who cares tag question

We should not use any tag question with interrogative sentences like 'who cares' because it itself a question. All Rights Reserved. They could quit, they could not shower in the locker room, they could establish a separate shower for homophobesReport, If God didnt want straight men showering together, he wouldnt have invented football.Report, Obligatory Rev. Honestly, I think of you as representative of the kind of left wing I wish we had, not the one we actually do have.Report, The rock throwing and other property damage, Not sure what the laws are there and whether the buses were occupied when the rocks were thrown, but where I live rock-throwing into an occupied vehicle is a second-degree felony, since a thrown rock can cause great bodily harm or death.*. al final de las frases. I think he will pass the exam , won't he? Im not saying you cant criticize them. It might make for a fun comparison to the gentrified ones, if we can look at one of those.Report. We can add question tags like isn't it?, can you? I remember that rule says it depends on the main clause,however, I am a little confused about it. If I thought you did, I wouldnt have offered them to you as an example of stupid/evil leftism. And its not just understandable. Grammar; Study documents; I liked that I could find a good basketball run within walking distance. Im OK if *you* get all in-touch-with-your-body by yourself over there. Answers the questions. The Joker may have anti-social personality disorder. But it is just as important to note that Burkman is not some lone nutter from a backwater town. A tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence. Im in a currently-gentrifying neighborhood in Dorchester, a traditionally blue collar neighborhood of Boston. Look, I probably agree with a lot of you about gentrification and policy (and it isnt my expertise at all). No sarcasm intended. The GB protesters are a small bunch of loons with. Hes an ass. Hard. And it is our expectation that our question solution is 100% accurate. James, yeah, the city hall point is valid. 21 Likes, 3 Comments - PRATO 850 (@prato850) on Instagram: " Wings are the answer. In the given sentence it is been asked if someone cares. If I recall the film correctly, that means sexually excited. Theres lots of room for dispute over the scope of those effects, just as theres lots of room for dispute over the scope of gentrifications negative effects, but those effects exist nonetheless. If we start a tag question with expressions such as " I think ", " I suppose ", etc., we do not use the do I in the tag. Not to mention that through much of humanitys history, lobbing rocks at each other was THE way we killed each other.Report, Glyph, Not sure what to say about it. Then looked at yourself in the mirror?Report, Gays could at least pretend Im gay-desirable. He is aregular inactivefor Marie Claire Internationaland the Daily Beast, and is currently writing a book on the sudden rise of exorcisms in the United States. These protesters are undoing a lot of that work to me, they really do come off as protesting rank and file workers for having the temerity to work for an employer who treats them well. And what did I say about those people Brandon? I loved that I could look out my window and see the Hudson Palisades. Moreover, it is not morally vile to protest gentrification. The merely rich have a dity to help reduce inequality, too. But why do you think they do? En espaol estas preguntas simplemente se hacen agregando terminaciones como verdad?, cierto?, s?, o no?, no es as? Both sides do it! See, you shouldnt be liberal or conservative!Report, Sorry that should say symbol not symptomReport, I have no idea if this is meant to be sarcasm or not.Report, is not on par with the stupidity of 99% of religious conservativism, That is a particularly unkind statement to make in the context of trying to make a point about the superiority of one side.Report. 700+ Most Popular YouTube Tag Questions. It's called a rhetorical question, and it can end in either a question mark or an exclamation point, and in dialogue you can sometimes even have a speaker's rhetorical question end in a period (1). The answer to "Who Cares?" is making a precision connection with the reader with the need or problem. But the condescending attitude within that particular protest made me want to shake someone. People cant afford the housing costs, or the property taxes associated with higher home values, and are forced to get out, either by selling or by less savory means. The people protesting the buses are hipster transplants who have most likely lived in the area for less than 10 years. unless theyve chosen to work in the sex industry. P1: Those hippies did something weird in that protest. Indeed, theyre so far at odds that I have real trouble distinguishing between their protests and people who complain about birthright citizenship. They have lots of options. if your workers get sodding drunk whenever you pay them (and dont come in to work until Wednesday of next week), yeah, you do start putting in rules about not hitting the saloon.Report. by Editor. I think that as the proverbs are universal, the tag question should be always 'isn't it'. / . It happens. A tag question (UK English, question tag) is a construction in which an interrogative element is added to a declarative or an imperative clause. I disagree with it, but it isnt loony. Theyre 4- and 5-years-old. In a tag question, the speaker makes a statement, but is not entirely certain of the truth, so a tag question is used to get the confirmation from the listeners. You appear to think it does, and I dont really know why. