breast numbness after open heart surgery

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the only thing like i said i was doing a little yard work and it started to brun . So tired of being sore, how long still??? But I push myself to deal with the pain until I got used to it and now 8 weeks later I can turn in the bed without a problem. Right after surgery, when my poor heart was beaten up senseless, and so tired and so weak, for month, everything, even breathing, walking up a flight of stairs very slowly, showering took a Herculean effort. ER 2x in first 4 months from fear mostly. Welcome back they said.. A month in now, doing better, but started with some trembling, i eat something, drink water, feel better, but it dont last. So its kinda normal to feel a certain way. The scar tissue constricts the nerve which reduces the transport of critical chemicals that the nerve needs to stay healthy. 2015;2:156-64. doi:10.4103/2347-9264.160878, (2) Liang JQ, Chen C, Zhao H. Revision Surgery after Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomy Compared with Primary Open Surgery for Symptomatic Lumbar Degenerative Disease. Everyday is different in regards to pain and my emotions but my biggest comfort is my family. Treating it as "normal" is a risky thing there could be all kinds of possible reasons for pain and some are serious. Have found God has given me the strength to bear it and am grateful and was not particularly religious but have dug deep to stay sane. This is after 5 years of struggling with high blood pressure, then low blood pressure, over 15 cardiac catheterizations and 8 stents, an MI and TIA. So clinch those fist, and give em hell. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Asthma but no heart issues previous to this. and i wasnt sure how much i should be doing . Wow, everyone, thanks for sharing! I had quadruple bypass after care flight got me to the hospital on Christmas Eve of last year. Plast Reconstr Surg. . They say it takes a year. Chest itches a bit, leg scars itch a bit. Having some trouble wrapping my mind around a possible 3rd operation, if I make it that long. Doctors told me I should have died months ago. I hope you can talk to your Dr. About the meds. But here you all are, and your struggles and victories, while unique, are also very similar to mine. I went roughly 8 mos thinking and being told I had a muscle sprain in my back that radiated down my left arm and burning in chest. Really depressed. It is unsettling not really knowing what normal is, but grateful to be alive. When mentioned to doctors . This will require a heart lun. I am a little over a year past my surgery. First time was 14 years ago with constructed valve made from material from a cows heart. It is hard for me to imagine being physically able to manage going back to work in a few weeks. I have a wonderful wife that has been there every minute, and family and friends that have been great also. Sue from Australia, on my 5 months post opsingle bypass with lima..i feel greatsometimes feel tired after a day of activity including work and drivingleft shoulder pain and upper back fatigueincision discomfort especially when poisturing my bodygenerally i feel finei am 56 yrs old and very happy to be alive and kicking.hpw are you there especially those 3 years up now?have a nice day, Ive also. You have to remember that your body is still figuring itself out after the severe trauma of heart surgery. Some days I feel great as long as I dont over do it. I've had all the tests, Heart Caths, scans, Echos, X-rays, Ekgs, Ecgs.. And now I'm going to have surgical vascular restoration with coronary bypass. Thank you Lord for placing each Angel in my path as I slowly gained mobility and strength! Read food labels for sodium content. I am going to try to get back to walking and watching what I am eating. It's very tempting to do things that we would normally do and add damage to the chest wall in those early months extending the chest wall damage out past a year. Like I said, three weeks ago I considered myself on deaths door I couldnt breathe day or night I was critically ill and dying fast. There will be days where you may not have those side effects & suddenly, one day, you can feel every side effect from your meds if they persist, you should mention it to your cardiologist, I just read vitamin D helps after heart surgery, Thanks for all your comments. My recovery has been ok physically the usual chest soreness and subsequent twinges and twitches around the site of the operation Im at the gym now 3 days a week for an hour of intensive aerobic work heart rate I control to peak at 130 bpm. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. did experience some memory loss, but seems to be coming back now. Im 12 years past a heart attack. also experienced complete visionary loss in one eye, and significant headache. If you have specific inquiries, please feel free to contact us at Will this pain go away ? My chest still hurts and is uncomfortable most days. Wish all of my fellow OHS patients a lifetime of wellness and happiness. I just had a mitral valve replacement, open heart surgery, endocarditis, mrsa of the blood stream, sepsis, a splenectomy, six strokes, and blood clots in both arms 7 months ago. So heres the good news for all. Even my fatty liver condition has reversed. Your doctor did the surgery through a cut, called an incision, in your chest. I needed both valves replaced and I have been given an internal pacemaker. Linda. No physical symptoms, and a 71 year old. Most of my life I have always felt like the toughest man to walk the earth. This has been good for me reading all your stories. I am 63 and recently had a bicuspid aortic valve replaced. I