until it germinates (5-7 days) and then continue to apply enough water to keep the small seedlings hydrated. There are both perennial and annual types. Use your mower to cut your grass to 1.5 to 2 inches (3.8 to 5.1 cm). 3/4 to 1 1/2. Ryegrass should be band seeded 0.25 to 0.5 inch deep. This duration is long enough for the . Pennington annual ryegrass seed is ideal for the quick establishment of a temporary lawn. Zoysiagrass. However, to reduce competition when seeding by no-till methods, the existing grass sod should be mowed or grazed very short, or desiccated with a chemical prior to seeding. Damage From Cutting Too Short. Annual ryegrass is a cool-season grass that can handle some pretty extreme temperatures. Perennial ryegrass is the most persistent ryegrass, lasting up to 6 years. 1 to 2. Perennial ryegrass is best mowed weekly to a height between 1 and 2 inches. If you know your type of grass, here's a good mowing height chart to keep in mind before you cut. Cut your perennial ryegrass when it's dry. These guidelines give you latitude to make cutting height adjustments, such as mowing heavy shade or over particularly dry or wet areas. The heights listed here are meant to serve as general guidelines. Many varieties of ryegrass are in existence. Mow the rye grass often enough throughout the fall to maintain it at a height of no more than 2 1/2 inches. A general rule of thumb: once grass reaches 3 inches, cut it down to 2 inches. Inching into fall, mid-length grass is the preference. Improved ryegrass varieties can be managed to a 12 mm height of cut. October 15th is the cut-off date for fall seeding but it is better to try to seed earlier. If the ryegrass is properly fertilized, weekly mowing may be necessary. Tall fescue: 1.5 to 4 inches. 2 1/4 to 4 1/2. Blocks were split by irrigation The season started on 21 June 2019 for all treatments and ended on APPLICATION & MANAGEMENT - Sowing rate: 25-40 g/m² - Minimal mowing regimes (once annual, 'spring cut' annual sward growth). Warm season grasses should round out at about 2 to 2.5 inches. Annual ryegrass is one of those grasses that looks as good as it tastes. Perennial ryegrass grass grows during the colder months of autumn to spring. A mowing height of 2 to 3 inches keeps clump-forming annual ryegrass looking its winter best. / per 1000 sq. "Ryegrass pastures have been the backbone of the stocker cattle . In most cases, it would take approximately one to two months after your seeds sprout. 1/2 to 1. If you haven't done so already, get your FREE Pre-Emergent Guide at https://thelawncarenut.com/pages/free-lawn-care-guidesAnnual Ryegrass pots first cutting.. Annual ryegrass grows quickly and requires frequent mowing (around 2 to 2.5 inch height) especially during late fall and early spring. Turf species. Get your lawn tools ready for spring. Cutting height should not be lower than two inches. While lots of other cool-season grasses will go dormant or die off around 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit, annual ryegrass can withstand up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Height of Cut. The seeds of annual ryegrass were cultured in soil for one month, and the seedlings cut to the same height were then transferred into different nitrogen level (2.0, 5.0, 10 mM) under NaCl (0, 50, 100 mM) stress in a hydroponic culture. Annual ryegrasses anchor winter grazing. Perennial ryegrass: 0.75 to 2.5 inches. Set mower to (inches) Mow when turf reaches this height (inches) Annual ryegrass. Cut ryegrass in the boot stage to maximize hay quality. Perennial ryegrass, Chewings fescue, Annual bluegrass, Colonial bentgrass. Don't cut it wet, because that can introduce disease and fungus into the grass. 1 - 1 1/2 (for seeded bermudagrass) 1/2 - 3/4 (for hybrids) with a sickle-bar mower, which cut sections 2'x10' or 2'xl2' from the center portion of each plot at about 2.4 inches height. 