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/02/spike-lee-amazing-rant-against-gentrification.html, So whites were the problem when they left and now they are the problem when they come back.Report, Meh, both sides have folks that say stupid stuff for the attention.Report, The longest month of the year comes to a close, From The Vanderbilt Hustler: Peabody EDI Office responds to MSU shooting with email written using ChatGPT. Do you think, even if we excluded rock throwers, Brandon or people with similar world views would think the Google Bus protesters significantly less mockable?Report, Do you think the rock throwing was the key point in what I said?Report. (And you should quote him directly, because given the context, saying the 1% are the problem might be true. And Ironically he may well loose the governors election this year anyway. So I answered your question, explaining the circumstances under which I would consider a BSDI response appropriate. Visit him atTodKelly.com. Tod is a writer from the Pacific Northwest. The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted reeks of entitlement. Some people are going to be private no matter what. And we mock them without, in the vast majority of cases, suggesting any other course of action.Report. A person who cares about what he sees and does is a person who's bound to have some characteristic of quality." I dont think you want real conversation. Another example of a rhetorical question is "Isn't she leaving?". I dont know how liberal you consider me but I criticized the protests for exactly this. So, I put it to you that the answer to the question of who cares that Michael Sam and Jason Collins came out is: a hell of a lot more people than you think. A client with severe chest pain would receive a red tag. They were only able to reclaim a few blocks, meaning we were still surrounded by a lot of abandoned houses. Obviously Im never going to convince you that both sides are equally bad, because many of the things I dislike about about the Democrats and the left are things you regard as selling points (not the bus thing, obviously, but other things) and thus not available for me to offer to you as examples. Well, this response misses my argument by quite a bit, but nevertheless, I have done that, Tod. She knows you, doesn't she? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Things did not spread instantly __ the whole nation, Spot the error in the given sentence (my guess is no, because the money men are an indispensable asset in the overall nomination process)Report. The teacher will help the poor student, won't he/she? Im pretty sure that mistakenly viewing Google buses as a symptom of the very real social inequality problem in SF is not on par with the stupidity of 99% of religious conservativism, like not favoring contraception distribution in countries that are suffering from the AIDS epidemic. James says city hall. What in the world has this nation come to?, Now to be fair, it should be noted that Burkman is a lobbyist and not a legislator, and that he is just publicly announcing the idea of a bill to outlaw gays in the NFL. Personally, Ive showered with some gay dudes (in a team sport environment) and i could FEEL teh gay eyes staring all over my hetro christian boooody. I just dont think these protests are loony or vile, in the way that AZs SB 1062 is vile and loony, even if the protests are based on what are arguably false beliefs about housing policy or who is responsible for such and such an aspect of inequality, or whatever.Report, Well, as long as were all agreed on who gets to decide what counts as sufficient integrationReport. One final thing: I get the impression that the Google Bus protests were somewhat spontaneous, at least at first. Theres no value judgements on my part; just the point that stalled gentrification is probably the norm outside of a few places like Frisco and Boston.Report. this is in contrast to krugmans claim that the left only has a problem with the top 1% and that taking about anyone making less than that is diverting attention from the real problem. Which is pretty much exactly the opposite of what I signed up for when I started taking concerns about inequality seriously.Report, Losing your apartment because of rent hikes (or the building being bought and removed from the rental market) is a tangible loss. Jane thinks that he will pass the exam, won't she? Re: the comment here: I sorry if it sounded like a cheap shot. A note at the bottom of a Feb. 16 email from the Peabody Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion regarding the recent shooting at Michigan State University stated that the message had been written using ChatGPT, an AI text generator. So I guess its appropriate to call it property damage, until it kills, blinds or brain-damages someone. This lesson is full of examples. Which is cool, live in your world, but your mocking them tells me more about you than it does about them. I didnt mean them to. I just cant put myself inside the head of someone who decides that the appropriate response to being outcompeted for a scarce resource is to rage at the people who outcompeted him. Negative question tags are usually contracted: It's warm today, isn't it (not . at the White Eagle Hotel & Saloon. The correlation (i.e. I always wonder about folks that assume that others are watching them.Report, I have to admit Im now sitting here trying to imagine a mother whose son is in the NFL, and therefore a really large adult male, and shes worrying about his safety in the shower with a gay man.Report. 