only started them tonight, the pain has eased ALOT, still have soreness but it's early days yet. I have had pain, numbness, and constant soreness in my right breast. I wake up in the middle of the night for hours, hence this post! Hi Debra.sorry to hear you are facing breathless problem.I was facing same issue when Dr. found blockage in me. It involves injecting medicine around a specific nerve or cluster of nerves. Last Forward to today March 27.unreal last night things progressed fairly well and to me, somewhat rapidly. Hi. He almost killed me. This has been an interesting journey. The one thing that has kept me really motivated to.hit all these goals is FAMILY, couldnt have done it without their support. How long did it take? My partner Bob had emergency open heart surgery (aortic arch replacement) on 22 March in the UK just days after having angioplasty (3 stents fitted). I think Im suffering from some depression. This ordeal has definitely showed me that I am not. You will feel tired and sore for the first few weeks after surgery. Leg still swells, chest incision very tender and itchy. It is nice to know Im not the only one in this boat. Im blessed. Sleep is still somewhat of an issue, because of rib and shoulder discomfort. Take care! I start cardiac rehab in about a week so hopefully that will help me to gain stamina. was told by a friend who is a nurse that people recover fast with the doctor i had do my surgery. Im wondering if part of this is due to the high doses of statin and beta blockers they put me on. I have read different reports, some more and some less encouraging. Im hoping sleeplessness is caused by the meds and I will eventually get some sleep. Once I quite taking that Cartia XT I started to feel like myself again. Fast heart rate that didnt slow down for hours, and two days of discomfort in my chest. Had aortic valve replacement and repair to my tricuspid valve six months ago. Talked to my cardiologist who wasnt concerned but I know Im not the only person to experience this and he didnt say it happens after bypass surgery sometimes. A lot of people told me it will take a year before some of the chest pain subsides. Another reported after 4 years the dizzy spells stopped. You sound like me. Age is 57 until a week ago strong and so much energy, it feels totally different now no energy average blood pressure is 160 over 78 heart rate around level is way down sleep a lot weak and can not put in a full days work.Any suggestions will help. Initially I was working from 10 am to 2:30 PM by going to my office then an hour sleep and then evening conference calls from home. Soon your partner Bob will be home and on his way to recovery, just like my partner. Doctor was hoping to do a triple but ended up only getting the widowmaker which was 100% blocked. Its a continuing problem. Im used to be very active and now Im pretty much limited to walking 3-4 miles daily. At this point, I really wish I had smaller breasts, cause its really uncomfortable and still cannot lay on either side or flat on my back. Hi. I am on all the same meds you are taking and was wondering if you were or had experienced any of the dizziness while on these meds?? Scott Sundick, MD, is board-certified in general surgery and vascular surgery. Both this and nerve pain can be similar, but by and large, nerve pain tends to feel more like electric shocks. On January 29 I underwent OHS and had a quadruple bypass. I am 70 never smoked, drank in moderation and always active. What with coping with the sternum pain as well, it was very painful. The difficulty sleeping throughout the night and the subsequent fatigue I constantly wrestle with. Last year I was involved in a car accident which resulted in a left shoulder injury. Don't Get Enough Food or Drink. Then, I felt the need to see a cardiologist after minor but recurrent pain in left shoulder. This is the top band area that I am talking about. My blood pressure is usually 156/92 (not good), but my heart dr says just monitor it for 3 months I am thinking of changing Drs. I had my last check yesterday (10th June 2020) and my cardiologist is now telling me we should start the process for me to have the op. Hey Vince, Hoping you are doing much better! I just wondered whether you or anyone else on this site experienced any similar post-surgery mood changes and did they last for long? Thank you all for sharing. I am lifting 30 plus pounds, but not over doing it. He said sternum intact & such pain is from muscle/rib retraction, referred pain etc & said it'll be better over next 3-6 months. I want to ask a question of anyone who has had open heart surgery and watched the Barbara Walter's special . I feel sourness in my chest and that has been scaring me. I was in cumadin but my numbers went from one to nine, very irratic. I myself remember basically nothing about the experience and during the first 2 weeks in the hospital I apparently became confused did not know where. Normal? Cardiologist tried to fix me with stents three times before they gave up and recommended surgery. After spending 3 weeks in the hospital I dont think I ever got my muscle strength back. Have my good days and bad days. None of this at all related to the original accident. I get dizzy and have double vision at times. One gentleman said that they had a porcine valve installed and were concerned with having to replace it in the future The doctors can now repair the valve by introducing a valve in valve replacement without having to bust open your chest again (specifically for older folks) I will check back from time to time and let you know how my recovery goes. I consider myself extremely lucky, not really much pain, no setbacks (yet? Little did I know my doctors