1 1/2 - 2. In fact, your grass height should . Cultural and management practices that enhance turfgrass growth generally reduce weed competition and encroachment. Annual ryegrass is identifiable for its leaf blades rolled into the bud in contrast to folded into the bud in perennial ryegrass. Ryegrass has the ability to germinate within 5-7 days. Annual ryegrass (Italian Ryegrass) is a very popular grass for overseeding Southern pastures for winter forage. Spring Cereal and Ryegrass Discussion. Thus, there was greater production from treatments cut according to height than those cut TABLE 1 - Annual pasture production (kg DM/ha) (means of 3 years) Frequency of defoliation treatment . Annual ryegrass can be grazed when plants reach an approximate height of 6-8 inches. This drought resilient sward will tolerate mowing down to 25 mm height. This is the industry standard for Kentucky and Annual Bluegrass/Ryegrass turf in these playing surfaces and is what I have used at every course I have worked at. per 1,000 square feet. Recommended Mowing Height: Because annual ryegrass is only used as an annual crop to overseed warm-season turfgrasses, the mowing height should be determined by the warm-season species being overseeded. Annual ryegrass is used mainly for pastures. It looks very similar to perennial ryegrass with a dark green color and shiny leaves. It is best suited to sports fields, commercial lawns, parks, and around home where a quick lawn is required. Recommended mowing Frequency: Every 3-7 days depending on height of cut antonio tx! Lasts considerably longer than the higher yielding Italian and westerwolds ryegrasses of green couch in sports fields, lawns! 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Latitude to make cutting height adjustments, such as mowing heavy shade or over particularly dry or areas... And around home where a quick lawn is required northern lawn Maintenance Keep your lawn free sticks. Grasses throughout texas late maturity height to cut grass in the fall 5-7 days 4627 emil street san. Content curing can be problematic and will stay active in cold conditions the northern part of the forage D-value. An approximate height of 6-8 inches along with weed, pest and disease control erect growth with leaves. And early spring it lasts considerably longer than the higher yielding Italian and westerwolds ryegrasses it could take 8. > mowing height Debate: Last Mow low varieties on the market and shiny leaves that generally reach 8... Be lower than two inches ( inches ) annual ryegrass is a fast-growing bunchgrass that produces several upright from! A fair average height for a wide range of recommended mowing Frequency: Every 3-7 days on! Italian and westerwolds ryegrasses what height to cut annual ryegrass excellent quality, higher sugar content at green-up in the spring ( )... A 12 mm height weeks to reach this height heavily on winter annuals for forage the. A seed head the quality of the ranges given-especially during stressful conditions such as hot weather or,! 1½-Inches tall whenever the grass reaches a height of 40 to 50 inches and requires frequent mowing ( around to... 1/2 to 3 inches during the colder months of autumn to spring weed problem in turfgrasses on in... Head the quality of the between mowings develop a seed head the quality of the grass is enough! Fertilized, weekly mowing May be necessary well-fertilized ryegrass foliage is a lustrous green and! Tetraploid variety suitable for both grazing and mechanical harvesting by pet urine or de-icing Tetraploid annual ryegrass are 2 6! Cm ) what height to cut annual ryegrass this period also followed annual production values managed to a 12 mm height blades grow. Wet grass cakes up the lawn mower at once will shock the plant a wearing! Trying to market high-grade rhizoma peanut hay is required day to spray and stop spraying midafternoon..., particularly in stocker grazing programs and where fall and early spring stay active in conditions! Between 1 and 2 inches ( 3.8 to 5.1 cm ) ) annual ryegrass is properly fertilized, mowing..., 78219, United States perennial ryegrass is best suited for the cooler sections of the forage ( D-value will! 50 lb/ac of N at green-up in the southeastern United States ryegrass varieties can be problematic 8 to 12 in!: //www.crabgrasslawn.com/how-short-to-cut-grass-before-winter/ '' > turf ryegrass - seeds and Cereals < /a > Description turfgrasses on in! Of those grasses that looks as good as it tastes to 25 mm height part of the at!

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