4 Likes, 1 Comments - Vivienne Travis Fine Woodworks (@vtf_woodworks) on Instagram: "A beautiful, functional kitchen is the answer; who cares what the question is! The tense of the statement and the question tag must match. In this case, when the statement is positive, we use a negative question tag. * Id be hard pressed to make a determination of the rate of either but would probably say women outpace gay men here, too. This article has some question tags exercises you can try out to find how good you are with them. Tag questions are made using an auxiliary verb (for example: be or have) and a subject pronoun (for example: I, you, she ). Thomas saw a movie, wasn't he? I actually really liked living there. Of course there's a great deal more to successful healthcare advertising. The Get to know me tag is also called the "All About Me Tag" and "Questions About Me tag.". that doesnt make the way they treated black newcomers acceptable.Report. Let us check. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Which is cool, live in your world, but your mocking them tells me more about you than it does about them.Report, Stillwater: @chris The thing is that nothing youve said differentiates those concerns from the (presumably mockable) concerns raised by various social conservatives. (confirmation) Tag questions can also be used to ask a real question. Why do you assume you know what all straight men think? It might be pointless or misguided, but fine. I didnt, and still dont, understand what Tim was getting at in that post. From my perspective, Im someone who, thanks to the work of folks like Stillwater, has become persuaded that rising inequality is a legitimate issue. ] Th qu kh n5. (Did you know that while reporting on doing business with the military during the mid 2000s, I used to get invited to Bushs fundraisers by my sources with alarming regularity; and not just mass mailing emails, but personal invitations to share a seat at their mega-bucks table for free. Your style of analysis and mine are different. I was using what you wrote more as an example to demonstrate a point than to criticize anything you specifically wrote. And thats all Ill say on the topic. Clause Types With Tag Questions "Question tags are not independent clauses, but they do require a response, and are highly interactive.Structurally, interrogatives are abbreviated yes/no interrogatives consisting of an operator (either positive or negative) and a pronoun, which repeats the subject or substitutes for it.Question tags are attached to one of the following clause types: Of these . Alsotoo, I actually have criticized the GBus protestors for some the practices they engaged in (which is apparently necessary for me to maintain the high ground Im not interested in defending). Like I said, that says more about Brandon than it does about the protestors. Maybe Spike Lee can answer that questions given his racist rant about white folks. Unfortunately, people with money run things, and people with money tend to be more like Brandon than me in their view of gentrification and what the winners and the losers deserve, so the conversation often doesnt happen, or doesnt go anywhere, until people get so angry that they start protesting Google Buses. It is a remarkably important lesson to learn. Vikram, @chris Im engaging in a thread with Hanley right now where he specifically accused me of just that. But not morally vile. They mean something like: "Is that right?" or "Do you agree?" They are very common in English. Women already have an analogous protection: womens showers. These tags are often used to validate whether the given information is true or not. i [] Fearmongering, Magic Elixirs, and Demagoguery: Democrats and The Social Security Shortfall, Charity, Clout, and Moral Outrage: On MrBeast and Seeing. Zic: (I rather suspect if I went inside I would get beat up.) Tag questions (or question tags) turn a statement into a question. Depending on what youre trying to accomplish, the former route might be much preferred. Overly aggressive? Open the door, will you? We all want things we cant haveby adulthood people should understand that throwing a tantrum is not the appropriate way to deal with this. Youre right. They live in San Francisco, aren't they? My admittedly distant understanding of the people being pushed out by gentrification in SF is plenty of them are white ( they are the much derided hippies or hipsters or general weirdos).Report. Im not advocating we go full on nudist. Dobson reference to the value of grown men showering with young boysReport, Brandon, There are four colors and a wounded individual will be tagged one color based on their health status. You can probably get 10 shower heads along a wall if you dont partition them, but perhaps only 8 if you do. But people on the right that blame gays, minorities, the IRS or Obama for their own sinking financial and social net worth and anxiety about a changing world? You'll get to see and hear how to use tag questions in real life situations. Having to live in a world where two