would be out of the picture and the doctors at the rehab hospital would be in charge of my care. I have many issues resulting from liver, kidney, lung, and brain damage but lets focus on my heart. One thing I have noticed is excessive yawning, even if I dont feel tired. Ive always been positive & happy, but as I look back, I was feeling a little depression from feeling tired & miserable before the surgery, now that there is some Oxygen flowing, I generally feel great, I have a new lease on life! I look forward to be normal and be productive. Apply lidocaine patches to minimize pain and itching near your incision site. I grew frustrated in May 2019 after my annual physical ( which was good except for high cholesterol), when my legs, ankles and feet started to swell and I began to have pain in my legs that radiated up to my chest when walking. What with coping with the sternum pain as well, it was very painful. Avoid processed foods. The WomenHeart Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. The condition has not changed in the 6 weeks since my surgery. Ive had no swelling in my legs or anywhere. Wonder if it is the metoprolol? I think I may be getting another one. . A small 2019 observational study examined rates of sternal healing at midterm followup after open heart surgery. I think the worst days are behind me but as you all know the beginning is very tuff. No Afib, so much will hopefully improve. Hey Susan What is likely happening is that scar tissue and connective tissue has grown limiting the movement on the left side which is why the act of reaching causes pain. I performed the ultrasound-guided nerve hydrodissection with orthobiologics procedure a total of four times over about a year, injecting all around the nerves in the hand, the ulnar nerve at the wrist and elbow, and the nerves in the neck. For sure the first few months had its moments. I also have familial high triglycerides and have had 2 stents since 2014. I am horrified that I will have to undergo another OHS! Surgery-related chest pain signs include: Increasing pain with movement of the chest. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Taylor & Francis. The surgery involves taking a healthy blood vessel from the chest or leg area. I cycle, hill-walk on weekends with heavy back-packs. Contact him now on his email: drabakaspelltemple@gmail. Suddenly this March 2019, I had Shortness of breath and admitted in Hospital. Thanks Nicky. Im so hlad to have found people going through similar issues to me. Can Numbness and Tingling be Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis? Treatment options for nerve damage and pain after surgery include: How can you break up scar tissue around nerves? Thanks to all of you. I'm just so frustrated. Triple by pass on April of this year 2018.Could not have asked for a better out come. Tingling or numbness in your elbow or fingers. Stay tanned and you ll have a hard time even getting sympathy. Vince, Im sorry you have been going through this since you are 7. Anesthesia causes numbness on purpose. Five/six days later, had the OHS. Just like a lot of people on here, I have days were I feel great, and days when I feel like Im worse off than before my surgery. Some ways you can help ease swelling, bloating and stomach discomfort are: Gentle mobilisation (i.e. I too have good days and bad days. I How long is the sternum usually sore after open heart surgery? Keep walkingless and more often perhaps. It isnt easy, I am nothing like I was pre CABG x 4, mine was a fail, I was in the 2% of unsuccessful CABG patients YET, I am alive so, I consider that a success. I was put on Gabapentin for pain which did help but I just got off the medicine because I don't want to stay on it. I think I find my self having what I call Panic Attacks just out of the blue. google mountain view charge cash app; wect news bladen county; pin pricking sensation in left breast; pin pricking sensation in left breast. I have been out of the hospital for almost five months now and I can relate to every other comment above: pain, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, medicine, side effects, etc. Cardiologist said I have vertebral basilar insufficiency and recommended vascular surgery. Thank very much. I am diabetic which doesnt help. However, the biggest challenge to date has been spells of dizziness and light-headedness, referred to as Presyncope episodes. I am determined to keep up with my rehab and fight this but holy cow this is a tough one. We meet three inspiring women who wear their scars with pride, and explain advances in minimising scars. It has gotten some better but not completely. So they are not pushing him too much. I felt the rib/chest pain was getting better but about a week ago it felt worst and seems to feel tighter day by day. 70 year old, heavy smoker, on 4 May 18, heart attack 2 Stents inserted. She told me maybe I should see an. The worst part for me is still the numbness, burning of my chest incision, I suppose. I have tried various remedies with no improvement. I am looking for brighter days ahead! I had the triple bypass. my vision is not good and at time i get scared thinking i am getting blind. He told me I have heart murmur. My CABG (quad bypass) was last August 2016 and although I have healed, there have been set backs. As for anxiety and depression, check out Dr. Claire Weeks on the web. 2012;2(4):129131. So sorry for all the suffering and fear out there Why am I on this blog? Cycle, hill-walk on weekends with heavy back-packs you or anyone else on this blog sleep is the... Site experienced any similar post-surgery mood changes and did they last for long you Lord placing... 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