men can get married, much less so.Report, @mark-thompson (man, Im actually remembering to use the @s!). Gentrification is neither wholly bad nor wholly good, and its been my experience that which of the two valences one focuses on has a lot to do with which side of the gentrification equation one is on. I dont know about San Francisco, but here the capitol and city hall are the targets of protests pretty much all of the time, so no one really pays attention unless something unique happens. He looks around and speaks to himself. Its not like it would kill them.Report. ft. on a locker room with private areas, Im going to prefer the former. This is a giant slow pitch softball for Rs who want to start to change the publics perception of them on gays.Report, http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/02/24/jack_burkman_michael_sam_gop_lobbyist_s_cynical_ploy_to_ban_gays_from_the.htmlReport, K, If you think that large increases in evictions as a result of rapidly increasing housing prices, to take just one example of the effects that have led to the protests, is a bad thing, then Id ask you where and toward whom they should be doing their protesting. But Jesus, does it depress me that those are our two choices.Report. I like the fact it is slowly becoming a gay-borhood. I love the two-or-three nice restaurants. How many protesters were there? The problem is that "Who cares?" The problem is that "Who cares?" is already a question and so doesn't require a tag. The person, specifically the nurse who responds at the scene in the emergency department or on the medical-surgical unit, faces the ultimate challenge of their . Here is a collection of the most outstanding health care slogans in the entire industry. Seriously man, have you ever seen a gay porn star? and the mockery is part of a larger problem.Report, the hipster is the spiritual fear of americans that someone, somewhere, is making fun of them.Report, and if anyone thinks im making this heres an anti google article saying that the problem is that the google employees dont have there right cultural tastes, http://www.zdnet.com/culture-wars-in-san-francisco-neighborhoods-7000017228/Report, To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a joke is just a joke.Report, Yes, but as I asked above, how does gentrification begin?Report, Often, its with the building of a new highway. Computer programmers and systems analysts making more than this minimum do not have to be paid extra for overtime. We can look at gentrification as an end-state, or we can look at it as a process. by Vlad. That you put it that way tells me precisely that you dont live in their world. Chris: We use question tags to check whether something is true or to ask for agreement. So, basically, you are going to respond these questions so that we can know more about you. The protester hate middle class tastes (Id bet money that most of them have spoken about people who drink mass market beer in a condescending way). Homophobic laws in Arizona are vile and horrendous. I liked that people used the library for a whole bunch of different reasons.Report. Is it going to get them anywhere? But it seems like the normal burden of proof is consistently reversed: identify the political affiliation of the commenter, attribute partisan motivations to them unless proven otherwise.Report, Really Tod? Nevertheless, its impossible for me to ever get past the accusation that my views are determined by partisanship, even tho I criticize and disagree with liberals and Democrats all the time. Am I misreading this sentence if it seems to imply that the places that were gentrifying and then stopped are somehow less awesome than the places that kept on gentrifying? Dangit, now Im starting to sympathize with the protestors!Report, theres a difference between not liking mass market beer and mocking anyone who does. The reasons they are upset about the Google buses is that the people riding them boring nerds and not cool people. This is understandable. I like gentrification when it involves the transformation of derelict spaces into desirable ones and has an aggregate benefit on the local community. Arent those all independent things?Report, You thised a comment claiming that I had to remember (and presumably criticize) the GB protesters in order to have any claims to political superiority. Jul 12 2011 07:58:43. anonymous + 2. The rules of tag question | tag question | tag question . Gentrification, loss of what made SF a great community, growing income inequality, a failure of the upper middle class to try to integrate and live with lower classes, etc. The throwing of rocks at buses is the most egregious example, but the whole movement is rotten. He is the also a regular contributor on Fox Newsas well as a frequent guest political expert on both CNN and CNBC. Nope, it doesnt matter what I actually say, the fact that you view me as a liberals means that you get to apply your analysis to me and interpret my words and actions accordingly. @stillwater we all seem to measure others by our own yardstick; and when someone doesnt, when they actually consider something from beyond their own biases, nobody really believes it. It attributes to me (me personally!) so then krugman is lying when he claims that the problem is just the top one percent. Not the appropriate way to deal with this majority of cases, suggesting other... 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